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Journal of Central South Forestry University
2009 Issue 6
Sap Flow Changes of Picea crassifolia and Larix principis-rupprechtii and Relation to Environmental Factors in Loess Alpine Area
yu yang1; wen shi-zhi1; qin jing2; liu min2; he kang-ning2 (1.school of forestry; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.college of soil and water conservation; beijing forestry university; beijing 100083; china)
Effect of Artifical Re-vegetation on Soil Enzyme Activity of the Slag Wasteland in Xiangtan Manganese Mine
fang xi1; 2; tian da-lun1; 2; wu li-hua1; tang zhi-juan1 (1.central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.state key laboratory of ecological applied technology in forest area of south china; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Selection and Collocation of Cultivatead Plants for Loosen Soil and Broken Rock Highway Sideslope in Western Hunan
wu qiana; liu wei-dongb; wang lib (a.periodicals press; b.school of forestry; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Spatial Analysis of Soil Moisture in Eucalyptus Plantations in West Guangdong
xie dan-dan1; 2; zhang guo-quan2; zhou yi3; su zhi-yao1 (1.college of forestry; south china agricultural university; guangzhou 510642; guangdong; china; 2.college of science; south china agricultural university; guangzhou 510642; guangdong; china; 3.guangdong foresty research institute; guangzhou 510520; guangdong; china)
Visitors' Interpretive Preference and Motivation in World Natural Heritage Site:the Case of Wulingyuan World Natural Heritage Area
wang huai-cai; zhong yong-de; luo fen (school of tourism; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Identification and Pigment-synthesis Capacity of a Producing Anthraquinone Pigment Strain Isolated from Shiraia bambusicola
long zheng-hai1; yan xiao-jun2; zhang yu-jiong1; luo fang1 (1.zhejiang pharmaceutical college; ningbo 315100; zhejiang; china; 2.ningbo university; ningbo 315211; zhejiang; china)
Study of Mechanical Performance and Gluability of Modified Fast-growing Poplar Wood
yue kong1; zhang rui2; lu xiao-ning3; liu wei-qing1 (1.nanjing university of technology; jiangsu 210009; nanjing; china; 2.hettich hardware accessories(shanghai) co.ltd.; shanghai 200131; china; 3.school of civil engineering; nanjing forestry university; jiangsu 210037; nanjing; china)
Analysis on Environmental Policy Effects of Controlling Forest Reduction
yi xue-ling1; deng zhi-gao2 (1.dept.of periodicals; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.hunan college of sci-tech professional technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Application of Proportional Relief Valve in Hydraulic Loading System of Tension Bearing Test Equipment
chen he-mei1; 2; hu jun-ke1; zhang zheng-ming1 (1.school of mechanical & electrical engineering; central south university; changsha 410075; hunan; china; 2.swan college; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Determination of Polyphenol Content in Areca catechu By Using Folin-Ciocalteu Colormietry
zheng shi-hong1; zhang hai-de2; he shuang1; zhou wen-hua1; li zhong-hai1 (1.school of food science and engineering; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.school of food science and engineering; hainan university; danzhou 571737; hainan; china)
The Management Procedure Design of New Rural Informatization in Hunan Province
zhu ying-fang1; 2; zhang gui1 (1.school of science; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.department of information management; hunan college of finance and economics; changsha 410205; hunan; china)
Study on Local Residents' Attitudes to Ecotourism Development
cheng feng-ming1; zhong yong-de1; zhou mei-fang1; 2; zhai guang-hua1 (1.school of tourism; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.business school; hunan university of technology; zhuzhou 412005; hunan; china)
Studies on Pollen Morphology,Germination Rate and Fruit Characteristics of Castanea mollissima in Yunnan
chen jia-jia; shi zhuo-gong (southwest forestry college; kunming 650224; yunnan; china)
Change of Landscape Pattern and Its Driving Mechanism in Landscape Zones:A Case Study of Mount Lushan National Park
xu cong-rong1; hu hai-sheng2; wu zhang-wen1 (1.research center of forest recreation; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.college of tourism and city management; jiangxi finance and economics university; nanchang 330013; jiangxi; china)
Enrichment of Nutrients in Soil of Four Plantation Froests by Undergrowth Vegetation in Changsha Suburb
she ji-yuna; b; tian mia (a.office of development planning and discipline construction; b.key laboratory of urban forest ecology of hunan province; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Study of the Epoxy Resin Treated with Intumescent Flame Retardant Contained Microencapsulated Red Phosphorus
wu zhi-ping; chen mei-qin; hu yun-chu (school of materials science & engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Evaluation of Eco-service Functions of Major Forest Types in Hunan Province
han su-yun; tian da-lun; yan wen-de; liang xiao-cui; wang guang-jun; zhu fan (research section of ecology; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Partial cDNA Cloning and Sequence Analysis of CCoAOMT Gene of Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)
jiang xiang-huia; b; c; she chao-wena; b; c; xu donga; zhang qing-huaa; zhao wanga (a.department of life science; b.key laboratory of hunan province for study and utilization of ethnic medicinal plant resources; c.key laboratory of hunan higher education for hunan-western medicinal plant and ethnobotany; huaihua university; huaihua 418008; hunan; china)
Evaluation of Stabilized Languish Containing Water Volume and Drought Tolerance Ability of 55 Rare Species
kuang jian-jun; peng zheng-bao; fan shui-ping; kuang bo-geng; zhao cong-xiao; wang shui-ping (nanyue arboretum of hunnan; nanyue 421900; hunan; china)
