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Tribune of Political Science and Law(Journal of Ch
2002 Issue 5
On the Redemption of the Early Western Han Dynasty
zhang jian-guo
On the Purpose of Illegal Possession of Contract Swindle
li ying-cai
Issue of the Repeated Prosecution in Criminal Proceedings
chen rui-hua
qiu shang cheng jing pin wen da dao xue shu zhong guo zheng fa da xue ke yan fa zhan lun tan zong shu
du xue liang ; man xue hui ; guo rui qing
To Strengthen Civil Legislation and Guarantee Social Credit
wang li-ming
On Legal Facts and Objective Facts
kong xiang-jun
Analysis of the Inert Factors in the Judicial Procedure of Qing Dynasty
guo cheng-wei; meng qing-chao
Preliminary Discussion on Network Complicity
zhao bing-zhi; zhang xin-ping