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Chinese Physics
2014 Issue 4
Optimizing and fabricating magnetocaloric materials
Liu Jian;Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices;Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Anomalous Hall effect in perpendicular CoFeB thin films
Zhu Tao;Institute of Physics and Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic resonance image-guided photothermal therapy for cancer
Yue Xiu-L;Ma Fang;Dai Zhi-Fe;State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resources and Environment;School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Department of Biomedical Engineering;College of Engineering;Peking University;
Manipulation of plasmonic wavefront and light–matter interaction in metallic nanostructures: A brief review
Li Jia-Fang;Li Zhi-Yuan;Laboratory of Optical Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Control of light scattering by nanoparticles with optically-induced magnetic responses
Liu Wei;Andrey E.Miroshnichenko;Yuri S.Kivshar;College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering;National University of Defence Technology;Nonlinear Physics Center and Center for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems;Research School of Physics and Engineering;Australian National University;Nonlinear Physics Center and Center for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems;Research School of Physics and Engineering;Australian National University;
Manipulating electromagnetic waves with metamaterials: Concept and microwave realizations
He Qiong;Sun Shu-Lin;Xiao Shi-Yi;Li Xin;Song Zheng-Yong;Sun Wu-Jiong;Zhou Lei;State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics and Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Photonic Structures;Fudan University;Department of Optical Science and Engineering;and Shanghai Ultra-Precision Optical Manufacturing Engineering Center;Fudan University;
Metamaterials and plasmonics: From nanoparticles to nanoantenna arrays, metasurfaces, and metamaterials
Francesco Monticone;Andrea Alù;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;The University of Texas at Austin;1 University Station C0803;Austin;Texas 78712;USA;
An approximation for the boundary optimal control problem of a heat equation defined in a variable domain
Yu Xin;Ren Zhi-Gang;Xu Chao;Ningbo Institute of Technology;Zhejiang University;The State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology and Institute of Cyber-Systems & Control;Zhejiang University;
A class of asymptotic solution for the time delay wind field model of an ocean
Zhou Xian-Chun;Shi Lan-Fang;Mo Jia-Qi;College of Electronic and Information Engineering;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;Jiangsu Technology and Engineering Center for Meteorological Sensor Network;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Meteorological Observation and Information Processing;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;College of Mathematics and Statistics;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;Department of Mathematics;Anhui Normal University;
A meshless method based on moving Kriging interpolation for a two-dimensional time-fractional diffusion equation
Ge Hong-Xi;Cheng Rong-Jun;Faculty of Maritime and Transportation;Ningbo University;Ningbo Institute of Technology;Zhejiang University;
Scheme for generating a cluster-type entangled squeezed vacuum state via cavity QED
Wen Jing-Ji;Yeon Kyu-Hwang;Wang Hong-Fu;Zhang Shou;Department of Physics;College of Natural Science;Chungbuk National University;Department of Physics;College of Science;Yanbian University;
Nonlocal non-Markovian effects in dephasing environments
Xie Dong;Wang An-Min;Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;
Engineering steady-state entanglement for two atoms held in separate cavities through laser cooling
Shen Li-Tuo;Chen Rong-Xin;Wu Huai-Zhi;Yang Zhen-Biao;Laboratory of Quantum Optics;Department of Physics;Fuzhou University;
Implementation of a nonlocal N-qubit conditional phase gate using the nitrogen–vacancy center and microtoroidal resonator coupled systems
Cao Cong;Liu Gan;Zhang Ru;Wang Chuan;School of Science;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;School of Electronic Engineering;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Analysis of dynamical properties for the two-site Bose Hubbard model with an algebraic method
