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Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
2009 Issue 11
RP-HPLC determination of content of N-[3-[3-(dimethylamino)-1-oxo-2-propenyl]-phenyl]-lacetamide and its related substances
ZHANG Hong-xia;HUANG Rong-qing;XIAO Bing-kun;YANG Jian-yun
HPLC determination of prolonium iodide injection
WANG Fa1;FAN Bao-juan1;CHENG Sha2;WANG Rong2
Research on multiple statistic evaluating method of quality for Polygala tenuifolia quality
FANG Min-feng;ZHANG Wen-juan;FU Zhi-ling;YUE Ming;ZHENG Xiao-hui;ZHAO Gui-fang;Ministry of Education;The College of Life Sciences;Northwest University;Xi’an 710069;China)
Easy for 1st international forum of rapid drug test
CHEN Wei-zhen;YU Bao-zhu;YANG La-hu
HPLC determination of cinnamaldehyde in Wen-wei Yaojiu
GUO Yong-li;XIANG Jing-lian
Progress of reaseach on vaccine of Enterovirus 71
LIU Gang;YAO Xin;LI Fengxiang
UPLC-MS/MS determination of nicardipine hydrochloride in human plasma
ZHANG Lei1;LI Peng-mei1;LIU Xiao1;CHE Hui2;ZHANG Xiang-lin1
HPLC-UV-ELSD simultaneous determination of major component contents in Tanreqing injection
WANG Jue;QU Hai-bin;SHAO Qing
Study on relative molecular mass distribution of protein and peptide in donkey-hide glue by gel exclusion chromatography
WANG Bing2;XIAO Xin-yue1;CHENG Xian-long1;TIAN Shou-sheng3;LIN Rui-chao1
Research on method for measurement of the dynamic viscosity of vitamin A palmitate gel
WANG Lin-bo;LIU Wei;CHEN Zhu-kang
Simultaneous HPLC determination of three sesquiterpenes content in Oleum Curcumae
ZHANG Peng1;ZHU Ming2;TANG Deng-feng2;XIANG Zhi-min2;CUI You3
Molecular design and prediction of bioactivity of chimeric calcitonin
WANG Yu-mei1;ZHOU Yi-jiang2;ZHANG Xue-cheng2
HPLC determination of ginsenoside Rg_1,ginsenoside Re in Jiangtang Ziyabiti tablets
LI Shun-zhong1;YANG Wei-xing2
Evaluation of measurement uncertainty for the determination of β-caryopyllene in Mujing oil soft capsules by GC internal standard method
WEI Hui-zhen1;RAO Yi1;LI Xin-nan2;ZHANG Jie2;CHEN Yan-jun2;XIE Fei2;QIU Wei-hua2
Study on RP-HPLC specific chromatogram of Ganoderma lucidum Karst.
ZHAO Jia1;CHEN Xiao-hui2;FU Chun-wang1;BI Kai-shun2
LC-MS/MS determination of amitriptyline in human plasma
WANG Xian-qin1;WU Jian-zhang2;LI Yan-xia1;ZHANG Yua1;WANG Xue-bao1;LIN Dan1;YE Fa-qing1
Determination content of imidol hydrochloride by HPLC and non-aqueous potentiometric titration
XU Li-jia1;CHEN Xiao-hui1;LIU Zhong-bo1;GONG Ping2;YU Zhi-guo1;BI Kai-shun1
Capillary GC determination of cresol and saponated cresol solution
YU Da-hai1;SU Jia-yan2;LI Qing-min1
RP-HPLC determination of the related substances of lovastatin
JIANG Jian-guo;ZHANG Xi-ru;GAO Yan-xia;QIE Bing-bing
Determination of lipid emulsion prostaglandin E_1 by HPLC with post-column derivatization
YUAN Xin-rong1;QIU Zhi-bin1;WANG Dong-kai2
GC determination of β-element,curcumol,germacrone and curdione of zedoary turmeric oil
LI Xiang;SUN Yan-tao;ZHANG Zhen-qiu;HU Bei;LIU Shu-chang
Study on HPLC fingerprint chromatography of Yiqifumai injection
ZHOU Dan-dan1;2;3;WANG Yun-hua3;LI Fan3;YANG Yue-wu3;ZHOU Da-zheng3;WANG Gang-li2;WANG Zheng-tao1;LIN Rui-chao2;YE Zheng-liang3
HPLC-MS simultaneous determination of four constituents in Hongzhu Callrhinus pills
ZHANG Zhen1;WEI Chun-min;YUAN Gui-yan;WANG Ben-jie;ZHANG Rui;GUO Rui-chen
Optimum stir-bake with saltwater technology on Cortex Eucommiae by multiple indexes orthogonal test
ZHANG Ping;ZHANG Nan-ping;LIN Rui-chao
Analysis of impurities of new compound trantinterol hydrochloride
WANG Xiao-li1;DONG Yu1;PAN Li2
Verification of methodology on the microbial limit test for Niuhuangshangqing capsules
ZHANG Wen-ting;LIU Xu-ping
HPLC-MS/MS quantitative determination of mosapride and its metabolite in human plasma
PAN Qun1;2;QIN Yong-ping1;XIANG Jin1;LIANG Mao-zhi1;YU Qin1;NAN Feng1
HPLC simultaneous determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride and tropicamide in drop eye liquid
SUN Yu-jing;ZHOU Li;WANG Ting-ting;YAN Xiao-na;LIU Xia
Approach on test of related substances in oxaliplatin for injection
FU Ping;LAN Wan-ling;ZHANG Lei
Improvement and perfect for the model-marketed drug sampling and testing on the essential of implementation plan for qualitative evaluation
ZHANG Chi1;GUO Zhi-xin1;ZHU Jia-liang1;ZHU Jiong1;JIANG Dian-cai1;HUANG Zhi-lu1;REN Chun2
Determination of fusion between liposomes and cell membranes by fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay
WANG Ru-tao1;2;CHEN Tao1;2;3;WANG Zhao1;2;ZHANG Yang2;3
Determination of residual solvents in macroporous resin extracts by Head-space capillary gas chromatography
LIU Dong1;2;YANG Jing-zhi 2;DU Shou-ying1;ZHANG Dong-ming2;ZHAO Li-min2;CHEN Wen1
Study on the prophylaxis against ETEC diarrhea by locally produced oral cholera vaccine
ZHAO Guo-xiong1;GENG Yu-hong2;JIA Li-jun1;XU Wen-xiang1;ZENG Ming1
The comparison of the quality standard of insulin in ChP with those in BP,USP and JP
ZHANG Ge;DONG Jing;TANG Yue;ZHU Jia-bi;CHEN Xi-jing
Identification of diazepam and clonazepam illegally added in traditional Chinese medicine by TLC coupled with MS
LIU Yuan-rui;GE Hai-sheng;WANG Jie;ZHAO Kang-hu
Study on donepezil hydrochloride selective electrode
REN Ling-yan;XU Gang;Liu Huo-an
Study on bacterial endotoxins test of disodium cantharidinate and vitamin B_6 injection
WANG Gui-ying;TANG Ji-kun;PAN Zheng-xing
Determination of the content and related substances of sodium sulbactam by non-ionic chromatography system
YING Guo-hong;WANG Yu;DENG Ying;LIU Min
Pharmacokinetics,tissue distribution and excretion of glufosfamide in animals
LI Bao-qiu1;2;GAO Yan-hui1;FANG Shi-hong2;YANG Qing-min3