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Chinese Physics
2013 Issue 6
Resistance switching in oxides with inhomogeneous conductivity
Shang Da-Shana)b);Sun Ji-Ronga);Shen Bao-Gena);and Wuttig Matthias b) a) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China b) I.Physikalisches Institut;RWTH Aachen University;52056 Aachen;Germany
Mn-based antiperovskite functional materials:Review of research
Tong Penga);Wang Bo-Sena);and Sun Yu-Pinga)b) a) Key Laboratory of Materials Physics;Institute of Solid State Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China b) High Magnetic Field Laboratory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China
Spin Chern numbers and time-reversal-symmetry-broken quantum spin Hall effect
Sheng Lia);Li Hui-Chaoa);Yang Yun-Youa);Sheng Dong-Ning b);and Xing Ding-Yua) a) National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China b) Department of Physics and Astronomy;California State University;Northridge;California 91330;USA
Elastic scattering of surface states on three-dimensional topological insulators
Wang Jinga)b);and Zhu Bang-Fena)c) a) State Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Physics;and Department of Physics;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China b) Department of Physics;McCullough Building;Stanford University;Stanford;California 94305-4045;USA c) Institute of Advanced Study;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
Transport properties of topological insulators films and nanowires
Liu Yia);Ma Zhenga);Zhao Yan-Fei a);Meenakshi Singh b);and Wang Jiana)b a) International Center for Quantum Materials;School of Physics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China b) The Center for Nanoscale Science and Department of Physics;The Pennsylvania State University;University Park;Pennsylvania 16802-6300;USA
Topological edge states and electronic structures of a 2D topological insulator:Single-bilayer Bi(111)
Gao Chun-Lei a);Qian Donga);Liu Can-Huaa);Jia Jin-Fenga);and Liu Feng b) a) Key Laboratory of Artificial Structures and Quantum Control;Department of Physics;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China b) Department of Materials Science & Engineering;University of Utah;Salt Lake City;Utah 84112;USA
From magnetically doped topological insulator to the quantum anomalous Hall effect
He Kea);Ma Xu-Cuna);Chen Xib);L Lia);Wang Ya-Yu b);and Xue Qi-Kunb) a) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China b) State Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Physics;Department of Physics;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
Molecular-beam epitaxy of topological insulator Bi2Se3(111) and(221) thin films
Xie Mao-Hai;Guo Xin;Xu Zhong-Jie;and Ho Wing-Kin Physics Department;The University of Hong Kong;Pokfulam Road;Hong Kong;China
A symmetry-preserving difference scheme for high dimensional nonlinear evolution equations
Xin Xiang-Peng;Chen Yong;and Wang Yun-Hu Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200062;China
The nonrelativistic oscillator strength of a hyperbolic-type potential
H.Hassanabadi a);S.Zarrinkamar b);and B.H.Yazarloo a) a) Department of Basic Sciences;Shahrood Branch;Islamic Azad University;Shahrood;Iran b) Department of Basic Sciences;Garmsar Branch;Islamic Azad University;Garmsar;Iran
Solving the spin-weighted spheroidal wave equation
Li Yu-Zhen;Tian Gui-Hua;and Dong Kun School of Sciences;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China
Singular solitons and other solutions to a couple of nonlinear wave equations
Mustafa Inc a);Esma Ulutas b);and Anjan Biswas c) a) Firat University;Department of Mathematics;23119 Elazg;Türkiye b) Bitlis Eren University;Deparment of Statistic;Bitlis;Türkiye c) Department of Mathematical Sciences;Delaware State University;Dover;DE 19901-2277;USA
A double optical solitary wave in a nonlinear Schrdinger-type equation
Yin Jiu-Liand Ding Shan-Yu Nonlinear Science Research Center;Faculty of Science;Jiangsu University;Zhenjiang 212013;China
An improved local radial point interpolation method for transient heat conduction analysis
Wang Fenga);Lin Gaoa);Zheng Bao-Jing b);Hu Zhi-Qianga) a) Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China b) School of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
A conservative Fourier pseudospectral algorithm for a coupled nonlinear Schrdinger system
