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Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
2006 Issue 5
What Kind of Basis Do We Really Need?——A New Exploration into the Basis of Innovation under the Philosophy of the New Curriculum
wu yong-jun (school of education science; nanjing normal university; nanjing jiangsu 210097; china)
The Unification of Structure and Function in Mathematics Problems Transformation
sun xu hua ; huang yi ying ; lin zhi zhong ; zhang dian zhou
Timetable: Problems and Suggestions
zhang xiao-yu (college of education and science ; wenzhou university; wenzhou zhejiang 325027; china)
On the Forms Realizing Teaching for Understanding
hao ming-jun; jin yu-le (college of education ; south-went university; chongqing 400715 ; china)
The Ecology-oriented Physics Teaching Based on Situational Learning Theories
zhang wei ; guo yu ying
On the Right Utilization of References in History Teaching
wang jian li
The Interaction and Development of Teacher Cultivation Model and Higher Teacher Education
ye ying-hua; liu xuan-wen (psychological department; zhejiang university ; hangzhou zhejiang 310036 ; china; research institute for children; zhejiang normal university 321004 ; china)
On the Reading Practice for Primary School Students in Higher Grades
lu zhong yi ; jia ning ; fan ying ru
Constructing Research-based Curriculum with Local Features——Taking the Curriculum Reform in Shanghai as an Example
xi ding-hua (teaching and research section of shanghai educational committee; shanghai 200041; china)
Rhetoric and Chinese Teaching in Secondary Schools
zhou yi-min (college of chinese language and literature; beijing normal university ; beijing 100875 ; china)
Seeking for the Origin of the Wisdom of Moral Education
cheng shang rong
Philosophical Thought on Scientific Inquiry Teaching
ying xiang dong