Development of Watermelon Variety——‘Heitong’
hu an-jie1; shi xuan-jie2; ling hua3; cai yu-xin1; gao guan-ying1; shi gong-yao3 (1. henan qingfa seeds company; ltd.; zhengzhou; henan; 450002; china; 2. institute of horticulture; henan academy of agricultural sciences; zhengzhou; 450002; china; 3. bioengineering department; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou; henan; 450001; china)
Effects of NaCl Stress on the Seed Germination of Watermelon
sun min-hong1; sun de-xi2; deng yun2; he lan-yin1 (1. the resource and environment college of central south forstry university; changsha; hunan; 410004; china; 2. zhengzhou fruit research institute; chinese academy of agricultural sciences; zhengzhou; henan; 450009; china),44,49
Advances of Carotenoid Research in Plants
hou yao-bing1; kang bao-shan2; huang jin-yong1 (1. bioengineering department; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou; henan; 450001; china; 2. zhengzhou fruit institute; chinese academy of agricuture sciences; zhengzhou; henan; 450009; china)