on the edge-binding number of some plane graphs
liu linzhong (department of management engineering; lanzhou railway insttiute; lanzhou 730070; china) zhang zhongfu (institute of applied mathematics; lanzhou hailway institute; lanzhou 730070; china) wang jianfang (institute of applied mathematics; acad
a fixed-parameter-tractable algorithm for set packing
zhang chuanlin (department of mathematics; jinan untvereity; guangzhou 510632; china) jia weijia (department of computer science; city university of hong kong; hong kong; china) chen jianer (department of computer science; texas a&m university; college s
enumeration of maps on the projective plane
hao rongxia (department of mathematics; northern jiaotong university; beijing 100044; china) cai junliang (department of mathematics; beijing normal university; beijing 100875; china) liu yanpei (department of mathematics; northern jiaotong university; b
a note on finite element wavelets
shen qiuhui (department of scientific computing and computer application; zhongshan university; guangzhou 510275; china) chen hanlin (institute of mathematics; academy of mathematics and system science; chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100080; china)
hamiltonian decomposition of complete bipartite -hypergraphs
jirimutu (department of mothematics; inner mongolian national university; tongliao 028043; china) wang jianfang (institute of applied mathematics; academy of mathematics and system sciences chinese acodemy of sciences; beijing 100080; china)
on generalized hamiltonian systems
cheng daizhan (institute of system sciences; academy of mathematics and system sciences; chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100080; china) xue weweimin ; liao lizhi (department of mathematics; hong kong baptist university; kowloon tong; hong kong; chin