Meng Xiang-Ji;Feng Hai-Ran;Zheng Yu-Jun;School of Physics;Shandong University;Department of Physics and Information Engineering;Jining University;
Instability, adiabaticity, and controlling effects of external fields for the dark state in a homonuclear atom tetramer conversion system
Meng Shao-Ying;Chen Xi-Hao;Wu We;Fu Li-Bin;Department of Physics;Liaoning University;Science and Technology Computation Physics Laboratory;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Center for Applied Physics and Technology;Peking University;
Preparation of multi-photon Fock states and quantum entanglement properties in circuit QED
Ji Ying-Hua;Hu Ju-Ju;Department of Physics;Jiangxi Normal University;Key Laboratory of Photoelectronics and Telecommunication of Jiangxi Province;
Supergravity-induced interactions on thick branes
Nejat T.Yilmaz;Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering;Yassar University;Selsuk Yassar Kampüsü niversite Caddesi;No:35-37;AgaliYol;35100;Bornova;zmir;Turkey;
Classical interpretations of relativistic precessions
Sankar Hajra;Indian Physical Society;2A & 2B Raja S. C. Mallick Road;
Solution of Dirac equation around a charged rotating black hole
L Yan;Hua We;College of Physics Science and Technology;Shenyang Normal University;
Robust H_∞ cluster synchronization analysis of Lurie dynamical networks
Guo Ling;Nian Xiao-Hong;Pan Huan;Bing Zhi-Tong;College of Electrical Engineering;Northwest University for Nationalities;College of Information Science and Engineering;Central South University;College of Physics Electrical Information Engineering;Ningxia University;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Function projective lag synchronization of fractional-order chaotic systems
Wang Sha;Yu Yong-Guang;Wang Hu;Ahmed Rahmani;Department of Mathematics;Beijing Jiaotong University;LAGIS UMR 8219 CNRS;Ecole Centrale de Lille;59651 Villeneuve d’Ascq;France;
Collective composite-rotating consensus of multi-agent systems
Lin Peng;Lu Wan-Ting;Song Yong-Duan;School of Automation;Chongqing University;State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Structure identification of an uncertain network coupled with complex-variable chaotic systems via adaptive impulsive control
Liu Dan-Feng;Wu Zhao-Yan;Ye Qing-Ling;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Jiangxi Normal University;
Further studies on stability analysis of nonlinear Roesser-type two-dimensional systems
Dai Xiao-Lin;School of Mechanical;Electronic;and Industrial Engineering;University of Electric Science and Technology of China;
Energy dissipation of a ring-like metal rubber isolator
Yan Hui;Zhang Wen-Jing;Jiang Hong-Yuan;Chen Liang;School of Mechatronics Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Theoretical analysis of stack gas emission velocity measurement by optical scintillation
Yang Yang;Dong Feng-Zhong;Ni Zhi-Bo;Pang Tao;Zeng Zong-Yong;Wu Bian;Zhang Zhi-Rong;Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Photonic Devices and Materials;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A study of transition from n-to p-type based on hexagonal WO3 nanorods sensor
Wu Ya-Qiao;Hu Ming;Wei Xiao-Ying;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Tianjin University;
First-principles study on anatase TiO2 (101) surface adsorption of NO
Feng Qing;Yue Yuan-Xia;Wang Wei-Hua;Zhu Hong-Qiang;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Chongqing Normal University;Chongqing Key Laboratory on Optoelectronic Functional Materials;
Origin of diffraction fringes in two-dimensional photoelectron momentum distributions for single ionization of atoms in few-cycle intense laser pulses
Guo Zhi-Jian;Chen Zhang-Jin;Zhou Xiao-Xin;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Northwest Normal University;Department of Physics;College of Science;Shantou University;
Isolated sub-30-attosecond pulse generation using a multicycle two-color chirped laser and a static electric field
Zhang Gang-Tai;Department of Physics and Information Technology;Baoji University of Arts and Sciences;
Quasi-classical trajectory study of the isotope effect on the stereodynamics in the reaction H(2S) + CH(X2Π;u= 0,j= 1) → C(1D) + H2(X1Σg+
Wang Yun-Hui;Xiao Chuan-Yun;Deng Kai-Ming;Lu Rui-Feng;Department of Applied Physics;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;
