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Chinese Physics
2013 Issue 4
Structural changes concurrent with ferromagnetic transition
Yang Sen a);Bao Hui-Xin a);Zhou Chao a);Wang Yu a);Ren Xiao-Bing a) b);Song Xiao-Ping a);Yoshitaka Matsushita c);Yoshio Katsuya c);Masahiko Tanaka c);and Keisuke Kobayashi c) a) Frontier Institute of Science and Technology;MOE Key Laboratory for Nonequilibrium Synthesis and Modulation of Condensed Matter;and State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China b) Ferroic Physics Group;National Institute for Materials Science;Tsukuba;305-0047;Ibaraki;Japan c) National Institute for Materials Science;Beamline BL15XU;Spring-8;1-1-1 Kohto;Sayo-cho;Hyogo 679-5148;Japan
Reactively sputtered Fe3 O4 -based films for spintronics
Li Peng;Jin Chao;Mi Wen-Bo;and Bai Hai-Li Tianjin Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Materials Physics and Preparing Technology;Institute of Advanced Materials Physics;Faculty of Science;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China
Magneto optical trap for neutral mercury atoms
Liu Hong-Li a);Yin Shi-Qi a);Liu Kang-Kang a);Qian Jun a);Xu Zhen a);Hong Tao b);and Wang Yu-Zhu a) b) a) Key Laboratory for Quantum Optics;Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201800;China b) Center for Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena;Shanghai Advanced Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201210;China
Study on signal intensity of low field nuclear magnetic resonance via an indirect coupling measurement
Jiang Feng-Ying a) b);Wang Ning b);Jin Yi-Rong b);Deng Hui b);Tian Ye b);Lang Pei-Lin a);Li Jie b);Chen Ying-Fei b);and Zheng Dong-Ning b) a) School of Science;Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China b) Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
N-soliton solutions of an integrable equation studied by Qiao
Zhaqilao College of Mathematics Science;Inner Mongolia Normal University;Huhhot 010022;China
Finite symmetry transformation group and localized structures of the (2+1)-dimensional coupled Burgers equation
Lei Ya and Yang Duo Faculty of Science;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China
Consensus problems of first-order dynamic multi-agent systems with multiple time delays
Ji Liang-Hao a) b);and Liao Xiao-Feng a) a) State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology;College of Computer Science;Chongqing University;Chongqing 400044;China b) College of Computer Science and Technology;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Chongqing 400065;China
Global dynamics of a novel multi-group model for computer worms
Gong Yong-Wang a) b);Song Yu-Rong a);and Jiang Guo-Ping a) a) College of Automation;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Nanjing 210003;China b) School of Information Engineering;Yancheng Institute of Technology;Yancheng 224051;China
Epidemic propagation on adaptive coevolutionary networks with preferential local-world reconnecting strategy
Song Yu-Rong;Jiang Guo-Ping;and Gong Yong-Wang College of Automation;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Nanjing 210003;China
Virus spreading in wireless sensor networks with a medium access control mechanism
Wang Ya-Qi and Yang Xiao-Yuan Network and Information Security Key Laboratory of Armed Police Force;Department of Electronics Technology;Engineering University of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force;Xi’an 710086;China
The extended cubic B-spline algorithm for a modified regularized long wave equation
. Dag a);D. Irk a);and M. SarI b) a) Faculty of Science and Arts;Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences;Eskis ehir Osmangazi niversitesi;Eskis ehir;Turkey b) Faculty of Science and Arts;Department of Mathematics;Pamukkale niversitesi;Denizli;Turkey
Spinless particles in the field of unequal scalar vector Yukawa potentials
M. Hamzavi a);S. M. Ikhdair b)c);and K. E. Thylwe d)§ a) Department of Science and Engineering;Abhar Branch;Islamic Azad University;Abhar;Iran b) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Near East University;922022 Nicosia;North Cyprus;Mersin 10;Turkey c) Department of Physics;Faculty of Science;An-Najah National University;Nablus;West Bank;Palestine d) KTH-Mechanics;Royal Institute of Technology;S-100 44 Stockholm;Sweden
Relativistic symmetries in the Rosen-Morse potential and tensor interaction using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method
