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Chinese Physics
2012 Issue 7
Evolution of the 251 cm-1 infrared phonon mode with temperature in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2
Dai Yao-Min a)b);Xu Bing a)b);Shen Bing a);Xiao Hong a);Lobo R. P. S. M b);and Qiu Xiang-Gang a) a) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;National Laboratory for Superconductivity;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China b) LPEM;ESPCI-ParisTech;CNRS;UPMC;10 rue Vauquelin;F-75231 Paris Cedex 5;France
Magnetic anisotropy and magnetization reversal of ultrathin iron films with in-plane magnetization on Si(111) substrates
Liu Hao-Liang;He Wei;Du Hai-Feng;Fang Ya-Peng;Wu Qiong;Zhang Xiang-Qun;Yang Hai-Tao;and Cheng Zhao-Hua State Key Laboratory of Magnetism and Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Knotted pictures of the GHZ states on the surface of a trivial torus
Gu Zhi-Yu a) and Qian Shang-Wu b) a) Physics Department;Capital Normal University;Beijing 100048;China b) School of Physics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Noether conserved quantities and Lie point symmetries for difference nonholonomic Hamiltonian systems in irregular lattices
Xia Li-Li a)b) and Chen Li-Qun a)c) a) Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics;Shanghai 200072;China b) Department of Physics;Henan Institute of Education;Zhengzhou 450046;China c) Department of Mechanics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200444;China
Mei symmetry and conserved quantities in Kirchhoff thin elastic rod statics
Wang Peng a)b);Xue Yun c);and Liu Yu-Lu a) a) Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China b) College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Xinjiang Normal University;Urumqi 830054;China c) School of Mechanical Engineering;Shanghai Institute of Technology;Shanghai 201418;China
Form invariance and approximate conserved quantity of Appell equations for a weakly nonholonomic system
Jia Li-Qun;Zhang Mei-Ling;Wang Xiao-Xiao;and Han Yue-Lin School of Science;Jiangnan University;Wuxi 214122;China
An extension of the modified Sawada-Kotera equation and conservation laws
He Guo-Liang a)b) and Geng Xian-Guo a) a) Department of Mathematics;Zhengzhou University;Zhengzhou 450001;China b) Department of Mathematics and Information Science;Zhengzhou University of Light Industry;Zhengzhou 450002;China
Explicit multi-symplectic method for the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation
Qian Xu;Song Song-He;Gao Er;and Li Wei-Bin Department of Mathematics and Systems Science;College of Science;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China
Novel delay-dependent stability analysis of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy uncertain neural networks with time varying delays
M. Syed Ali Department of Mathematics;Thiruvalluvar University;Vellore 632 106;Tamilnadu;India
Symmetry of the Lagrangians of holonomic nonconservative system in event space
Zhang Bin;Fang Jian-Hui;and Zhang Wei-Wei College of Science;China University of Petroleum;Qingdao 266580;China
Visitor flow pattern of Expo 2010
Fan Chao a)b) and Guo Jin-Li a) a) Business School;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;Shanghai 200093;China b) College of Arts and Sciences;Shanxi Agricultural University;Taigu 030801;China
Effects of information asymmetry on cooperation in the prisoners’ dilemma game
Wang Xi-Peng a);Jiang Luo-Luo b);and Wang Bing-Hong a) a) Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China b) College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering;Wenzhou University;Wenzhou 325035;China
Monte Carlo study of the universal area distribution of clusters in the honeycomb O(n) loop model
Xu Ya-Dong;Liu Qing-Quan;and Deng You-Jin Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale;Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
Grammian and Pfaffian solutions as well as Pfaffianization for a (3+1)-dimensional generalized shallow water equation
Tang Ya-Ning a);Ma Wen-Xiu b);and Xu Wei a) a) Department of Applied Mathematics;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi’an 710072;China b) Department of Mathematics and Statistics;University of South Florida;Tampa FL 33620-5700;USA
A new type of photon-added squeezed coherent state and its statistical properties
Zhou Jun a)b);Fan Hong-Yi b);and Song Jun a)b) a) Department of Material and Chemical Engineering;West Anhui University;Liu’an 237012;China b) Department of Material Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
Dynamical time versus system time in quantum mechanics
Duan Arsenovi a);Nikola Buri a);Dragomir Davidovi b);and Slobodan Prvanovi a) a) Institute of Physics;University of Belgrade;P.O. Box 68;11000 Belgrade;Serbia b) Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences;P.O. Box 522;11001 Belgrade;Serbia
Exact solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation with ring-shaped oscillator potential by using the Laplace integral transform
Sami Ortakaya Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences;Erciyes University;38039 Kayseri;Turkey
Exact solutions and localized excitations of a (3+1)-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii system
Fei Jin-Xi a)b) and Zheng Chun-Long a)c) a) School of Physics and Electromechanical Engineering;Shaoguan University;Shaoguan 512005;China b) Faculty of Science;Lishui University;Lishui 323000;China c) Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China
Exact projective solutions of a generalized nonlinear Schrdinger system with variable parameters
