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Tribune of Political Science and Law(Journal of Ch
2002 Issue 3
On Doctrine of Liability Fixation in Product Liability of China
zhou xin jun; rong ying
On Several Aims in Drafting the New Bankruptcy Law
wang wei guo
Reshaping the Spirits of Private Law in the Bankruptcy Law
li yong jun
On Legal Person's Mental Compensation for Damage
zhou li min
lun hei shao zhong de xing zheng fa wen ti
gao jia wei ; zhang yu lu
Preliminary Probe into the Right to Education
qu xiang fei
qu xin jiu
A Talk on the Understanding of the Facts in the Cases of Criminal Proceedings
li bao yue zhang; hong mei
Value of the Principle of Excluding Illegally Obtained Evidence
yang yu guan
Several Important Issues in Drafting the Bankruptcy Law
li shu guang
Legal Analysis on Manipulating Securities Exchange Prices
luo wen yan
hei shao xing wei bu neng yi fan zui lun chu
wang zuo fu ; tian hong jie