Sameer M Ikhdair a) b) and Majid Hamzavi c) a) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Near East University;922022 Nicosia;Northern Cyprus;Mersin 10;Turkey b) Department of Physics;Faculty of Science;An-Najah National University;Nablus;West Bank;Palestine c) Department of Science and Engineering;Abhar Branch;Islamic Azad University;Abhar;Iran
A symmetric geometric measure and the dynamics of quantum discord
Jiang Feng-Jian a) b);Lü Hai-Jiang b);Yan Xin-Hu b);and Shi Ming-Jun a) a) Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China b) School of Information Engineering;Huangshan University;Huangshan 245041;China
Quantum discord dynamics of two qubits in single-mode cavities
Wang Chen a) and Chen Qing-Hu a) b) a) Department of Physics;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China b) Center for Statistical and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics;Zhejiang Normal University;Jinhua 321004;China
Large payload quantum steganography based on cavity quantum electrodynamics
Ye Tian-Yu and Jiang Li-Zhen College of Information & Electronic Engineering;Zhejiang Gongshang University;Hangzhou 310018;China
Controlled remote implementation of quantum operations with high-dimensional systems
Zhan You-Bang a);Li Xiao-Wei a);Ma Peng-Cheng a);and Shi Jin b) a) School of Physics and Electronic Electrical Engineering;Huaiyin Normal University;Huaian 223300;China b) National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures;Department of Physics;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China
Efficient generation of two-dimensional cluster states in a cavity QED
Zhang Gang a);Zhou Jian b)c);and Xue Zheng-Yuan c) a) Machinery and Electronics Engineering Institute;West Anhui University;Lu’an 237012;China b) Anhui Xinhua University;Hefei 230088;China c) Laboratory of Quantum Information Technology and School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510006;China
Non-Markovian dynamics of two non-coupled qubits interacting with two separate reservoirs with different spectral densities
Wang Xiao-Yun;Ding Bang-Fu;and Zhao He-Ping College of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering;Jishou University;Jishou 416000;China
Generation of multiparticle three-dimensional entanglement state via adiabatic passage
Wu Xi;Chen Zhi-Hua;Ye Ming-Yong;Chen Yue-Hua;and Lin Xiu-Min College of Physics and Energy;Fujian Normal University;Fuzhou 350007;China
Nonautonomous solitary-wave solutions of the generalized nonautonomous cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrdinger equation with time- and space-modulated coefficients
He Jun-Rong and Li Hua-Mei Department of Physics;Zhejiang Normal University;Jinhua 321004;China
Incomplete nonextensive statistics and the zeroth law of thermodynamics
Huang Zhi-Fu a) b);Ou Cong-Jie a);and Chen Jin-Can b) a) College of Information Science and Engineering;Huaqiao University;Xiamen 361021;China b) Department of Physics;Xiamen University;Xiamen 361005;China
A memristor oscillator based on a twin-T network
Li Zhi-Jun a) b) and Zeng Yi-Cheng b) a) College of Information Engineering;Xiangtan University;Xiangtan 411105;China b) Department of Optoelectronic Engineering;Xiangtan University;Xiangtan 411105;China
Complex dynamical behavior and chaos control in fractional-order Lorenz-like systems
Li Rui-Hong and Chen Wei-Sheng Department of Mathematics;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China
Forced bursting and transition mechanism in CO oxidation with three time scales
Li Xiang-Hong a) b) and Bi Qin-Sheng a) a) Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics;Jiangsu University;Zhenjiang 212013;China b) Department of Mathematics and Physics;Shijiazhuang Tiedao University;Shijiazhuang 050043;China
Rhythm dynamics of complex neuronal networks with mixed bursting neurons
Lü Yong-Bing a);Shi Xia a);and Zheng Yan-Hong b) a) School of Science;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China b) School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Fujian Normal University;Fuzhou 350007;China
Hash function construction using weighted complex dynamical networks
Song Yu-Rong and Jiang Guo-Ping College of Automation;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Nanjing 210003;China
Synchronization of uncertain fractional-order chaotic systems with disturbance based on a fractional terminal sliding mode controller
