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Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology
2002 Issue 4
On Functions of Roofs
tang yun-jao (department of civil engineering. zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008 ; china)
The Condition Monitoring and Design of Engineering Mechanism
wu ji ping 1 ; wu yun xin 2 (1.zhuzhou institute of technology zhuzhou 410083; china; 2.central south university changsha 4120083; china; )
The Methodology of Functionalism in Translation Elements
wu ruo mei; xiong guo jian (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Absorbing UV and Transparent Packaging Material
xiang xian wei 1; 2 ; chen xiao qing 2 (1.college of packaging and printing; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china; 2.college of chemistry and chemical engineering; central south university; changsha 410075; china)
Introduction to Machine Vision System and Its Applications in Modern Packaging Industry
xie yong 1; peng tao 2 (1.college of packaging & printing; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008 ; china; 2.department of electronic engineering; zhozhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
The Design and Implement of a Network Management System of Stamp
zhzng xiao mian 1; liu song 2; gu yuan 1 (1. school of information engineering shenzhen university; shenzhen 518060; china; 2.information center of hunan province government; changsha 410001; china)
3D Animation:Its Demands to Hardwares&Softwares and Creative Process
fang min (art department ; xiangtan normal university; xiangtan 411100; china)
The Viscoelastic Solid Model with Fractional Order Derivative and Its Applications
liu zhao-hui 1; zhang wei-min 2 (1. hunan higher technical school of light industry ; changsha 410015; china; 2.institute of fundamental mechanics and material engineering; xiangtan university; xiangtan 411105; china)
Research on Modem Electro-Design Technology
tan hui sheng (department of electronic engineeing ; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
A Finite Element Dynamic Model of Finite Rotation Plane Flexile Beam
tang hua ping 1; xiong yong gang 2 (1.central south university; changsha 410083; china; 2.zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Method of Grey Prediction for the Bearing Capacity of Large-diameter Piles
xiao hong bin 1; ruan bo 2 (1.department of civil engineering; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china; 2.school of civil & architecture engineering; central south university; changsha 410075; china)
The Research on the Self-cleaning Technology with Twisted Tapes forCondensers Equipped for Steam Turbines
yu tian tan; peng de qi; yu xiu min; jiang shao qing; liu gui ying; zhi xiao heng; wu ruo mei; ning li wei ning li wei; wu ruo mei (mechanical clean institute; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Analys is of Deformation Mechanism of Flexible Single Pile and the Calcanlation of Bearing Capacity and Settlement
liu jie 1; zhou li hua 2 (1.zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china; 2.zhuzhou institute of city-country building design; zhuzhou 412005; china)
The Development of Solenoid Magnetic Field Measuring Apparatus
yan qin yun; wen jing; du fang bin; xia xiang fang (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Light and Building Photography
li ying (college of packaging design & art; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
The Evaluation of Technical Quality on Digital Prepress
li xiao dong (zhuzhou institue of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Electric Potential Concept in Basic Amplification Circuit
li gao hai (loudi teachers college; loudi 417000; china)
Finite Element Analysis and Optimal Design in the Design of Packaging Machinery
ni zheng shun ; zhang yi jing (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Failure Distribution Model for Transformer and Its Application
duan xia 12 (1.changsha shunte transformer factory; changsha 410014; china; 2.zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Pilot Study on Model of Formation and Transfer of Advanced Technology
gu xiong rong (college of economy & management; hunan normal university; changsha 410081; china)
Comparison of Investment for High-rise Building Foundations
ou li ( zhuzhou institure of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Direct Calculation of the Botlom Surface of Independent Foundation at Column Foot
li wen ke (zhuzhou municipal transportation tax &fare collection department; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Design of Injection Mould for the Base of Electric Fan
chen ji ping ; ding zhi ping (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
A Study of Some Problems in High Building Design
cao ming qi (changsha colored metal research institution; changsha 410011; china)
The Characters and Engineering Application of Concrete-filled Steel Tubes
guo jing; zhang yi jing (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
The Optimization of Adjusting Parameters to Central Line of Rotary Kiln
ding zhing ping ; chen ji ping (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
On the Anti-seism Conceptual Design of theBrick-Concrete-Structure Buildings
song shi jun (liling construction company ; zhuzhou 412200; china)
Study on Biological Freshness Technology of Pepper at Normal Atmospheric Temperature