Electromagnetic Bloch oscillation in one-dimensional multiple microcavities composed of metamaterials
Wang Tong-Biao;Liu Nian-Hua;Yu Tian-Bao;Deng Xin-Hua;Xu Xu-Ming;Liao Qing-Hua;Department of Physics;Nanchang University;Institute for Advanced Study;Nanchang University;
Tight focusing of axially symmetric polarized vortex beams
Zhou Zhe-Hai;Guo Yang-Kuan;Zhu Lian-Qing;Beijing Key Laboratory for Optoelectronic Measurement Technology;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;Beijing Engineering Research Center of Optoelectronic Information and Instruments;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;
Quadripartite entangled state from cascaded second-harmonic generation
Yang Rui;Zhai Shu-Qin;Yang Rong-Guo;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Shanxi University;State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices;Institute of Opto-Electronics;Shanxi University;
Output three-mode entanglement via coherently prepared inverted Y-type atoms
Wang Fei;Qiu Jing;College of Science;China Three Gorges University;
Laser-polarization-dependent spontaneous emission of the zero phonon line from single nitrogen vacancy center in diamond
Zhang Duo;Li Jia-Hua;Yang Xiao-Xue;School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Wuhan Polytechnic University;School of Physics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Fundamental Physical Quantities Measurement of Ministry of Education;
Phase control of light amplification in steady and transient processes in an inverted-Y atomic system with spontaneously generated coherence
Tian Si-Cong;Tong Cun-Zhu;Wan Ren-Gang;Ning Yong-Qiang;Qin Li;Liu Yun;Wang Li-Jun;Zhang Hang;Wang Zeng-Bin;Gao Jin-Yue;State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Application;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Quantum Engineering Center;Beijng Institute of Control Devices;State Key Laboratory of Coherent Light and Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy of Ministry of Education;College of Physics;Jilin University;
Gigahertz longitudinal acoustic phonons originating from ultrafast ligand field transitions in hematite thin films
Xu Yue;Jin Zuan-Ming;Zhang Zheng-Bing;Zhang Ze-Yu;Lin Xian;Ma Guo-Hong;Cheng Zhen-Xiang;Laboratory of Ultrafast Photonics;Department of Physics;Shanghai University;Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research;Ackermannweg 10;55128 Mainz;Germany;Institute for Superconductor and Electronic Materials;University of Wollongong;Squires Way;
Extreme narrow photonic passbands generated from defective two-segment-connected triangular waveguide networks
Tang Zhen-Xing;Yang Xiang-Bo;Lu Jian;Liu Timon Cheng-Yi;MOE Key Laboratory of Laser Life Science and Institute of Laser Life Science;College of Biophotonics;South China Normal University;School of Physical Education and Sports Science;South China Normal University;
Exact solutions and linear stability analysis for two-dimensional Ablowitz Ladik equation
Zhang Jin-Liang;Wang Hong-Xian;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Henan University of Science and Technology;
Design on a highly birefringent and nonlinear photonic crystal fiber in the C waveband
Li Duan-Ming;Zhou Gui-Yao;Xia Chang-Ming;Wang Chao;Yuan Jin-Hui;Laboratory of Nanophotonic Functional Materials and Devices;South China Normal University;State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology;Yanshan University;
Novel wavelength-accurate InP-based arrayed waveguide grating
Pan Pan;An Jun-Ming;Wang Hong-Jie;Wang Yue;Zhang Jia-Shun;Wang Liang-Liang;Dai Hong-Qing;Zhang Xiao-Guang;Wu Yuan-Da;Hu Xiong-Wei;State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Design optimization of highly efficient spectrum-splitting and beam-concentrating diffractive optical element for lateral multijunction solar cells
Wang Jin-Ze;Ye Jia-Sheng;Huang Qing-Li;Xu Xin;Li Dong-Mei;Meng Qing-Bo;Yang Guo-Zhen;Key Laboratory for Renewable Energy;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing Key Laboratory for New Energy Materials and Devices;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Physics;Capital Normal University;Beijing Key Laboratory for THz Spectroscopy and Imaging;Key Laboratory of THz Optoelectronics;Ministry of Education;Laboratory of Optical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Nonlinear effect of the structured light profilometry in the phase-shifting method and error correction
