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Economic Research Journal
2004 Issue 1
An Economic Research on Anti-dumping Alarming of Exports
fang yong & zhang erzhen (department of international economics and trade; nanjing university)
Increasing Return,Development Strategy and Regional Economic Segmentation
lu ming; chen zhao & yan ji (fudan university)
Growth Analysis of Chinese Insurance Industry
luan cuncun (institute of economics; cass)
China's SOE Reform under Oligopolistic Market Structure:Implications for Optimal Choice of State-owned Stock Ratio
sun qunyan; li jie & zhang anmin (lingnan college; sun yat-sen university; university of british columbia)
di san jie zhong guo qing nian jing ji xue zhe lun tan zong shu
li guang zhong ; li sheng lan ; chen tao
Service Industry and China's Economy:Correlation and Potential of Faster Growth
jiang xiaojuan & li hui (institute of finance and trade economy; cass)
Factor Mobility and Dispersion in Marginal Products:A Case on China
gong liutang & xie danyang (guaghua school of managment; peking university; imf institute)
Incentives in Network Expansion:With Examples from Grid
que guanghui (graduate school; chinese academy of social science)
gong si zhi du de zhi li you hua gong si zhi li du hou gan
zhang jun xi ; li jian biao
Land Tenure,Tenure Security and the Development of Farmland Rental Markets:Theory and Evidence from Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Shandong Provinces
tian chuanhao & jia shenghua (school of management; zhejiang university)
The Effects of Anti-dumping Measures on Relating Industries——Input/Output Analysis of Price Effects of Anti-dumping Duties
zhu zhongdi & bao xiaohua (shanghai university of finance and economics)
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Developing Countries with Endogenous R&D
zhu dongping (faculty of economics; osaka university of economics and law)
Analysis on the Regional Disparity in China and the Influential Factors
wang xiaolu & fan gang (national economic research institute; china reform foundation)