Study of the Synthetic Technology of Isopropyl Myristate
wu zhi ping 1; zhang zhi liu 2; huang ke ying 1 (1. college of industry of central south forestry university; zhuzhou 412006; hunan; china; 2. suzhou factory of chemical synthesis; suzhou 215001; jiangsu; china)
Plant Germplasm Conservation In Vitro
xu gang biao (college of reseureces and environment of central south forest university; zhuzhou 412006; hunan; china)
Oak Plant Resources in Hunan with Reference to Its Integrated Utilization
hu fang min 1; li jian an 1; li ruo ting 2 (1.national forestry bureau key laboratory of non timber forest breeding and cultivation; central south forestry university; zhuzhou 412006; hunan; china; 2.grain and oil bureau of heshan city; hesh,95
A Study of Raising Flowering and Seed-bearing Yield of Pinus armandii
wu xiao xian 1; zhou yun chao 1; jin tian xi 2; liao min 2; zhai shi wan 3; dai yi 3 (1.dept. of forestry of guizhou university; guiyang 550003; guizhou; china; 2.forestry seed and seedling station of guizhou province; guiyang 550005; guiz
Purification of Xylanases by the Selective Adsorption of Cellulases
liu chao gang 1; yong qiang 2; yu shi yuan 2 (1. college of industry of central south forestry university; zhuzhou 412006; hunan; china; (2. college of chemical engineering of nanjing forestry university; nanjing 210037; china)
Extraction, Separation and Bio-assay of Daphne genkwa Active Components
liu zhi ru 1; hu yun chu 2; ren fong lian 1; zhang jun 2; mo jian chu 2; weng wen xue 2 ( of chemistry & chemical engineering of central south university; changsha 410083; hunan; china; 2.central south forestry univeristry; zhuzhou 41200