Zhang Wan-Zhe;Chen Zhe-Bo;Xia Bin-Feng;Lin Bin;Cao Xiang-Qun;State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation;CNERC for Optical Instruments;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou Dianzi University;
Application of the new pattern recognition system in the new e-nose to detecting Chinese spirits
Gu Yu;Li Qiang;Department of Mechanics;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Theory of noise in a kilo-Hz cascaded high-energy Yb-doped nanosecond pulsed fiber amplifier
Liu Ming;Zhang Hai-Tao;Gong Ma-Li;Zhao Yue-Jin;Cheng Wen-Yong;Meng Kuo;Zheng Chao;Chen Yi-Zhu;State Key Laboratory of Tribology;Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology;Tsinghua University;Beijing Key Laboratory for Precision Optoelectronic Measurement Instrument and Technology;School of Optoelectronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Single order soft X-ray diffraction with quasi-random radius pinhole array spectroscopic photon sieves
Zhang Qiang-Qiang;Wei La;Yang Zu-Hua;Qian Feng;Fan Quan-Ping;Zhang Bo;Gu Yu-Qiu;Cao Lei-Feng;Research Center of Laser Fusion;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Magneto-optical effect of TEB30A liquid crystal doped with thulium oxides
Liu Gui-Xiang;Jin Xiang;Baotou Teachers College;Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology;
Hybrid device for acoustic noise reduction and energy harvesting based on a silicon micro-perforated panel structure
Wu Shao-Hua;Du Li-Dong;Kong De-Yi;Ping Hao-Yue;Fang Zhen;Zhao Zhan;State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology;Institute of Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology;Institute of Intelligent Machines;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A thermo-fluid analysis in magnetic hyperthermia
Iordana Astefanoae;Ioan Dumitru;Alexandru Stancu;Horia Chiriac;Faculty of Physics;Alexandru Ioan Cuza University;National Institute of Research & Development for Technical Physics;
Hydromagnetic flow of a Cu water nanofluid past a moving wedge with viscous dissipation
A.M.Salem;Galal Ismail;Rania Fathy;Department of Mathematics;Faculty of Science and Arts;Qassim University;Department of Basic Science;Faculty of Computers and Informatics;Suez Canal University;Department of Mathematics;Faculty of Science;Zagazig University;
Fast synchrotron X-ray tomography study of the packing structures of rods with different aspect ratios
Zhang Xiao-Dan;Xia Cheng-Jie;Xiao Xiang-Hui;Wang Yu-Jie;Department of Physics;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;X-ray Science Division;Argonne National Laboratory;9700 South Cass Avenue;IL 60439;USA;
Fatigue damage behavior of a surface-mount electronic package under different cyclic applied loads
Ren Huai-Hui;Wang Xi-Shu;Longyuan Wind Power Engineer Technology Co. Ltd;Department of Engineering Mechanics;Tsinghua University;
A fractal approach to low velocity non-Darcy flow in a low permeability porous medium
Cai Jian-Chao;Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics;Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources of Ministry of Education;China University of Geosciences;
Boundary layer flow and heat transfer of a Casson fluid past a symmetric porous wedge with surface heat flux
Swati Mukhopadhyay;Iswar Chandra Mandal;Department of Mathematics;The University of Burdwan;
Roll stability catastrophe mechanism of a flooded ship on regular sea waves
Liu Yu-Liang;Department of Electric & Information;Zhejiang Ocean University;
Large eddy simulations of a circular orifice jet with and without a cross-sectional exit plate
Zhang Jian-Peng;Xu Min-Yi;Mi Jian-Chun;State Key Laboratory of Turbulence & Complex Systems;College of Engineering;Peking University;Marine Engineering College;Dalian Maritime University;College of Energy & Power Engineering;Changsha University of Science and Technology;
Pattern recognition and data mining software based on artificial neural networks applied to proton transfer in aqueous environments
Amani Tahat;Jordi Marti;Ali Khwaldeh;Kaher Tahat;Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering;Technical University of Catalonia-Barcelona Tech;B4-B5;North Campus UPC;08034 Barcelona;Catalonia;Spain;Department of Computer Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;Philadelphia University;Department of Graduate Business Studies;Waterford Institute of Technology;Main Campus Cork Road;Waterford;Ireland;