Cai Jia-Xianga)b) and Wang Yu-Shuna) a) Jiangsu Key Laboratory for NSLSCS;School of Mathematics Science;Nanjing Normal University;Nanjing 210046;China b) School of Mathematics Science;Huaiyin Normal University;Huaian 223300;China
A new coupled-map car-following model based on a transportation supernetwork framework
Yao Jinga)b);Huang Jing-Yia);Chen Guan-Rong c);and Xu Wei-Shenga) a) Department of Control Science and Engineering;Tongji University;Shanghai 201804;China b) Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering;The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;Hong Kong SAR;China c) Department of Electronic Engineering;City University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong SAR;China
Analysis of the generalized Camassa and Holm equation with the improved element-free Galerkin method
Cheng Rong-Junand Wei Qi Ningbo Institute of Technology;Zhejiang University;Ningbo 315100;China
An element-free Galerkin(EFG) method for generalized Fisher equations(GFE)
Shi Ting-Yua);Cheng Rong-Jun b);and Ge Hong-Xia a) a) Faculty of Science;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China b) Ningbo Institute of Technology;Zhejiang University;Ningbo 315100;China
New operator identities with regard to the two-variable Hermite polynomial by virtue of entangled state representation
Yuan Hong-Chun a);Li Heng-Mei b);and Xu Xue-Fen c) a) College of Optoelectronic Engineering;Changzhou Institute of Technology;Changzhou 213002;China b) School of Science;Changzhou Institute of Technology;Changzhou 213002;China c) School of Mathematics and Physics;Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology;Changzhou 213001;China
New decomposition of the Fresnel operator corresponding to the optical transformation in ABCD-systems
Du Jian-Minga) and Fan Hong-Yi b) a) Department of Physics and Electronic Information;Huainan Normal University;Huainan 232001;China b) Department of Material Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
The Yukawa potential in semirelativistic formulation via supersymmetry quantum mechanics
S.Hassanabadi a);M.Ghominejad a);S.Zarrinkamar b);and H.Hassanabadi c) a) Physics Department;Semnan University;Semnan;Iran b) Department of Basic Sciences;Garmsar Branch;Islamic Azad University;Garmsar;Iran c) Department of Basic Sciences;Shahrood Branch;Islamic Azad University;Shahrood;Iran
Deformed oscillator algebra for quantum superintegrable systems in two-dimensional Euclidean space and on a complex two-sphere
H.Panahi;and Z.Alizadeh Department of Physics;University of Guilan;Rasht 51335-1914;Iran
Relativistic symmetries with the trigonometric Pschl-Teller potential plus Coulomb-like tensor interaction
Babatunde J.Falaye a) and Sameer M.Ikhdair b)c) a) Theoretical Physics Section;Department of Physics;University of Ilorin;P.M.B.1515;Ilorin;Nigeria b) Physics Department;Near East University;922022 Nicosia;Northern Cyprus;Turkey c) Physics Department;Faculty of Science;An-Najah National University;Nablus;West Bank;Palestine
Solutions of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation in the presence of Hulthn potential in(1+2) dimensions for unity spin particles using the asymptotic iteration method
Z.Molaee a);M.K.Bahar b)c);F.Yasuk b);and H.Hassanabadi d) a) Department of Basic Sciences;Garmsar Branch;Islamic Azad University;Garmsar;Iran b) Department of Physics;Erciyes University;38039;Kayseri;Turkey c) Department of Physics;Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University;70100;Karaman;Turkey d) Department of Basic Sciences;Shahrood Branch;Islamic Azad University;Shahrood;Iran
Steganalysis and improvement of a quantum steganography protocol via a GHZ4 state
Xu Shu-Jiang a)b)c);Chen Xiu-Bo a)c);Niu Xin-Xin a);and Yang Yi-Xian a) a) Information Security Center;State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China b) Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Computer Network;Shandong Computer Science Center;Jinan 250014;China c) State Key Laboratory of Information Security;;Beijing 100093;China
Cryptanalysis and improvement of controlled secure direct communication
Kao Shih-Hung and Hwang Tzonelih National Cheng Kung University;Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering;Tainan City 701;Taiwan;China
Fabrication of Al/AlO_x/Al Josephson junctions and superconducting quantum circuits by shadow evaporation and a dynamic oxidation process
Wu Yu-Lin;Deng Hui;Yu Hai-Feng;Xue Guang-Ming;Tian Ye;Li Jie;Chen Ying-Fei;Zhao Shi-Ping;and Zheng Dong-Ning Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Phase-controlled atom-photon entanglement in a three-level Λ-type closed-loop atomic system
