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Tribune of Political Science and Law(Journal of Ch
2006 Issue 3
On Historical Evolution of the Values of Criminal Litigation
zeng you-xiang(south china university of technology; guangzhou; guangdong province 510006)
How was the Concept of “Law” Used——Comparative Study:Discourse Practice in Modern Chinese and Western Communication
liu xing (zhongshan university; guangzhou; guangdong province 510275)
Interaction between Regulation and Law:the Starting Point and Path to the Theorematic Research of Economic Law
xu xiao-song(china university of political science and law; beijing 100088)
Incomplete Circulation——The Historical Development of “System of Criminal Theory” in Modern China
che hao(peking university; beijing 100871)
On the International Harmony of Economy Rules and Systems
by junji nakagawa (japanese)~1; translated by bai ba-gen~2(1.tokyo university; tokyo; japan 113-0033; 2.south china university of technology; guangzhou; guangdong province 510006)
“Responsibility to Protect” and International Legal Order
li shou-ping(beijing institute of technology; beijing; 100081)
Dialectic “Yi Zhun Hu Li” of the Codes of Tang
su yi-gong(chinese academy social sciences; beijing 100720)
On Successive Joint Crime
hou guo-yun(china university of political science and law; beijing 100088)
On the Relationship:Discovery, Right of Silence and Plea Bargaining——And on Several Issues on Chinese Law Reform
ji xiang-de(chinese academy of social sciences; beijing 100720)
The Rational Restore:From Policy Orientation to Legal Control——The Legislative Notion and Orientation of Correction Law on Unlawful Acts
cheng xu(guangdong institute of police; guangzhou; guangdong province 510232)
du wei bo fa lv she hui xue zha ji
dong yan bin
Study on the Proper Law on Prohibition on Business Strife Agreement Concerning Foreign Labor Disputes——From the Angle of the Disputes between Microsoft and Google
shan hai-ling(southeast china institute of political science and law; shanghai 200042)
Questions and Misunderstanding:Challenge on Criminal Trial by Default
zhang xiao-ling(chinese people s public security university; beijing 100038)
lao dong zhai quan yu jin rong zhai quan
yang fu zuo
The “Integration” and “Common” of the Research on Economic Law
zhang shou-wen(peking university; beijing 100871)
The Reason why Law can’t be Believed
zhang yong-he(southwest university of political science and law; chongqing; 400031)