peng sui; yang fu xin; liu yu bing (packaging technology profession center; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Cleaner Production Research on Extract Zinc Mine at the Stock Workshop in Zhuzhou Smelt Factory
he chang shun (research institute of environmental protection; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Viewpoint of Philosophy on System Sciences
chen qiu ping 1 ; liu bin 2 (1.library of zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china; 2.dept. of information & computation; zhuzhou instute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
The Influence of Pre-plastic Strain and Overlood on Fatigue Crack Growth
cai you xing; he wei bo (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Some Property of Hadamard Product on Generalized Judgement Matrices
xu xiang yang (changsha university; changsha 410003; china)
On Robust Dissipativity of Uncertain Linear Impulsive Dynamical Systems
liu bin 1; 2 ; luo ding ti 1; xiao hong bin (1.management; science and technology engineering institute; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china 2. system engineering institute; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan 430074
Robust Stability of Systems with Constant Effect Interference
zhang fa ming (department of information and computation; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Influences of an Astigmatic Lens on Cosh-Gaussian Beams
peng yong yi 1; zhu kai cheng 2 (department of applied physics and heat engineering ; central south university; changsha 410083; china)
Thoughts on Course System Reform of Packaging Engineering Specialty with Systems Project Concept
xiang hong ; chen hong (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
The Characters and Research Situation of Concrete-filled Steel Rectangular Tubes
fan hai tao (department of civil engineering; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Study on High Efficiency Dredging Tools for River and Lake
tang chuan lin; zhang xiao qi; zhang feng hua; yang lin; yan jin wu (water jetting department; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Design the Progressive Dies for Making Leaf Spring
hu cheng wu (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
On Aesthetic Education in Mathematics Teaching
liu xing guo 1; long zhao 2 (1. department of information and computional science ; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhunzhou 412008; china; 2. hunan chemical engineering school; zhuzhou 412004 ; china)
On Creating Comfortable Indoor Air Quality
liu jian-long; hu jun-hong (department of civil engineering; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china )
Survey on Chaos Control
zou en 1; 2 ; li xiang fei 1; 2 ; zhang tai shan 2 (1. dept. of electrical engineering ; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china; 2. college of information science & engineering; central south university; changsha 410083; china)
Approach to Application of Jet Anchoring Technology on Anchoring Projects
dai yi min (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
Research and Application of the Oil Demulsifying Agent
fu xin; hu yi bing (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
The Use of MCS-51 Single Chip Microprocessor on Remaking Ordinary Lathes into NC Ones
zhang ji hong (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412000; china)
Technique of Fault Detection and Diagnosis and Advanced Control Theory
peng tao; xie yong (department of electronic engineering; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
The Thinking and Tentative Plan of the Teaching Platform and Innovation of Series Courses of Automatization Specialty
qin bin; wang xin (department of electronic engineering; zhuzhou institute of technology ; zhuzhou 412008; china)
City Planning and SustainableDevelopment of Regional Economy
zhang yi jing ; sun xian qing (1.zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou412008; china; 2.zhuzhou research institute of packaging engineering design; zhuzhou ; hunan; 412005)
Developing of Multimedia Couresewares for Classroom Demonstration
cao yong (teaching affairs office; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
The Research of the CAD System Based on the OOP Techniques
wang qiao yi (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
The Process Application of NC Programming Technique Based on Huazhong-I CNC System
yao qi shui 1; ming xing zu 2 (1.zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china) (2.hunan metallurgy vocational & technical institute; zhuzhou 412000; china)
The Advance and Method of Microbial Flocculant Research in Water Treatment
zhan han hui 1; zhang xiao qi 1 ; zhan xue hui 2; hu yue hua 2 (1. zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china; 2. center south university ; changsha 410083; china)
Key Technology & Principle of Net-safety's Assessment
xiang jian wei ; sun xiao (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
A Generally Query and Report System Based on Excel Automation
zhu yan hui; xu zhong hue (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
HJGY-Y5 Expert System for Welding Technology
yin shun sheng ; yin yu ming; li meng yang; yin rui ming; zhong ding ming (institute of welding technology ; zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
A Discussion on Pure Rolling
liu wen juan (zhuzhou institute of technology; zhuzhou 412008; china)
An Approach to Open Engineering Drawing CAI Courseware
wang ju huai; zhang xiao hui (zhuzhou institute of technology ; zhuzhou 412008; china)