Wang Dong-Feng;Zhang Jin-Ying;and Wang Xiao-Yan Hebei Engineering Research Center of Simulation & Optimized Control for Power Generation;Baoding 071003;China
General hybrid projective complete dislocated synchronization with non-derivative and derivative coupling based on parameter identification in several chaotic and hyperchaotic systems
Sun Jun-Wei a);Shen Yi a);Zhang Guo-Dong a);Wang Yan-Feng b);and Cui Guang-Zhao b) a) Department of Control Science and Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China b) Henan Key Laboratory of Information-based Electrical Appliances;Zhengzhou University of Light Industry;Zhengzhou 450002;China
Interactions among special embed-solitons for the (3+1)-dimensional Burgers equation
Zhang Wen-Ting;Dai Chao-Qing;and Chen Wei-Lu School of Sciences;Zhejiang A & F University;Lin’an 311300;China
Lie symmetries and exact solutions for a short-wave model
Chen Ai-Yong a);Zhang Li-Na b);and Wen Shuang-Quan a) a) School of Mathematics and Computing Science;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;Guilin 541004;China b) School of Science;Huzhou University;Huzhou 313000;China
Stress distribution and surface instability of an inclined granular layer
Zheng He-Peng a) b);Jiang Yi-Min a);and Peng Zheng a) a) School of Physics and Electronics;Central South University;Changsha 410083;China b) School of Basic Medical Sciences;Guilin Medical University;Guilin 541004;China
Hysteresis behavior and nonequilibrium phase transition in a one-dimensional evolutionary game model
Hua Da-Yin Physics Department;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China
Nb5 N6 microbolometer arrays for terahertz detection
Tu Xue-Cou;Kang Lin;Liu Xin-Hua;Mao Qing-Kai;Wan Chao;Chen Jian;Jin Biao-Bing;Ji Zheng-Ming;Xu Wei-Wei;and Wu Pei-Heng School of Electronic Science and Engineering;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China
The collision energy effect on the stereodynamics of the Ca + HCl→CaCl + H reaction
Wang Li-Zhi a) b);Yang Chuan-Lu b);Liang Jing-Juan a);Duan Li-Li a);and Zhang Qing-Gang a) a) College of Physics and Electronics;Shandong Normal University;Jinan 250014;China b) School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Ludong University;Yantai 264025;China
Multireference calculations on low-lying states and the X~3 Π_u –~3 Π_g absorption spectra of indium dimers
Zhou Ling-Song Yan Bing;and Jin Ming-Xing Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China
Characterizing passive coherent population trapping resonance in a cesium vapor cell filled with neon buffer gas
Liu Zhi;Wang Jie-Ying;Diao Wen-Ting;He Jun;and Wang Jun-Min State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices;and Institute of Opto-Electronics;Shanxi University;Taiyuan 030006;China
Enhanced absorption properties of ordered mesoporous carbon/Co-doped ordered mesoporous carbon double-layer absorbers
Guo Shao-Li;Wang Liu-Ding;Wang Yi-Ming;Wu Hong-Jing;and Shen Zhong-Yuan School of Science;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi’an 710072;China
A low-frequency wideband metamaterial absorber based on a cave-disk resonator and resistive film
Nie Yan;Cheng Yong-Zhi;and Gong Rong-Zhou School of Optical and Electronic Information;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China
Polycapillary X-ray lens for the secondary focusing Beijing synchrotron radiation source
Li Yu-De a);Lin Xiao-Yan a);Liu Shi-Gang a);He Jin-Long a);Guo Fei a);Sun Tian-Xi a);and Liu Peng b) a) The Key Laboratory of Beam Technology and Material Modification of Ministry of Education;College of Nuclear Science and Technology of Beijing Normal University;Beijing Radiation Center;Beijing 100875;China b) Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Wide-angle and broadband graded-refractive-index antireflection coatings
Zhang Jun-Chao a) b);Xiong Li-Min a);Fang Ming b);and He Hong-Bo b) a) Optic and Laser Division;National Institute of Metrology;Beijing 100013;China b) Key Laboratory of Material Science and Technology for High Power Lasers;Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201800;China
Experimental research on the longitudinal field generated by a tightly focused beam
Zhang Ming-Qian;Wang Jia;and Tian Qian State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments;Department of Precision Instruments;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
High-precision two-dimensional atom localization via probe absorption in an M-scheme atomic system
