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College English
1985 Issue 2
I pay for you all
zhu yin gu ;
Vocabulary Exercise
chen kai shan ;
Cloze Test
xu nan ;
dan fu shu dai ci neng fou yi qi yong ?
zhou wen zhi ;
Money Problems
qian wei min ;
zhe ju zi fu he yu fa ma ?
ge chuan ;
wo shi shi he wo bu xing
xiao yin ;
ye tan te shu tong wei yu
wang chun zheng ;
How to enlarge your vocabulary?
zhang shu ren ;
A Tribute to College English
xu yu xiong ;
shi tan give out steam
zhou jin kui ;
bu ding shi duan yu yu ming ci de ge lie xiu shi
zhang yun chun ;
the secret of lincoln s success in dealing with people
wang zuo yuan ;
ju mo jie ci
xiong he ;
aren t i xiao yi
yin yan guang ;
can yu to be able to bian yi
dong an xin ;
ci lei zhi jian wu hong gou
tian yu san ;
as yu that zai ji zhong jie gou zhong de bi jiao
xu guang rui ;
biao shi bi jiao de jie ci to
liu ya ;
The Love Letter
zhou pu hua ;
bu ke hu lue de ci xu bian hua
lin jian rong ;
the ups and downs of life
yi bing ;
bring, take or fetch?
chen hua ping ;
Electric fish
yang fang lin ;
how does your brain work?
li shu xian ;
liu zu wei ;