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Economic Research Journal
2016 Issue 10
Growth Leap: Economic Structure Servicizing,Knowledge Process and Efficiency Mode Remodeling
Yuan Fuhua;Zhang Ping;Liu Xiahui;Nan Yu;Institute of Economics;CASS;
Large Country Effect,Transaction Cost and Economic Structure:A General Equilibrium Analysis of Rich and Poor Countries
Li Junhua;Ouyang Yao;Hubei University of Economics;Hunan Normal University;
An Analysis of the Benefit Mechanism of the Interactions between the Central Bank and the Public
Li Laya;The Institute of Economic Development and Reform;Huaqiao University;
Nonlinear Transmission between CPI and PPI:Production Chain and Price Expectation Mechanisms
Sun Jianqiang;Cui Xiaomei;Cai Yumei;South China University of Technology;Sun Yat-sen University;
Impacts of Income and Urbanization on Urban Home Appliance Consumption
Lin Boqiang;Liu Chang;Xiamen University;
Rural Infrastructure and Inclusive Growth in China
Zhang Xun;Wan Guanghua;School of Statistics;Beijing Normal University;Shanghai Finance Institute;Research Institute for Indian Ocean Economies;Yunnan University of Finance and Economics;
Can External Regulation Improve the Performance of State-owned Enterprises?
Sheng Dan;Liu Canlei;Institute of International Economics;Nankai University;
Venture Capital,Innovation Capability and Post-IPO Performance
Zhang Xueyong;Zhang Yeqing;School of Finance;Central University of Finance and Economics;School of Economics and Management;Tsinghua University;
To Be Inactive or Overactive:Political Incentives in Firm Investment
Jin Yuchao;Jin Qinglu;Xuan Yang;Shanghai University of Finance and Economics;
Payroll Tax Deduction and Corporation Payroll Arrangement
Han Xiaomei;Gong Qihui;Wu Liansheng;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;Zhejiang University;Peking University;
Pricing the Risk of Implicit Government Guarantee:Evidence from Chinese Corporate Bond Market
Wang Bosen;Lv Yuanzhen;Ye Yongxin;Guanghua School of Management;Peking University;
The Public Rental Housing Mechanism with Incomplete Information: An Experimental Study Based on Preference Revelation Strategies
Deng Hongping;Luo Jun;Central China Normal University;Real Estate Development Research Center;Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics;Zhejiang University;
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