Ali Mortezapour a);Zeinab Kordi b);and Mohammad Mahmoudi b) a) Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences;P.O.Box 45195-159;Zanjan;Iran b) Physics Department;University of Zanjan;P.O.Box 45195-313;Zanjan;Iran
The vibron dressing in α-helicoidal macromolecular chains
D.evizovia)b);S. Galovia)b);A. Reshetnyakc);and Z. Ivia)a)University of Belgrade;Vina Institute of Nuclear Sciences Laboratory for Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics;P. O. Box 522;11001 Belgrade;Serbiab)Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Bogoliubov Laboratory for Theoretical Physics;Dubna;Russiac)Laboratory of Non-Linear Media Physics;Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science;Tomsk;634021;Russia
Effects of non-Gaussian noise on the dynamical properties of a logistic system
Wang Can-Jun Nonlinear Research Institute;Baoji University of Arts and Sciences;Baoji 721016;China
The mean first passage time of a three-level atomic optical bistable system subjected to noise
Wei Yong-Gang a)c);Zeng Chun-Hua a)b);Wang Hua a)c);Li Kong-Zhai a)c);and Hu Jian-Hanga)c) a) Engineering Research Center of Metallurgical Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction;Ministry of Education;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Kunming 650093;China b) Faculty of Science;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Kunming 650093;China c) Faculty of Metallurgy and Energy Engineering;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Kunming 650093;China
Modeling and simulation of high-speed passenger train movements in the rail line
Cao Cheng-Xuan;Xu Yan;and Li Ke-Ping State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing 100044;China
Analysis of random laser scattering pulse signals with lognormal distribution
Yan Zhen-Gang;Bian Bao-Min;Wang Shou-Yu;Lin Ying-Lu;Wang Chun-Yong;and Li Zhen-Hua Department of Information Physics and Engineering;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;Nanjing 210094;China
Explosive synchronization of complex networks with different chaotic oscillators
Zhao Jun-Chan College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Wuhan Textile University;Wuhan 430073;China
Network evolution driven by dynamics applied to graph coloring
Wu Jian-Shea);Li Li-Guang a);Wang Xiao-Hua b);Yu Xin a);and Jiao Li-Cheng a)a) Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of Ministry of Education of China;224# Xidian University;2# Taibai South Road;Xi’an 710071;China b) Aeronautical Computing Technique Research Institute;Xi’an 710068;China
Controlling hyperchaotic complex systems with unknown parameters based on adaptive passive method
Gamal M.Mahmoud a);Emad E.Mahmoud b)c);and Ayman A.Arafa b) a) Department of Mathematics;Faculty of Science;Taibah University;Al-Madeenah Al-Munawwarah;P.O.Box 344;Kingdom of Saudi Arabia b) Department of Mathematics;Faculty of Science;Sohag University;Sohag 82524;Egypt c) College of Applied Medical Sciences;Turabah;Taif University;Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Comparison of performance between bipolar and unipolar double-frequency sinusoidal pulse width modulation in a digitally controlled H-bridge inverter system
Lei Bo;Xiao Guo-Chun;and Wu Xuan-Lü State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment;School of Electrical Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China
A novel study on the impulsive synchronization of fractional-order chaotic systems
Liu Jin-Gui Faculty of Mathematics and Physics;Huaiyin Institute of Technology;Huaian 223003;China
The KdV-Burgers equation in a modified speed gradient continuum model
Lai Ling-Linga);Cheng Rong-Jun b);Li Zhi-Peng c);and Ge Hong-Xiaa) a) Faculty of Science;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China b) Ningbo Institute of Technology;Zhejiang University;Ningbo 315100;China c) College of Electronics and Information Engineering;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China
Totally asymmetric exclusion processes at constrained m-input n-output junction points
Li Shao-Da a)b);Liu Ming-Zhea);and Pei Xiang-Juna) a) State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection;Chengdu University of Technology;Chengdu 610059;China b) College of Earth Sciences;Chengdu University of Technology;Chengdu 610059;China
Brownian localization:A generalized coupling model yielding a nonergodic Langevin equation description
