Embryonic callus induction of immature embryo of Pinus massoniana
jin xiao-cui1; li zhi-hui1; yang mo-hua1; zhang dong-lin1; 2; ding gui-jie3 (1.school of forestry; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.department of plant; soil and environment sciences; university of maine; orono 04469; usa; 3.school of forestry; guizhou university; guiyang 550025; guizhou; china)
Method for improving the basic performance of recycled concrete
qin yin-hui 1; liu fu-hua2; zhang xue-bing 3 (1.school of civil engineering and mechanics; central south university of science and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.china machinery international engineering design and research institute; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 3.school of civil engineering and mechanics; xiangtan university; xiangtan 411105; hunan; china)
Synthetic process of 5-Hydroxymethylthiazole
xiao hong-boa; yin zuo-hub; xin shaa; yang yanb; zou ling-fangb; du xun-junb; sun han-zhoua (a.research institute of applied chemistry; b.school of material science and engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Commentary on methods for suitability evaluation of land reclamation
wang huan1; wang ping1; xie li-xiang2; wang lu-ning1 (1.institute of environmental engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.china machinery international engineering design and research institute; changsha 410007; hunan; china)
Establishment and optimization of SRAP-PCR reaction for bamboos
ren li-ning1; guo qi-rong1; he gao-feng2; xu zhen-guo1; sun li-fang1; wang qing3 (1.international centre for bamboo and rattan; icbr; chaoyang 100102; beijing; china; 2.nanchang forestry bureau; nanchang 330038; jiangxi; china; 3.beijing forestry university; haidian 100083; beijing; china)