The stress field and energy of screw dislocation in smectic A liquid crystals and the mistakes of the classical solution
Fan Tian-You;Li Xian-Fang;School of Physics;Beijing Institute of Technology;Department of Engineering Mechanics;Central South University;
Hybrid plasmon waveguides with metamaterial substrate and dielectric substrate:A contrastive study
Gong Hui;Liu Yu-Min;Yu Zhong-Yuan;Wu Xiu;Yin Hao-Zhi;State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Single event effect in a ferroelectric-gate field-effect transistor under heavy-ion irradiation
Yan Shao-An;Tang Ming-Hua;Zhao Wen;Guo Hong-Xia;Zhang Wan-Li;Xu Xin-Yu;Wang Xu-Dong;Ding Hao;Chen Jian-Wei;Li Zheng;Zhou Yi-Chun;Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Materials and Application Technology of the Ministry of Education;Xiangtan University;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;Brookhaven National Laboratory;
Doping effects on structural and magnetic evolutions of orthoferrite SmFe(1-x) Alx O3
Li Na-Na;Li Hui;Tang Rui-Lian;Han Dan-Dan;Zhao Yong-Sheng;Gao Wei;Zhu Pin-Wen;Wang Xin;State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials;Jilin University;
Improving light trapping and conversion efficiency of amorphous silicon solar cell by modified and randomly distributed ZnO nanorods
Jia Zhi-Nan;Zhang Xiao-Dan;Liu Yang;Wang Yan-Feng;Fan Jun;Liu Cai-Chi;Zhao Ying;Institute of Photo-Electronics Thin Film Devices and Technology of Nankai University;Key Laboratory of Photo-Electronics Thin Film Devices and Technology of Tianjin;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Hebei University of Technology;School of Information and Engineering;Hebei University of Technology;
Mechanical and thermodynamic properties of cubic YH2 under high pressure:Prediction from first-principles study
Li Zhen-Li;Cheng Xin-Lu;Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Sichuan University;
Effects of hydrogen bonds on solid state TATB,RDX,and DATB under high pressures
Guo Feng;Zhang Hong;Hu Hai-Quan;Cheng Xin-Lu;School of Physical Science and Information Technology;Liaocheng University;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optical Communication Science and Technology;Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Sichuan University;School of Physical Science & Technology;Sichuan University;
An effective-field theory study of hexagonal Ising nanowire: Thermal and magnetic properties
Yusuf Kocakaplan;Ersin Kantar;Institute of Science;Erciyes University;Department of Physics;Erciyes University;
Dynamic surface wettability of three-dimensional graphene foam
Huang Wen-Bin;Wang Guang-Long;Gao Feng-Qi;Qiao Zhong-Tao;Wang Gang;Chen Min-Jiang;Tao Li;Deng Ya;Sun Lian-Feng;Institute of Nanotechnology and Microsystems;Mechanical Engineering College;National Center for Nanoscience and Technology;
Optical and electrical characterizations of nanoparticle Cu2S thin films
M.Saadeldin;H.S.Soliman;H.A.M.Ali;K.Sawaby;Physics Department;Faculty of Science;Cairo University;Physics Department;Faculty of Education;Ain-Shams University;
Effect of ultrathin GeOx interfacial layer formed by thermal oxidation on Al2O3 capped Ge
Han Le;Wang Sheng-Kai;Zhang Xiong;Xue Bai-Qing;Wu Wang-Ran;Zhao Yi;Liu Hong-Gang;Advanced Photonics Center;School of Electronic Science and Engineering;Southeast University;Microwave Device and IC Department;Institute of Microelectronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Electronic Science and Engineering;Nanjing University;
Two crucial factors influencing quality of GaAs on Ge substrate
Deng Chuang;Men Chuan-Ling;Chen Da;School of Energy and Power Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics;Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
An application of half-terrace model to surface ripening of non-bulk GaAs layers
Liu Ke;Guo Xiang;Zhou Qing;Zhang Bi-Chan;Luo Zi-Jiang;Ding Zhao;College of Electronics and Information;Guizhou University;
Structural,electronic,optical,elastic properties and Born effective charges of monoclinic HfO2 from first-principles calculations
Liu Qi-Jun;Zhang Ning-Chao;Liu Fu-Sheng;Liu Zheng-Tang;Bond and Band Engineering Group;Institute of High Temperature and High Pressure Physics;School of Physical Science and Technology;Southwest Jiaotong University;State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Molecular dynamics simulations of jet breakup and ejecta production from a grooved Cu surface under shock loading