Liu Jian;Wang Hai-Yan;Bao Jing-Dong Department of Physics;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Differences in the adsorption of FePc on coinage metal surfaces
R.A.Rehman a)b);Cai Yi-Liang b);Zhang Han-Jie b);Wu Keb);Dou Wei-Dong b);Li Hai-Yang b);He Pi-Mob);Bao Shi-Ning b) a) Physics Department;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China b) Physics Department;Forman Christian College University;Lahore-Pakistan
A full-dimensional analytical potential energy surface for the F+CH4→HF+CH3 reaction
Yang Chuan-Lu;Wang Mei-Shan;Liu Wen-Wang;Zhang Zhi-Hong;and Ma Xiao-Guang School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Ludong University;Yantai 264025;China
X-ray-boosted photoionization for the measurement of an intense laser pulse
Ge Yu-Cheng and He Hai-Ping School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
The stereodynamic properties of the F+HO(v,j) → HF+O reaction on~1 A’ and ~3A’ potential energy surfaces by quasi-classical trajectory calculations:Initial excitation effect(v=1-3,j=0 and v= 0,j=1-3)
Zhao Dana)b);Chu Tian-Shub)c);and Hao Cea) a) School of Chemical Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116023;China b) State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics;Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Dalian 116023;China c) Institute for Computational Sciences and Engineering;Laboratory of New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile;the Growing Base for State Key Laboratory;Qingdao University;Qingdao 266071;China
The effect of the rotational excitation of NO on the stereodynamics for the reaction C(~3P)+NO(X~2Π)→CN(X~2Σ~+)+O(~3P)
Ma Jian-Jun;Zou Yong;and Liu Hou-TongDepartment of Applied Physics;Anhui University of Technology;Maanshan 243002;China
Nonparaxial propagation of Hermite-Laguerre-Gaussian beams in uniaxial crystal orthogonal to the optical axis
Xu Yi-Qing;Zhou Guo-Quan;and Wang Xiao-Gang School of Sciences;Zhejiang A & F University;Lin’an 311300;China
Scattering by an array of parallel metallic carbon nanotubes
Afshin Moradi a)b) a) Department of Nano Science;Kermanshah University of Technology;Kermanshah 67178-63766;Iran b) Department of Nano Science;Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics;Tehran 19395-5531;Iran
Experimental verification on tightly focused radially polarized vortex beams
Du Fu-Ronga);Zhou Zhe-Haia);Tan Qiao-Feng b);Yang Chang-Xib);Zhang Xiao-Qing a);and Zhu Lian-Qing a) a) Beijing Engineering Research Center of Optoelectronic Information and Instruments;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;Beijing 100192;China b) State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
An image compression method for space multispectral time delay and integration charge coupled device camera
Li Jin a)b);Jin Long-Xu b);and Zhang Ran-Feng b) a) Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changchun 130033;China b) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Atom dynamical dissipation in the laser cavity with quasimode
Jiang Wen-Ying a)b);Zhao Zhi-Mina);Tian Tianc);Zheng Lid);and Zheng Tai-Yu c) a) College of Automation Engineering;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Nanjing 210016;China b) School of Electronic Engineering and Automation;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;Guilin 541004;China c) School of Physics;Northeast Normal University;Changchun 130024;China d) Information Science and Engineering College;Dalian Polytechnic University;Dalian 116034;China
Unified analytical treatments of qubit-oscillator systems
He Shu a);Zhang Yu-Yub);Chen Qing-Hu c)d);Ren Xue-Zao a);Liu Tao a);and Wang Ke-Lin e) a) School of Science;Southwest University of Science and Technology;Mianyang 621010;China b) Center for Modern Physics;Chongqing University;Chongqing 400044;China c) Department of Physics;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China d) Center for Statistical and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics;Zhejiang Normal University;Jinhua 321004;China e) Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
Enhancing stationary optomechanical entanglement with the Kerr medium
Zhang Dan a);Zhang Xiao-Ping b);and Zheng Qiang c) a) School of Chemistry and Material Science;Guizhou Normal University;Guiyang 550001;China b) Space Science Institute;Macau University of Science and Technology;Avenida Wai Long;Macau;China c) School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Guizhou Normal University;Guiyang 550001;China
