Confucian Ideology in the Revolution of 1911
su zhong-li1; yang zheng-xi2 (1.school of history and culture huazhong normal university; wuhan hubei 430079 ; china; 2.school of humanities south-china agricultural university; guangzhou guangdong5 10642; china)
On the System of the Relationship among Nationalities
jin bing hao1; qing jue2 (1.department of national theory research central university for nati onalities; beijing 100081 china; 2.institute of graduates central university for nationalities; bejing 100081 ch ina)
On System Design And incorruption construction
dai xiao ming1; peng jian jun1; lu dan dan2 (1.law department south-central university for nationlities wuhan hubei 430074 c hina; 2.department of economy management nanyang university of science and tec hnology; nanyang henan 473056 china)