Wu Jian-Chun a) b);Liu Zheng-Dong a) b);and Zheng Jun a) b) a) Institute of Modern Physics;Nanchang University;Nanchang 330031;China b) Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology;Nanchang University;Nanchang 330047;China
A theoretical and experimental study on all-normal-dispersion Yb-doped mode-locked fiber lasers
Chi Jun-Jie a);Li Ping-Xue a);Yang Chun a);Zhao Zi-Qiang a);Li Yao b);Wang Xiong-Fei b);Zhong Guo-Shun b);Zhao Hong b);and Jiang Dong-Sheng b) a) Institute of Laser Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;Beijing 100124;China b) Science and Technology on Solid-State Laser Laboratory;Beijing 100015;China
A 330-W single-frequency retrievable multi-tone monolithic fiber amplifier
Wang Xiao-Lin;Zhou Pu;Leng Jin-Yong;Du Wen-Bo;and Xu Xiao-Jun College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China
The polarization characteristics of single shot nanosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of Al
Liu Jia;Tao Hai-Yan;Gao Xun;Hao Zuo-Qiang;and Lin Jing-Quan Changchun University of Science and Technology;Changchun 130022;China
Vortex solitons in the semi-infinite gap of optically induced periodic lattices
Wang Jian-Dong;Ji Hong;and Liu Pu-Sheng School of Physical Electronics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Nonlinear waves of the Hirota and the Maxwell Bloch equations in nonlinear optics
Li Chuan-Zhong a);He Jing-Song a);and K. Porseizan b)c) a) Department of Mathematics;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China b) Department of Physics;Pondicherry University;Puducherry 605014;India c) Institute of Condensed Matter Theory and Solid State Optics;Friedrich–Schiller-Universitt Jena;Max-Wein Platz 1;D-07743 Jena;Germany
The giant enhancement of Fano-type resonance in a gain-assisted silicon slab array
Dong Zheng-Gao;Li Jia-Qi;Shao Jian;Yu Xiao-Qiang;Wang Yu-Kun;and Zhai Ya Physics Department;Southeast University;Nanjing 211189;China
the influence of defects on the effective young s modulus of a defective solid
Shen Wei a);Fan Qun-Bo b);Wang Fu-Chi b);and Ma Zhuang b) a) Central Iron and Steel Research Institute;Beijing 100081;China b) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China
Numerical and experimental study on shear coaxial injectors with hot hydrogen-rich gas/oxygen-rich gas and GH2 /GO2
Jin Ping;Li Mao;and Cai Guo-Biao Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100191;China
Analysis of electron energy distribution function in a magnetically filtered complex plasma
M K Deka;H Bailung;and N C Adhikary Physical Sciences Division;Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology;Vigyan Path;Paschim Boragaon;Garchuk;Guwahati-781035;Assam;India
Enhanced optical absorption by Ag nanoparticles in a thin film Si solar cell
Chen Feng-Xiang;Wang Li-Sheng;and Xu Wen-Ying Department of Physics Science and Technology;Wuhan University of Technology;Wuhan 430070;China
Selective triggering of phase change in dielectrics by femtosecond pulse trains based on electron dynamics control
Xu Chuan-Cai;Jiang Lan;Leng Ni;and Liu Peng-Jun Laser Micro/Nano-Fabrication Laboratory;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China
The effects of process conditions on the plasma characteristic in radio-frequency capacitively coupled SiH4/NH3/N2 plasmas: Two-dimensional simulations
Liu Xiang-Mei a);Song Yuan-Hong b);Jiang Wei a);and Yi Lin a) a) School of Physics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China b) School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Determining the resistance of X-pinch plasma
Zhao Shen a);Xue Chuang b);Zhu Xin-Lei a);Zhang Ran a);Luo Hai-Yun a);Zou Xiao-Bing a);Wang Xin-Xin a);Ning Cheng b);Ding Ning b);and Shu Xiao-Jian b) a) Department of Electrical Engineering;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China b) Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Beijing 100088;China
Nanopowder production by gas-embedded electrical explosion of wire
Zou Xiao-Bing a);Mao Zhi-Guo b);Wang Xin-Xin a);and Jiang Wei-Hua a) a) State Key Laboratory of Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipments;Department of Electrical Engineering;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China b) Department of Physics and Chemistry;College of Science;North China University of Technology;Beijing 100144;China
Quantitative evaluation of equatorial small-angle X-ray scattering for cylindrical fibers