Electronic states and shapes of silicon quantum dots
Huang Wei-Qi;Miao Xin-Jian;Huang Zhong-Mei;Cheng Han-Qiong;and Su QinInstitute of Nanophotonic Physics;Key Laboratory of Photoelectron Technology and Application;Guizhou University;Guiyang 550025;China
A theoretical and experimental investigation of an in-band pumped gain-switched thulium-doped fiber laser
Zhou Ren-Lai;Ju You-Lun;Zhao Jie;Yang Chao;and Wang Yue-Zhu National Key Laboratory of Tunable Laser Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
The improved output performance of a broad-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser with an optimized electrode diameter
Zhang Xing;Ning Yong-Qiang;Qin Li;Tong Cun-Zhu;Liu Yun;and Wang Li-Jun State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changchun 130033;China
Crystalline undulator radiation and sub-harmonic bifurcation of system
Luo Xiao-Huaa)b);He Wei a);Wu Mu-Ying c);Shao Ming-Zhu c);and Luo Shi-Yu c) a) School of Electrical Engineering;Chongqing University;Chongqing 400044;China b) Library;Chongqing Jiaotong University;Chongqing 400074;China c) College of Electronic Engineering;Dongguan University of Technology;Dongguan 523808;China
Generation of a compact high-power high-efficiency normal-dispersion pumping supercontinuum in silica photonic crystal fiber pumped with a 1064-nm picosecond pulse
Chen Hong-Wei;Jin Ai-Jun;Yang Wei-Qiang;Chen Sheng-Ping;Hou Jing;and Lu Qi-ShengCollege of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China
A picosecond widely tunable deep-ultraviolet laser for angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Zhang Feng-Fenga)c);Yang Fenga);Zhang Shen-Jin a);Xu Zhi a)c);Wang Zhi-Mina);Xu Feng-Liang a);Peng Qin-Jun a);Zhang Jing-Yuan a);Wang Xiao-Yang b);Chen Chuang-Tian b);and Xu Zu-Yan a) a) Research Center for Laser Physics and Technology;Key Laboratory of Functional Crystal and Laser Technology;Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China b) Beijing Center for Crystal R & D;Key Laboratory of Functional Crystal and Laser Technology;Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China c) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Characterization of spectral hole depth in Tm3+:YAG within the cryogenic temperature range
Chen Leia)b);Ma Xiu-Ronga)b);Wang Wei a)b);Zhang Shuang-Gen b);Mu Kuan-Lin a)b);Wang Xia-Yang a)b);and Zhang Shi-Yu a)b) a) Engineering Research Center on Communication Devices;School of Computer and Communication Engineering;Tianjin University of Technology;Tianjin 300384;China b) Tianjin Key Laboratory of Film Electronic and Communication Device;School of Electronic Information Engineering;Tianjin University of Technology;Tianjin300384;China
Generation of self-oscillations from a singly resonant periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate crystal frequency doubler
Li Yuan-Ji;Liu Qin;Feng Jin-Xia;and Zhang Kuan-Shou State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices;Institute of Opto-Electronics;Shanxi University;Taiyuan 030006;China
Extension of high-order harmonic cutoff frequency by synthesizing the waveform of a laser field via the optimization of classical electron trajectory in the laser field
Zhao Di and Li Fu-Li Department of Applied Physics;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China
A tunable comb filter using single-mode/multimode/polarization-maintaining-fiber-based Sagnac fiber loop
Ruan Juan;Zhang Wei-Gang;Zhang Hao;Geng Peng-Cheng;and Bai Zhi-YongKey Laboratory of Optical Information and Technology;Ministry of Education;Institute of Modern Optics;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071;China
Deposition of Cu seed layer film by supercritical fluid deposition for advanced interconnects
Zhao Bin;Zhao Ming-Tao;Zhang Yan-Fei;and Yang Jun-He School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;Shanghai 200093;China
Thermal conductivity of a kind of mesoporous silica SBA-15
Huang Cong-Lianga);Feng Yan-Hui a);Zhang Xin-Xin a);Li Jing a);and Wang Ge b) a) School of Mechanical Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China b) School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China
Volt-ampere characteristics of a nitrogen DC plasma arc with anode melting
Zhao Peng a)b);Ni Guo-Hua a);Meng Yue-Dong a);and Nagatsu Masaaki b) a) Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China b) Graduate School of Science and Technology;Shizuoka University;3-5-1;Johoku;Nakaku;Hamamatsu;432-8561;Japan
