HPLC Determination of Alfuzosin and its Tablets
liu yu-zhen~1 nie xin-yong~1 liu yu-ting~2 yuan li-hua~2 (1.hebei university of science and technique college of chemical and pharmaceutical; shijiazhuang 050018; 2.hebei pharmaceutical research institute; shijiazhuang 050061; china)
The Application of Sensor Technology in the Pharmaceutical Analysis in vivo
chen sheng-li~1 ma chang-qing~1 deng an-ding~2 ren shu~3 (1.department of pharmaceutical analysis; tongji pharmaceutical college of huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan 430030; china; 2.the 457 th hospital of chinese people s liberation army; wuhan 430012; china; 3.institute of environmental medicine; tongji medical college of huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan 430030; china)
Study on the Extracts of Tilia mongolica Leaves and Its Chemical Constituents
wang jing-yuan~(1; 2) tian fu-li~(1**) fang li~1 david tucker~3 (1.school of chemistry and chemical engineering; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china; 2.inner mongolia enter-exit inspection and quarantine bureau; huhhot 010021; china; 3.department of chemistry; university of new england; armidale; new; australia)
Studies on the Stability of Propolis Liniments
liu xiang~1 liu zhen~2 duan geng-li~2 (1.department of pharmacy; guiyang medical college; guiyang 550004; china; 2.department of pharmaceutical analysis; fudan university; shanghai 200032; china)