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Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
2005 Issue 5
On the Essence and Characters of Teaching Humor
pin jie; song nai-qing (south west normal university; chongqing 400715 ; china)
Achievements and Problem Reflection of the New Curriculum Teaching Reform
yu wen-sen (college of education science and technology; fujian normal university; fuzhou fujian 350000; china)
The Scientific Inquiry and Technological Design in STS Problem Solving
zhou shi dong ; zheng chang long
jiao yu xue bao chuang kan
qi jiu
Analysis on the Functions of Mathematics Diaries
jiang qiao jun
On Classroom Teaching Abilities of Chinese Teachers
cheng xiang
The Research-based Learning Based on the Internet
liu hai tao ; tan rong bo
Some Thoughts on the Curriculum Standards
cao pei ying
On the System of Teaching Forms
cai wei (college of humanities ; zhejiang normal university; jinhua zhejiang 321004 ; china)
The Chasing of the New Things and the Teaching Reform
wang jian jun
mei guo sat kao shi gai ge
qiao liang
On Some Problems of On-line Geography Teaching
hu liang min ; zhang guang hua
Problems and Strategies of New Curriculum Teacher Training
du zhi qiang ; jin yu le