Optimization of 4.7-keV X-ray titanium sources driven by 100-ps laser pulses
Xiong Juna);Dong Jia-Qin a);Jia Guo a);Wang Rui-Rong a);Wang Weia);Fu Si-Zu b);and Zheng Wu-Dib) a) Shanghai Institute of Laser Plasma;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201800;China b) Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Beijing 100088;China
Growth and characterization of GaAs/In_xGa(1-x)As/GaAs axial nanowire heterostructures with symmetrical heterointerfaces
Lü Xiao-Long;Zhang Xia;Liu Xiao-Long;Yan Xin;Cui Jian-Gong;Li Jun-Shuai;Huang Yong-Qing;and Ren Xiao-MinState Key Laboratory of Information Photonics & Optical Communications;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China
A first-principles study of the structural and elastic properties of orthorhombic and tetragonal Ca3Mn2O7
Zhang Weia);and Tong Pei-Qinga)b) a) Department of Physics;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Nanjing Normal University;Nanjing 210023;China b) Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Numerical Simulation of Large Scale Complex Systems;Nanjing Normal University;Nanjing 210023;China
High-pressure Raman study of MgV2O6 synthesized at high pressure and high temperature
Tang Rui-Liana);Li Yan a)b);Tao Qiang a);Li Na-Na a);Li Hui a);Han Dan-Dan a);Zhu Pin-Wen a);and Wang Xin a) a) State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China b) College of Physics;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China
Complex force network in marginally and deeply jammed solids
Hu Mao-Bin;Jiang Rui;and Wu Qing-Song School of Engineering Science;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
One-dimensional diffusion of vacancies on an Sr/Si(100)-c(2×4) surface
Yang Jing-Jing a) and Du Wen-Han b) a) Changzhou Institute of Technology;Changzhou 213002;China b) Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
First-principles study of Ar adsorptions on the(111) surfaces of Pd,Pt,Cu,and Rh
Niu Wen-Xiaa);Zhang Hong b);Gong Minb);and Cheng Xin-Lu a) a) Institution of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610065;China b) College of Physical Science and Technology;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610065;China
Structural and optical properties of tungsten-doped vanadium dioxide films
Wang Xue-Jin a);Liu Yu-Ying a);Li De-Huab);Feng Bao-Huab);He Zhi-Weia);and Qi Zheng a) a) College of Science;China Agricultural University;Beijing 100083;China b) Laboratory of Optical Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Thermal stability and electrical properties of copper nitride with In or Ti
Du Yuna)b);Gao Lei b);Li Chao-Rongc);and Ji Ai-Lingb) a) Information Engineering School;Hangzhou Dianzi University;Hangzhou 310018;China b) State Key Laboratory for Surface Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China c) School of Sciences;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;Hangzhou 310018;China
First-principles study of hydrogen adsorption on titanium-decorated single-layer and bilayer graphenes
Pan Hong-Zhe a)b);Wang Yong-Long a);He Kai-Hua b);Wei Ming-Zhen a);Ouyang Yu a);and Chen Li a) a) School of Science;Linyi University;Linyi 276005;China b) Department of Physics;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Density-functional theory investigation of electronic structure,elastic properties,optical properties,and lattice dynamics of Ba2Zn WO6
Guo San-Dong Department of Physics;School of Sciences;China University of Mining and Technology;Xuzhou 221116;China
The effect of interface hopping on inelastic scattering of oppositely charged polarons in polymers
Di Bing a);Wang Ya-Dong a)b);Zhang Ya-Lin a);and An Zhong a) a) College of Physics and Hebei Advanced Thin Films Laboratory;Hebei Normal University;Shijiazhuang 050024;China b) Zhangjiakou Vocational and Technical College;Zhangjiakou 075051;China
Influence of drain bias on the electron mobility in AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors
Lü Yuan-Jie a)b);Feng Zhi-Hong a);Cai Shu-Jun a);Dun Shao-Bo a);Liu Bo a);Yin Jia-Yun a);Zhang Xiong-Wen a);Fang Yu-Long a);Lin Zhao-Jun b);Meng Ling-Guo b);and Luan Chong-Biao b) a) Science and Technology on Application Specific Integrated Circuit Laboratory;Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute;Shijiazhuang 050051;China b) School of Physics;Shandong University;Jinan 250100;China
