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Tribune of Political Science and Law(Journal of Ch
2007 Issue 2
Balance of Trade and Environmental Protection in Technical Barriers
mo shi-jian(china university of political science and law; beijing 100088)
fa zhi yu he xie she hui shou jie zhong guo fa zhi lun tan zong shu
zhang bao sheng ; he miao
Categorization of Object of Crime
xue rui-lin(china university of political science and law; beijing 100088)
On the Nature of Juristical Act
li ai-jun; liu shao-jun(china university of political science and law; beijing 100088)
2006 nian fa lv shi xue ke xin jin zhan
zhang zhong qiu ; chen zuo
On the Characteristics of China's Legal Modernization Since 1978
huang wen-yi(jilin university; changchun; jilin province 130012)
A Comparative Study on Hu Shi and Zhang Junmai' Thinking of Liberty
zhang zhen-guo(hebei economic and trade university; shijiazhuang; hebei province 050061)
Removal of Demons and Restructuring:Transplant and Localization of Criminal Procedure Law
wang hai-yan(national school of administration; beijing 100089)
On the Human Values of Economic law
hu guang-zhi(chongqing university; chongqing 400030)
The Influence of National Mentality Over China's Legal Modernization and its Contemporary Value
wu zeng-ji(nanjing normal uniersity; nanjing; jiangsu province 210097)
Why not Legal Method
wang xia-hao(china university of political science and law; beijing 100088)
Modernization of Legal System:a Western spirit?
qi yan-ping(china university of political science and law; beijing 100088)
The Tendency of Rule of Law Reform in Restructuring Modernity
ma chang-shan(heilongjiang university; harbin 150080)
Modern Crimes in the Perspective of Value Philosophy
ren xiang (china people s public security university; beijing 100038)
The Thinking on the Function Cause from the Custody of Property
yang chun-hua(ji nan university; guangzhou; guangdong 510632)
Return and Restructuring:the Origin of Service Administration in China
zhang shu-yi; cai le-wei(china university of political science and law; beijing 100088)