Environmental Conflicts Among Stakeholders Of Brownfield Reuse in Interests of Operation
xie hong-bina; b; sun zuo-yua; yang ying-wua (a.co11ege of geography; b.college of tourism; fujian normal university; fuzhou 350007; fujian; china)
The Transformation Techniques and Effect Of Low-efficiency Bamboo Forest in Hillocky and Mountainous Region
xu qing-qian; chen ming-gao; ai wen-sheng (hunan forestry academy; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
An Initial Study on the Index System Construction for the Effect Evaluation of Ecotourism Environmental Education
li wen-ming1; 2; zhong yong-de1 (1.school of tourism; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.tourism and city management faculty; jiangxi university of finance & economics; nanchang 330013; jiangxi; china)
The Structure and Design of Plastic Film Smashing Machine
zhong hong-yan; liu xu; yuan mao-qiang; cai hua (school of electro-mechanical engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Realization of Long-distance Diagnosis of Forest Disease and Pest
tan san-qing; yin fang-zhi; zhang gui; cao yong-mei (central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Cooperative Partner Selection of Transportation Chain Based on Multi-objective Dynamic Programming
liu da-peng; li xia-miao; xiao he-rong (school of traffic & transportation engineering; central south university; changsha 410075; hunan; china)
Research on Floristics of Seed Plants in Hefu Forest Park
wu yi1; peng xing2; li song3 (1.editorial department of journal of central south university of forestry & technology; 2.hunan construction engineering group corporation; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 3.college of construction; zhejiang forestry university; lin an 311300; zhejiang; china)
Application of the Rotating Modification k-ε Turbulence Model to Three-dimensional Flow Simulation in a Rotary Combustion Engine
li li-jun; li zhen-hua; xu xue-lin (school of electromechanical engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Study of the Properties of E-44 Epoxy/Polyester Acrylate UV-curable Adhesive System
li ben-guia; zhou gangb (a.management office of state-owned assets; b.school of material science and engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Analysis of Improving Effects of Cupressus funebris Plantation in the Low Hill Region of Sichuan Basin
luo zong-shi1; hou bo2; xiang cheng-hua1; chen jun-hua1; luo xiao-hua1; xie da-jun1; mu chang-long1 (1.sichuan academy of forestry; chengdu 610081; sichuan; china; 2.forestry bureau of langzhong county; langzhong 637400; sichuan; china)
Comparative Analysis of Lignans in Schisandra sphenanthera Organs
zhang li-na; deng bai-luo; wang sen; xie bi-xia; liang wen-bin; chen guan-qun (central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Activation Principle and Circuit Design for the Circuit of Compound Pulse of Lead-acid Battery
wang run-qi; zhou yun-jun; ouyang yi-feng (school of logistics; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Study of Forest Management Plan Following Collectivity Forest Ownership Reform
zeng si-qi; xiao hua-shun (central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Bioactivity Detection of the Total Alkaloids Extracted from Tripterygium wilfordii against Locustas migratoria
zhou xiao-hui; lian yu-li; guo jin-jian; wang yuan-qing (school of life science and technology; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Influences of Load on Deflection and Stress of Bamboo Particle and Wood Fiber Composite Board
han jian (school of material science and engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Cryoperservation Test of Arabidopsis Suspension Cells
li jian-an; hu fang-ming; tan xiao-feng; sun ying (the key laboratory of non-wood forest product of state forestry administration; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Forest Health Assessment Methods and Application
liu jun-ang; liu hong-juan (biotechnology core facilities; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Common Fresh-keeping Agents of Dianthus carryophyllus Cut Flowers for Household
gu zhan-ying; wang run (school of forestry; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Influence Factors of Oridonin Extracted with Supercritical CO_2
xu xin-xin; li guo-min (school of chemistry and bio-engineering; changsha university of science and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Study of Retention Water Properties of PAAMPS Superabsorbent
xie jian-jun1a; 1b; liang ji-fu2; li sheng1a; he xin-jian1a; luo ying-she1b (1a.school of materials science and engineering; 1b.institute of rheology mechanics and materials engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha; 410004; hunan; china; 2.institute of polymer materials; xiangtan university; xiangtan 411105; hunan; china)
Research of MIS of Forest Fire Emergency Resources in Hunan
zhou cui; wen yi-jun; zhang gui; wu guo-hua; bao te (school of sciences; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Dynamic Distribution of Wood Moisture Content during Microwave Drying and Hot Air Drying
li xian-jun1; qiao jian-zheng1; cai zhi-yong2; fu feng3 (1.school of material science and engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.forest products laboratory of usda forest service; madison; wi 53726-2398; usa; 3.research institute of wood industry; chinese academy of forestry; beijing 100091)
Research on Half-bridge High-frequency Switching Steady-voltage Power Supply Based on IGBT
zhang fa-sheng1; 2; li xin-ran2 (1.school of computer and information engineering; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.college of electrical and information engineering; hunan university; changsha 410082; hunan; china)
Influence of Surface-Fire on Growth of Eucalyptus Plantation
wang zhen-shi; li xiao-chuan; li xing-wei; wu ze-peng; xiong wei (guangdong academy of forestry; guangzhou 510520; guangdong; china)