Calculating Hamiltonian parameters for Yb3+ in a low-symmetry lattice site,and fitting the structure and levels of Yb3+:TaO4(= Gd,Y,and Sc)
Zhang Qing-Li;Ning Kai-Jie;Ding Li-Hua;Liu Wen-Peng;Sun Dun-Lu;Jiang Hai-He;and Yin Shao-Tang The Key Laboratory of Photonic Devices and Materials of Anhui Province;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China
Electron mobility in the linear region of an AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistor
Yu Ying-Xiaa);Lin Zhao-Jun a) Luan Chong-Biao a);Wang Yu-Tang a);Chen Hong b);and Wang Zhan-Guo c) a) School of Physics;Shandong University;Jinan 250100;China b) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China c) Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Coupled edge plasmon modes of metal/dielectric multi-wedges
Wang Xuan-Zhang Key Laboratory for Photonic and Electronic Band-Gap Materials;National Ministry of Education;and School of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Harbin Normal University;Harbin 150025;China
A low on-resistance buried current path SOI p-channel LDMOS compatible with n-channel LDMOS
Zhou Kun;Luo Xiao-Rong;Fan Yuan-Hang;Luo Yin-Chun;Hu Xia-Rong;and Zhang Bo State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Spin-correlation function of the fully frustrated Ising model and ±J Ising spin glass on a square lattice
M Y Ali and J Poulter Department of Mathematics;Faculty of Science;Mahidol University;Rama 6 Road;Bangkok 10400;Thailand
The effects of Zn vacancies on ferromagnetism in Cu-doped ZnO films controlled by oxygen pressure and Li doping
Ran Cong-Jun;Yang Hai-Ling;Wang Yan-Kai;Hassan Farooq M;Zhou Li-Gong;Xu Xiao-Guang;and Jiang Yong School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China
Tunable interface anisotropy in a Pt/Co1-xFex/Pt multilayer
Chen Yong-Yong a);Shi Zhonga)b);Zhou Shi-Ming a)b);Rui Wen-Bin c);and Du Jun c) a) Surface Physics State Laboratory and Department of Physics;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China b) School of Physics Science and Engineering;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China c) Department of Physics;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China
Equivalent oxide thickness scaling of Al2O3/Ge metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors with ozone post oxidation
Sun Jia-Bao a)b);Yang Zhou-Wei a);Geng Yang b);Lu Hong-Liang b);Wu Wang-Ran a);Ye Xiang-Dong a);David Zhang Weib);Shi Yia);and Zhao Yi a)c) a) School of Electronic Science and Engineering;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China b) State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China c) State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China
The charge storage characteristics of ZrO2 nanocrystallite-based charge trap nonvolatile memory
Tang Zhen-Jiea);Li Rong b);and Yin Jiang c) a) College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Anyang Normal University;Anyang 455000;China b) School of Mathematics and Statistics;Anyang Normal University;Anyang 455000;China c) Department of Materials Science and Engineering;National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China
An ultrathin wide-band planar metamaterial absorber based on a fractal frequency selective surface and resistive film
Fan Yue-Nonga)b);Cheng Yong-Zhi a);Nie Yana);Wang Xiana);and Gong Rong-Zhou a) a) School of Optical and Electronic Information;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China b) Department of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering;Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute;Jingdezhen 333403;China
Planar terahertz metamaterial with three-resonant frequencies
Chen Zhi a) and Zhang Ya-Xin b) a) National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Communication;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 611731;China b) Terahertz Science and Technology Research Center;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Mode stability analysis in the beam-wave interaction process for a three-gap Hughes-type coupled cavity chain
Luo Ji-Run a);Cui Jian b);Zhu Min a);and Guo Wei a) a) Institute of Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China b) College of Electronic Information and Control Engineering;North China University of Technology;Beijing 100124;China
The investigation of ZnO:Al2O3 /metal composite back reflectors in amorphous silicon germanium thin film solar cells