He An-Min;Wang Pei;Shao Jian-Li;Duan Su-Qing;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;
Modeling of metal–oxide semiconductor: Analytical bond-order potential for cupric oxide
Li Kun;Yang Wen;Wei Ji-Lin;Du Shi-Wen;Li Yong-Tang;College of Applied Science;Taiyuan University of Science and Technology;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Taiyuan University of Science and Technology;
Deposition of hexagonal boron nitride thin films on silver nanoparticle substrates and surface enhanced infrared absorption
Deng Jin-Xiang;Chen Liang;Man Chao;Kong Le;Cui Min;Gao Xue-Fei;School of Applied Mathematics and Physics;Beijing University of Technology;
Influence of the channel electric field distribution on the polarization Coulomb field scattering in In0.18 Al0.82 N/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors
Yu Ying-Xia;Lin Zhao-Jun;Luan Chong-Biao;L Yuan-Jie;Feng Zhi-Hong;Yang Ming;Wang Yu-Tang;School of Physics;Shandong University;Science and Technology on ASIC Laboratory;Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute;
Electric field-induced hole injection-enhanced photoluminescence in a N,N’-bis(3-methylphenyl)-N,N’-bis(phenyl)-benzidine-based emitter
Xu-Xie Hui-Na;Li Wen-Bin;Peng Huan;He Yun;Yu Hao-Miao;Hou Xiao-Yuan;Key Laboratory of Micro-and Nano-Photonic Structures and State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics;Fudan University;
Direct measurement of the interfacial barrier height of the manganite p–n heterojunction
Wang Mei;Wang Deng-Jing;Wang Ru-Wu;Li Yun-Bao;Department of Applied Physics;Wuhan University of Science and Technology;
Simply synthesized TiO2 nanorods as an effective scattering layer for quantum dot sensitized solar cells
Mahmoud Samadpour;Azam Iraji zad;Mehdi Molaei;Department of Physics;Faculty of Science;K. N. Toosi University of Technology;Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology;Sharif University of Technology;Department of Physics;Sharif University of Technology;Department of Physics;Faculty of Science;Vali-e-Asr University;
A dual-band flexible frequency selective surface with miniaturized elements and maximally flat(Butterworth) response
Wang Xiu-Zhi;Gao Jin-Song;Xu Nian-Xi;Liu Ha;Key Laboratory of Optical System Advanced Manufacturing Technology;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Frequency and voltage-dependent electrical and dielectric properties of Al/Co-doped PVA/p-Si structures at room temperature
Ibrahim Ycedag;Ahmet Kaya;Semsettin Altindal;Ibrahim Uslu;Department of Computer Engineering;Technology Faculty;Duzce University;Department of Opticianry;Vocationel School of Medical Sciences;Turgut Ozal University;Department of Physics;Faculty of Science and Arts;Gazi University;Department of Chemistry;Faculty of Science and Arts;Gazi University;
Enhanced light absorption of silicon in the near-infrared band by designed gold nanostructures
Liu Ju;Zhong Xiao-Lan;Li Zhi-Yuan;Laboratory of Optical Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Electronic and transport properties of V-shaped defect zigzag MoS2 nanoribbons
Li Xin-Mei;Long Meng-Qiu;Cui Li-Ling;Xiao Jin;Xu Hui;Institute of Super-microstructure and Ultrafast Process in Advanced Materials;School of Physics and Electronics;Central South University;School of Science;Hunan University of Technology;
Magnetic properties of bulk polycrystalline Pr1-x Ndx(x=0,0.8)FeB permanent magnets
He Yong-Zhou;Wu Hong-Ping;Zou Zhi-Qiang;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Zhejiang Innuovo Magnet Co.;Ltd.;Shanghai Jiaotong University;
Ferromagnetic resonance frequency shift model of laminated magnetoelectric structure tuned by electric field
Zhou Hao-Miao;Chen Qing;Deng Juan-Hu;College of Information Engineering;China Jiliang University;Institute of Applied Mechanics;School of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Zhejiang University;
La-doped BiFeO3:Synthesis and multiferroic property study
Lin Peng-Ting;Li Xiang;Zhang Li;Yin Jin-Hua;Cheng Xing-Wang;Wang Zhi-Hong;Wu Yu-Chuan;Wu Guang-Heng;School for Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Physics Department;University of Science & Technology of Beijing;State Key Laboratory of Magnetism;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering;National Taipei University of Technology;
