Θ-type Calderón-Zygmund Operators with Non-doubling Measures
Ru-long XIE 1;2 ; Li-sheng SHU 3 1 School of Mathematical Sciences; University of Science and Technology of China; Hefei 230026; China 2 Department of Mathematics; Chaohu University; Chaohu 238000; China 3 Department of Mathematics; Anhui Normal University; Wuhu 241000; China
Solutions to BSDEs Driven by Both Standard and Fractional Brownian Motions
Wei-yin FEI 1 ; Deng-Feng XIA 2 ; Shu-guang ZHANG 31 Department of Applied Mathematics; Anhui Polytechnic University; Wuhu 241000; China2 Department of Applied Mathematics; Anhui Polytechnic University; Wuhu 241000; China3 Department of Statistics and Finance; University of Science and Technology of China; Hefei 230026; China
Complex Dynamics in a Discrete-time Predator-prey System without Allee Effect
Xian-wei CHEN 1;2 ; Xiang-ling FU 1 ; ZHU-JUN JING 2;31 School of Mathematics and Computational Science; Hunan University of Science and Technology; Xiangtan 411201; China 2 Department of Mathematics; Hunan Normal University; Changsha 410081; China3 Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100190; China