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Economic Research Journal
2002 Issue 6
Bargaining among the Stakeholders and Corporate Governance
zhou peng & zhang hongzhi (dongbei university of finance and economics) (limac company ltd.)
A Non-equilibrium Analysis of RMB Exchange Rate and the Macro-efficiency of Exchange-rate System
chen ping & wang xi (ling nan school; zhong shan university)
Capital Formation,Industrialization and Economic Growth:Understanding China's Economic Reform
zhang jun (school of economics; fudan university)
Ownership,Institutional Environment and Efficiency of Corporate Governance
liu hanmin (school of business qingdao university)
Banking Structure and the Small-Medium-Sized Enterprise Financing
lee zhiyun (china center economic research; peking university)
Characteristics of the Industry Prone to Price Competition and the Firms' Strategic Behavior
an tongliang & yang yuyun (school of business; nanjing university)
Relationship Lending to Small Business and the Bank Organizational Structure
zhang jie (college of economics; jinan university)
The Positive Study of the Investment Behavior of Peasant Household
guo min & qu yanfang (school of economics; peking university) (school of management; fuzhou university)
Brief Expounding the Academic Value and Developing Basis of the Theory of Surplus Value
wang zhenzhong & pei xiaoge (institute of economics; chinese academy of social sciences)
The Scope of Public Expenditure:Analysis and Definition
liu shangxi (research institute for fiscal science; minsitry of finance)