Effects of BaCu(B2O5 ) addition on sintering temperature and microwave dielectric properties of Ba5Nb4O15–BaWO4 ceramics
Jia Rui-Long;Su Hua;Tang Xiao-Li;Jing Yu-Lan;State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Analysis and applications of a frequency selective surface via a random distribution method
Xie Shao-Yi;Huang Jing-Jian;Liu Li-Guo;Yuan Nai-Chang;College of Electrical Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;College of Electronic Engineering;Naval University of Engineering;
Strong and broadband terahertz absorber using SiO2-based metamaterial structure
Mo Man-Man;Wen Qi-Ye;Chen Zhi;Yang Qing-Hui;Qiu Dong-Hong;Li Sheng;Jing Yu-Lan;Zhang Huai-Wu;State Key Laboratory of Electronic Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Communication. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Improvement in a-plane GaN crystalline quality using wet etching method
Cao Rong-Tao;Xu Sheng-Rui;Zhang Jin-Cheng;Zhao Yi;Xue Jun-Shuai;Ha We;Zhang Shuai;Cui Pei-Shui;Wen Hui-Juan;Chen Xing;Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;School of Microelectronics;Xidian University;
Electrical and optical properties of Sb-doped ZnO thin films synthesized by sol–gel method
Cao Meng-Meng;Zhao Xiao-Ru;Duan Li-Bing;Liu Jin-Ru;Guan Meng-Meng;Guo Wen-Rui;Key Laboratory of Space Applied Physics and Chemistry;Ministry of Education of China and Department of Applied Physics;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Enormous enhancement of electric field in active gold nanoshells
Jiang Shu-Min;Wu Da-Jian;Wu Xue-Wei;Liu Xiao-Jun;Faculty of Science;Jiangsu University;School of Physics;Nanjing University;
Magnetizations and magneto-transport properties of Ni-doped PrFeO3 thin films
Feroz A.Mir;S.K.Sharma;Ravi Kumar;University Science Instrumentation Center;University of Kashmir;Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin;Universidade Estadual de Campinas;CMSE;National Institute of Technology;
Influences of nitrogen flow rate on the structures and properties of Ti and N co-doped diamond-like carbon films deposited by arc ion plating
Zhang Lin;Ma Guo-Jia;Lin Guo-Qiang;Ma He;Han Ke-Chang;Key Laboratory for Material Modification by Laser;Ion and Electron Beams;Dalian University of Technology;Science and Technology on Power Beam Processes Laboratory;Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute;
An optimized, sensitive and stable reduced graphene oxide–gold nanoparticle-luminol-H2O2 chemiluminescence system and its potential analytical application
Wang Wen-Shuo;He Da-Wei;Wang Ji-Hong;Duan Jia-Hua;Peng Hong-Shang;Wu Hong-Peng;Fu Ming;Wang Yong-Sheng;Zhang Xi-Qing;Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Optical Information;Ministry of Education;Institute of Optoelectronic Technology;Beijing Jiaotong University;School of Science;China University of Petroleum;
Synthesis and application of TiO2 single-crystal nanorod arrays grown by multicycle hydrothermal for dye-sensitized solar cells
Zhu Jian-Jing;Zhao Yu-Long;Zhu Lei;Gu Xiu-Quan;Qiang Ying-Huai;School of Materials Science and Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Formation of ZnGa2O4 films by multilayer deposition and subsequent thermal annealing
Yan Jin-Liang;Zhao Yin-N;Li Chao;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Ludong University;
Solid solubility and photoluminescence of Y3Al5O12:Ce3+prepared by using(Y1-xCex)2O3 as precursor
Liu Si-Jia;Peng Tong-Jiang;Song Zhen;Bian Liu;Song Gong-Bao;Liu Quan-Lin;School of Materials Science & Engineering;Southwest University of Science and Technology;School of Materials Science & Engineering and State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Relation between martensitic transformation temperature range and lattice distortion ratio of NiMnGaCoCu Heusler alloys
Wei Jun;Xie Ren;Chen Le-Yi;Tang Yan-Mei;Xu Lian-Qiang;Tang Shao-Long;Du You-Wei;National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures;Key Laboratory of Nanomaterials for Jiangsu Provincial and Department of Physics;Nanjing University;Department of Physics and Electronic Science;Guizhou Normal University;
Preparation and modification of VO2 thin film on R-sapphire substrate by rapid thermal process
Zhu Nai-Wei;Hu Ming;Xia Xiao-Xu;Wei Xiao-Ying;Liang Ji-Ran;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Tianjin University;
Non-homogeneous SiGe-on-insulator formed by germanium condensation process