Wang Guang-Hong;Zhao Lei;Yan Bao-Jun;Chen Jing-Wei;Wang Ge;Diao Hong-Wei;and Wang Wen-Jing Key Laboratory of Solar Thermal Energy and Photovoltaic System;Institute of Electrical Engineering;the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Effects of ramp vibrational states on flexural intrinsic vibrations in Besocke-style scanners
Zhang Hui;Jiang Guo-Zhu;Liu Zhao-Qun;Zhang Shu-Yi;and Fan Li Laboratory of Modern Acoustics;Institute of Acoustics;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China
The effect of collision energy on the stereodynamics of the reaction H(2S)+NH(X3-,v = 0,j = 0)→ N(4S)+H2
He Di;Wang Mei-Shan;Yang Chuan-Lu;and Jiang Zhi-JunSchool of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Ludong University;Yantai 264025;China
Stereodynamics study of the exchange reaction O(3P)+CH4 →H+OCH3
Cheng Da-Hai;Yuan Jiu-Chuang;Yang Tian-Gang;and Chen Mao-Du School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology;College of Advanced Science and Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
A theoretical study of the stereodynamics on the Abstraction reactions H/D+HS/DS
Xu Guo-Liang;Liu Pei;Liu Yan-Lei;Liu Yu-Fang;Yuan Wei;and Zhang Xian-Zhou College of Physics & Electronic Engineering;Henan Normal University;Xinxiang 453007;China
Effects of rapid thermal annealing on the room-temperature NO2-sensing properties of WO3 thin films under LED radiation
Hu Ming;Jia Ding-Li;Liu Qing-Lin;Li Ming-Da;and Sun Peng School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China
The voltage-current relationship and equivalent circuit implementation of parallel flux-controlled memristive circuits
Bao Bo-Cheng;Feng Fei;Dong Wei;and Pan Sai-Hu School of Information Science and Engineering;Changzhou University;Changzhou 213164;China
Comparative study of the electrical properties of Au/n-Si(MS) and Au/Si3N4 /n-Si(MIS) Schottky diodes
Adem Tataroglu Department of Physics;Faculty Sciences;Gazi University;06500;Ankara;Turkey
High-voltage super-junction lateral double-diffused metal-oxide semiconductor with a partial lightly doped pillar
Wu Wei;Zhang Bo;Fang Jian;Luo Xiao-Rong;and Li Zhao-Ji State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Hardening measures for bipolar transistors against microwave-induced damage
Chai Chang-Chun;Ma Zhen-Yang;Ren Xing-Rong;Yang Yin-Tang;Zhao Ying-Bo;and Yu Xin-Hai School of Microelectronics;Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China
AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors with transparent gates by Al-doped ZnO
Wang Chonga)b);He Yun-Long a)b);Zheng Xue-Feng a)b);Ma Xiao-Huaa)b);Zhang Jin-Cheng a)b);and Hao Yuea)b) a) Key Laboratory of Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;Xi’an 710071;China b) The Institute of Microelectronics;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China
Residual gas properties in a field emission device with ZnO emitters
Wang Jin-Chan School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Henan University of Science and Technology;Luoyang 471003;China
Droop improvement in blue InGaN light-emitting diodes with GaN/InGaN superlattice barriers
Tong Jin-Hui;Zhao Bi-Jun;Wang Xing-Fu;Chen Xin;Ren Zhi-Wei;Li Dan-Wei;Zhuo Xiang-Jing;Zhang Jun;Yi Han-Xiang;and Li Shu-Ti Institute of Opto-electronic Materials and Technology;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510631;China
Micromagnetic simulation with three models of FeCo/L10 FePt exchange-coupled particles for bit-patterned media
Wang Ying;Wang Rui;Xie Hai-Long;Bai Jian-Min;and Wei Fu-Lin Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
Non-isothermal kinetics of styrene-butadiene-styrene asphalt combustion
Wu Ke a);Zhu Kai a);Han Jun a)c);Wang Jin-Chang a);Huang Zhi-Yi a);and Liang Peib) a) Faculty of Engineering;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China b) College of Optical and Electronic Technology;China Jiliang University;Hangzhou 310018;China c) Jiangsu Bao Li Asphalt Co.LTD;Wuxi 214422;China
The effects of InGaN layer thickness on the performance of InGaN/GaN p-i-n solar cells
Li Liang a);Zhao De-Ganga);Jiang De-Sheng a);Liu Zong-Shun a);Chen Pinga);Wu Liang-Lianga);Le Ling-Cong a);Wang Hui b);and Yang Hui a)b) a) State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China b) Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Suzhou 215123;China
Analysis of network traffic flow dynamics based on gravitational field theory
Liu Gang;Li Yong-Shu;and Zhang Xi-Ping Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;Chengdu 610031;China