Li Xiao-Yun;Li Xiu-Hong;Yang Chun-Ming;Hua Wen-Qiang;Zhao Nie;Miao Xia-Ran;Tian Feng;Wang Yu-Zhu;Bian Feng-Gang;and Wang Jie Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201204;China
The dual role of multiple-transistor charge sharing collection in single-event transients
Guo Yang;Chen Jian-Jun;He Yi-Bai;Liang Bin;and Liu Bi-Wei School of Computer Science;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China
Influence of strain and electric field on the properties of silicane
Cheng Gang;Liu Peng-Fei;and Li Zi-Tao State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Structural and mechanical stability of rare-earth diborides
Haci Ozisik a);Engin Deligoz b);Kemal Colakoglu c);and Gokhan Surucu c) a) Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies Teaching;Aksaray University;68100;Aksaray;Turkey b) Department of Physics;Aksaray University;68100;Aksaray;Turkey c) Department of Physics;Gazi University;Teknikokullar;06500;Ankara;Turkey
Effect of grain size and arrangement on dynamic damage evolution of ductile metal
Qi Mei-Lan a);Zhong Sheng a);He Hong-Liang b);Fan Duan a);and Zhao Li a) a) School of Science;Wuhan University of Technology;Wuhan 430070;China b) National Key Laboratory of Shock Wave and Detonation Physics;Institute of Fluid Physics;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Mianyang 621900;China
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of optimization of self-assembly quantum rings growth strategy based on substrate engineering
Liu Jian-Tao;Feng Hao;Yu Zhong-Yuan;Liu Yu-Min;Shi Qiang;Song Xin;Zhang Wen;and Peng Yi-Wei State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing 100876;China
Symmetry and size effects on energy and entanglement of an exciton in coupled quantum dots
Shen Man a);Bai Yan-Kui a);An Xing-Tao b);and Liu Jian-Jun a)c) a) College of Physics Science & Information Engineering and Hebei Advanced Thin Film Laboratory;Hebei Normal University;Shijiazhuang 050024;China b) School of Sciences;Hebei University of Science and Technology;Shijiazhuang;050018;China c) Physics Department;Shijiazhuang University;Shijiazhuang 050035;China
Influence of Schottky drain contacts on the strained AlGaN barrier layer of AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors
Cao Zhi-Fang a);Lin Zhao-Jun a);Lü Yuan-Jie a);Luan Chong-Biao a);and Wang Zhan-Guo b) a) School of Physics;Shandong University;Jinan 250100;China b) Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Spin-dependent negative differential conductance in transport through single-molecule magnets
Luo Wei;Wang Rui-Qiang;Hu Liang-Bin;and Yang Mou Laboratory of Quantum Information Technology;ICMP and SPTE;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510006;China
Spin-polarized injection into a p-type GaAs layer from a Co2 MnAl injector
Yuan Si-Peng;Shen Chao;Zheng Hou-Zhi;Liu Qi;Wang Li-Guo;Meng Kang-Kang;and Zhao Jian-Hua State Key Laboratory of Superlattices and Microstructures;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Design of electron wave filters in monolayer graphene with velocity modulations
Sun Li-Feng a);Dong Li-Min b);and Fang Chao a) a) Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China b) Beijing Key Laboratory of Fine Ceramics;Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
Perforated nanocap array: Facile fabrication process and efficient surface enhanced Raman scattering with fluorescence suppression
Wang Jun;Huang Li-Qing;Tong Hui-Min;Zhai Li-Peng;Yuan Lin;Zhao Li-Hua;Zhang Wei-Wei;Shan Dong-Zhi;Hao Ai-Wen;and Feng Xue-Hong Non-equilibrium Condensed Matter and Quantum Engineering Laboratory;School of Science;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China
Pure spin polarized transport based on Rashba spin orbit interaction through the Aharonov Bohm interferometer embodied four-quantum-dot ring
Wu Li-Jun a) and Han Yu b) a) School of Science;Shenyang Ligong University;Shenyang 110159;China b) Department of Physics;Liaoning University;Shenyang 110036;China
Determination of interface states and their time constant for Au/SnO2 /n-Si (MOS) capacitors using admittance measurements
H. M. Baran and A. Tataroglu Department of Physics;Faculty of Arts and Sciences;Gazi University;06500;Ankara;Turkey
Hot carrier degradation and a new lifetime prediction model in ultra-deep sub-micron pMOSFET