Huang Shi-Hao;Li Cheng;Lu Wei-Fang;Wang Chen;Lin Guang-Yang;Lai Hong-Kai;Chen Song-Yan;Department of Physics;Semiconductor Photonics Research Center;Xiamen University;
Aggregation of fullerene(C60) nanoparticle:A molecular-dynamic study
He Su-Zhen;Merlitz Holger;Wu Chen-Xu;Department of Electronic Engineering;Putian University;Department of Physics and ITPA;Xiamen University;Leibniz-Institut fr Polymerforschung Dresden 01069 Dresden;
Crystal structure and ionic conductivity of Mg-doped apatite-type lanthanum silicates La10Si6-x Mgx O27-x(x=0–0.4)
Yin Guang-Chao;Yin Hong;Zhong Lin-Hong;Sun Mei-Ling;Zhang Jun-Kai;Xie Xiao-Jun;Cong Ri-Dong;Wang Xin;Gao Wei;Cui Qi-Liang;State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials;Jilin University;
Unsteady MHD flow and heat transfer near stagnation point over a stretching/shrinking sheet in porous medium filled with a nanofluid
Sadegh Khali;Saeed Dinarvand;Reza Hossei;Hossein Tamim;Ioan Pop;Young Researchers and Elite Club;Saveh Branch;Islamic Azad University;Mechanical Engineering Department;Amirkabir University of Technology;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Saveh Branch;Islamic Azad University;Department of Mathematics;Babes-Bolyai University;
Iron trichloride as oxidizer in acid slurry for chemical mechanical polishing of Ge2Sb2Te5
Yan Wei-Xia;Wang Liang-Yong;Zhang Ze-Fang;Liu Wei-Li;Song Zhi-Tang;State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics;Laboratory of Nanotechnology;Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Computation of the locus crossing point location of MC circuit
Liu Hai-Jun;Li Zhi-Wei;Bu Kai;Sun Zhao-Lin;Nie Hong-Shan;College of Electronic Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;
Three-dimensional simulation method of multipactor in microwave components for high-power space application
Li Yun;Cui Wan-Zhao;Zhang Na;Wang Xin-Bo;Wang Hong-Guang;Li Yong-Dong;Zhang Jian-Feng;National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Space Science;China Academy of Space Technology;Key Laboratory of Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education;Xi’an Jiaotong University;State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves;Southeast University;
The determination of the relative permittivity of periodic stratified media based on the iterative time-reversal method
Zhang Zhi-Min;Wang Bing-Zhong;Liang Mu-Sheng;Ji Qing;Song Gang-Bing;Institute of Applied Physics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Smart Material and Structure Laboratory;Department of Mechanical Engineering;University of Houston;
Charge transport in monolayer poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin-film transistors
Xu Zong-Xiang;Roy V.A.L;Department of Chemistry;South University of Science and Technology of China;Center Of Superdiamond and Advanced Films;Department of Physics and Materials Science;City University of Hong Kong;
A GaN AlGaN InGaN last quantum barrier in an InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-well blue LED
Yang Bin;Guo Zhi-You;Xie Nan;Zhang Pan-Jun;Li Jing;Li Fang-Zheng;Lin Hong;Zheng Huan;Cai Jin-Xin;Laboratory of Nanophotonic Functional Materials and Devices;Institute of Optoelectronic Materials and Technology;South China Normal University;
Improvement and error analysis of quantitative information extraction in diffraction-enhanced imaging
Yang Hao;Xuan Rui-Jiao;Hu Chun-Hong;Duan Jing-Hao;College of Biomedical Engineering;Tianjin Medical University;
Cardiac electrical activity imaging of patients with CRBBB or CLBBB in magnetocardiography
Zhu Jun-Jie;Jiang Shi-Qin;Wang Wei-Yuan;Zhao Chen;Wu Yan-Hua;Luo Ming;Quan Wei-Wei;Department of Control Science and Engineering;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Tongji University;Department of Cardiology of Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University Medical School;Department of Cardiology of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Jiaotong University Medical School;
Early warning signals of abrupt temperature change in different regions of China over the past 50 years
Tong Ji-Long;Wu Hao;Hou Wei;He Wen-Ping;Zhou Jie;Key Laboratory for Semi-Arid Climate Change of the Ministry of Education;College of Atmospheric Sciences;Lanzhou University;College of Physical Science and Technology;Yangzhou University;National Climate Center;
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