The geomagnetic shielding on the color picture tube
guan ye-peng 1; 2; tong lin-su2; wen pei-lin1 (1.college of resources; environment and civil engineering; central south university; changsha 410083; china; 2.department of electron engineering; southeast university; nanjing 210096; china)
Phase-transfer catalytic epoxidation of α-pinene and β-pinene
zhang jian-feng1; hu yue-hua2; li xiao-ru1; yin du-lin3 (1.college of chemistry and chemical engineering; central south university; changsha 410083; china; 2.department of mineral engineering; central south university; changsha 410083; china; 3.college
Thermal shock resistance of plasma-sprayed SiO_2+ZrO_2 coating
tang jian-cheng1; shao de-chun2; guo mian-huan2; huang bai-yun1; zhou ke-chao1 (1state key laboratory for powder metallurgy; central south university; changsha 410083; china; 2state key laboratory of advanced welding production technology; harbin institut
Modular design method of PLD
chen ming-yi; guo yi (college of information science and engineering; central south university; changsha 410083; china)