Lei Xiao-Yi a);Liu Hong-Xia a);Zhang Kai a);Zhang Yue a);Zheng Xue-Feng a);Ma Xiao-Hua a) b);and Hao Yue a) a) Key Laboratory of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices of Ministry of Education;State Key Discipline Laboratory of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Technologies;School of Microelectronics;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China b) School of Technical Physics;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China
Influence of nanomechanical force on the electronic structure of InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Song Xin;Feng Hao;Liu Yu-Min;and Yu Zhong-Yuan State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China
Different effects of Ce-doping on orbital and spin ordering in perovskite vanadate Sm1-χCeχ VO3
Hu Xin-Bo a);Hu Ling a);Luo Xuan a);Zhao Bang-Chuan a);and Sun Yu-Ping a) b) a) Key Laboratory of Materials Physics;Institute of Solid State Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China b) High Magnetic Field Laboratory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China
Flexible tuning microwave permeability spectrum in [ferromagnet/antiferromagnet]_n exchange-biased multilayer stack structure
Jin Li-Chuan;Zhang Huai-Wu;Tang Xiao-Li;Bai Fei-Ming;and Zhong Zhi-Yong State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Composition influence on the microstructures and magnetic properties of FePt thin films
Liu Li-Wang;Dang Hong-Gang;Sheng Wei;Wang Ying;Cao Jiang-Wei;Bai Jian-Min;and Wei Fu-Lin Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
Electronic structures and magnetic couplings of B-, C-, and N-doped BeO
Pang Hua;Zhang Sha;and Li Fa-Shen Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
Electronic structure and magnetic and optical properties of double perovskite Bi2 FeCrO6 from first-principles investigation
Song Zhe-Wen a) b) and Liu Bang-Gui a) a) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China b) School of Physics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Half-metallic ferromagnetism in C-doped zinc-blende ZnO: A first-principles study
Dan Xu a) b);Yao Kai-Lun a) b);Gao Guo-Ying a);and Ma Guo-Qiang a) b) a) School of Physics and Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China b) School of Optical and Electronic Information;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China
Non-depletion floating layer in SOI LDMOS for enhancing breakdown voltage and eliminating back-gate bias effect
Zheng Zhi;Li Wei;and Li Ping State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Effects of mode coupling on the admittance of an AT-cut quartz thickness-shear resonator
He Hui-Jing a);Yang Jia-Shi a);Zhang Wei-Ping b);and Wang Ji c) a) Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering;University of Nebraska-Lincoln;Lincoln;NE 68588-0526;USA b) 1785 Pebblewood Lane;Hoffman Estates;IL 60195;USA c) Piezoelectric Device Laboratory;School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China
Optical properties of ultra-thin InN layer embedded in InGaN matrix for light emitters
Yang Wei;Wu Yi-Yang;Liu Ning-Yang;Liu Lei;Chen Zhao;and Hu Xiao-Dong State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics;School of Physics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Analysis of frequency selective surface absorbers via a novel equivalent circuit method
Liu Li-Guo;Wu Wei-Wei;Mo Jin-Jun;Fu Yun-Qi;and Yuan Nai-Chang College of Electronic Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China
Engineering of electronic and optical properties of ZnO thin films via Cu doping
Zhang Guo-Heng a) b);Deng Xiao-Yan a);Xue Hua a);and Xiang Gang b) a) Key Laboratory for Electronic Materials of the State National Affairs Commission of PRC;School of Electrical Engineering;Northwest University for Nationality;Lanzhou 730030;China b) Department of Physics and Key Laboratory for Radiation Physics and Technology of Ministry of Education;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610064;China
Improving luminescent property of SrIn2 O4 :Eu3+ by co-doped A+ (A = Li, Na, K) or Sm3+
Wang Zhi-Jun;Li Pan-Lai;Yang Zhi-Ping;and Guo Qing-Lin College of Physics Science & Technology;Hebei University;Baoding 071002;China
Temperature-dependent efficiency droop behaviors of GaN-based green light-emitting diodes
