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Economic Research Journal
2011 Issue 1
Can Rural Industrialization Keep Working in China?
Zhong Ninghua
The Effect on Rural Labor Mobility from Registration System Reform in China
Sun Wenkai;Bai Chongen and Xie Peichu
Exchange Rate System,Financial Accelerator and Economical Undulation
Yuan Shenguoa;Chen Pingb and Liu Lanfenga
On the Technical Efficiency of New Product in Chinese Provincial Industry
Zhang Haiyanga;b and Shi Jinchuana
The Independence of Independent Directors:Evidence from Board Voting Behavior
Ye Kangtaoa;Zhu Jigaob;Lu Zhengfeic and Zhang Ranc
The Impacts of Agglomeration on MNE’s Location Choice in China
Yu Pei and Sun Yongping
Social Equality,the Disinterested Government and Economic Growth in China
He Daxinga and Yao Yangb
A Game Analysis on the SMEs’ Group Lending Reputation Model
Xie Shiqing and Li Siguang