Jiang Rong a);Lu Hai a);Chen Dun-Jun a);Ren Fang-Fang a);Yan Da-Wei b);Zhang Rong a);and Zheng You-Dou a) a) Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Materials;and School of Electronic Science and Engineering;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China b) Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control of the Light Industry;Department of Electronic Engineering;Jiangnan University;Wuxi 214122;China
Efficiency of a blue organic light-emitting diode enhanced by inserting charge control layers into the emission region
Bai Juan-Juan a);Wu Xiao-Ming a);Hua Yu-Lin a);Mu Xue a);Bi Wen-Tao a);Su Yue-Ju a);Jiao Zhi-Qiang a);Shen Li-Ying a);Yin Shou-Gen a);and Zheng Jia-Jin b) a) Key Laboratory of Display Materials and Photoelectric Devices;Ministry of Education;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Photoelectric Materials and Devices;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Tianjin University of Technology;Tianjin 300384;China b) College of Optoelectronics Engineering;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Nanjing 210003;China
Small amplitude approximation and stabilities for dislocation motion in a superlattice
Liu Hua-Zhu;Luo Shi-Yu;and Shao Ming-Zhu School of Electronic Engineering;Dongguan University of Technology;Dongguan 523808;China
A compact frequency selective stop-band splitter by using Fabry Perot nanocavity in a T-shaped waveguide
M Afshari Bavil and Sun Xiu-Dong Department of Physics;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Tuning a nano-pillar array for enhancing the photoluminescence extraction efficiency of GaN-based light-emitting diodes
Chen Xia;Liang Zhu-Hong;Chen Zhan-Xu;Yang Wei-Ming;Chen Tu-Fu;Jin Chong-Jun;and Zhang Bai-Jun State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies;School of Physics and Engineering;Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangzhou 510275;China
InAs/GaAs submonolayer quantum-dot superluminescent diodes with active multimode interferometer configuration
Li Xin-Kun;Jin Peng;Liang De-Chun;Wu Ju;and Wang Zhan-Guo Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science and Beijing Key Laboratory of Low-dimensional Semiconductor Materials and Devices;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Wideband dipole antenna with inter-digital capacitor
Xiong Han;Hong Jin-Song;and Jin Da-Lin Institute of Applied Physics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Dual-gate lateral double-diffused metal—oxide semiconductor with ultra-low specific on-resistance
Fan Jie;Wang Zhi-Gang;Zhang Bo;and Luo Xiao-Rong State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Avian magnetoreception model realized by coupling a magnetite-based mechanism with a radical-pair-based mechanism
a) and a) b) Beijing Key Laboratory of Bioelectromagnetism;Institute of Electrical Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China b) France–China Bio-Mineralization and Nano-Structures Laboratory;Beijing 100190;China
AJAC: Atomic data calculation tool in Python
Amani Tahat a);Jordi Marti a);Kaher Tahat b);and Ali Khwaldeh c) a) Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering;Technical University of Catalonia;Barcelona;Spain b) Saudi Grown Investment Company;Quai du Seujet 30;Geneva 1201;Switzerland c) Department of Computer Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;Philadelphia University;Amman;Jordan
Backstepping-based lag synchronization of a complex permanent magnet synchronous motor system
Wang Xing-Yuan a) and Zhang Hao b) a) Faculty of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China b) Faculty of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
efficient and rapid accuracy estimation of the earth s gravitational field from next-generation goce follow-on by the analytical method
Zheng Wei a);Hsu Hou-Tse a);Zhong Min a);Liu Cheng-Shu a);and Yun Mei-Juan b) a) State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics;Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Wuhan 430077;China b) Department of Applied Physics;Wuhan University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430081;China
Orbit optimization for ASTROD-GW and its time delay interferometry with two arms using CGC ephemeris
Wang Gang a) and Ni Wei-Tou b)c) a) Shenzhen National Climate Observatory;No. 1 Qixiang Rd.;Zhuzilin;Futian District;Shenzhen 518040;China b) Shanghai United Center for Astrophysics;Shanghai Normal University;100 Guilin Road;Shanghai 200234;China c) Center for Gravitation and Cosmology;Department of Physics;National Tsing Hua University;Hsinchu;Taiwan;300;China