Zheng Chun-Long a) and Li Yin b) a) School of Physics and Electromechanical Engineering;Shaoguan University;Shaoguan 512005;China b) School of Mathematics and Information Science;Shaoguan University;Shaoguan 512005;China
On the role of the uncertainty principle in superconductivity and superfluidity
Roberto Onofrio Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Galileo Galilei";Università di Padova;Via Marzolo 8;Padova 35131;Italy ITAMP;Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics;60 Garden Street;Cambridge;MA 02138;USA
A protocol to transform Svetlichny’s genuine multipartite correlations into standard isotropic form
Xiang Yang and Ren Xi-Jun School of Physics and Electronics;Henan University;Kaifeng 475001;China
Influence of pumping laser bandwidth on the quantum fluctuation chracteristic of a non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier
Zhao Chao-Ying;Ye Xing-Zhen;Yang Cheng-Feng;and Chen Li-Ya The College of Science;Hangzhou Dianzi University;Hangzhou 310018;China
Two methods to deal with an inhomogenous Rabi frequency in microwave transition
Cheng Feng and Wang Yu-Zhu The Laboratory of Quantum Optics;Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201800;China Center for Cold Atom Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201800;China
An Aharonov-Anandan phase gate in the sub-Hilbert space of a coupling flux qubits system
Zheng Guo-Lin a)b);Deng Hui b);Wu Yu-Lin b);Wang Xin-Qiang a);Chen Ying-Fei b);and Zheng Dong-Ning b) a) College of physics;Chongqing University;Chongqing 400044;China b) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Area and entropy spectra of black holes via an adiabatic invariant
Liu Cheng-Zhou Department of Physics;Shaoxing University;Shaoxing 312000;China
Discussion on event horizon and quantum ergosphere of dynamic rotating black holes in a tunneling framework
Liu Bai-Sheng and Zhang Jing-Yi Center for Astrophysics;Guangzhou University;Guangzhou 510006;China
Fractional charges and fractional spins for composite fermions in quantum electrodynamics
Wang Yong-Long a)b)c);Lu Wei-Tao a)b);Jiang Hua a)b);Xu Chang-Tan a);and Pan Hong-Zhe a)b) a) Department of Physics;School of Science;Linyi University;Linyi 276005;China b) Institute of Condensed Matter Physics;Linyi University;Linyi 276005;China c) Center for Theoretical Physics;Laboratory for Nuclear Science;Massachusetts Institute of Technology;Cambridge;MA 02139;USA
Properties of train traffic flow in a moving block system
Wang Min;Zeng Jun-Wei;Qian Yong-Sheng;Li Wen-Jun;Yang Fang;and Jia Xin-Xin School of Traffic and Transportation;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;Lanzhou 730070;China
Dynamics of vibrational chaos and entanglement in triatomic molecules: Lie algebraic model
Zhai Liang-Jun;Zheng Yu-Jun;and Ding Shi-Liang School of Physics;Shandong University;Jinan 250100;China
Matter-wave solutions of Bose-Einstein condensates with three-body interaction in linear magnetic and time-dependent laser fields
Etienne Wamba a);Timolon C. Kofan a);and Alidou Mohamadou b)c) a) Laboratory of Mechanics;Department of Physics;Faculty of Science;University of Yaound I;P.O. Box 812;Yaound;Republic of Cameroon b) Condensed Matter Laboratory;Department of Physics;Faculty of Science;University of Douala;P.O. Box 24157;Douala;Republic of Cameroon c) The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics;P.O. Box 586;Strada Costiera 11;I-34014;Trieste;Italy
A lattice hydrodynamical model considering turning capability
Tian Huan-Huan a)b) and Xue Yu a)c) a) Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China b) College of Physics Science and Engineering;Yulin Normal University;Yulin 537000;China c) Institute of Physics Science and Engineering;Guangxi University;Nanning 530004;China
Effects of anisotropy and magnetic fields on the specific heat of a quasi-two-dimensional Boltzmann gas in an elliptical parabolic quantum dot
Zhai Zhi-Yuan;Li Yu-Qi;and Pan Xiao-Yin Department of Physics;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China
Flow difference effect in the two-lane lattice hydrodynamic model
Wang Tao a)b);Gao Zi-You b);Zhao Xiao-Mei b);Tian Jun-Fang b);and Zhang Wen-Yi b) a) College of Automation and Electronic Engineering;Qingdao University of Science and Technology;Qingdao 266042;China b) MOE Key Laboratory for Urban Transportation Complex Systems Theory and Technology;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing 100044;China
Stability and attractive basins of multiple equilibria in delayed two-neuron networks
Huang Yu-Jiao;Zhang Hua-Guang;and Wang Zhan-Shan College of Information Science and Engineering;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110819;China
Population coherent control of a Rydberg sodium atom in a microwave field
Jiang Li-Juan a)b);Zhang Xian-Zhou a);Jia Guang-Rui a);Zhang Yong-Hui a);and Xia Li-Hua a) a) Department of Physics;Henan Normal University;Xinxiang 453007;China b) Department of Physics;Xinxiang University;Xinxiang 453000;China
Charge density at the nucleus and radial behavior of ground state for lithium-like ions with Z=21 to 30
Yu Wei-Wei a);Wang Zhi-Wen a)b);Chen Chao c);Cai Juan b);and Zhang Nan b) a) Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China b) School of Physics and Electronic Technology;Liaoning Normal University;Dalian 116029;China c) School of Physics;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China
Methyl orbital signatures in 2-amino-1-propanol
Wang Ke-Dong a);Duan Kun-Jie b);and Liu Yu-Fang a) a) College of Physics and Information Engineering;Henan Normal University;Xinxiang 453007;China b) Department of Mathematics and Physics;Henan University of Urban Construction;Pingdingshan 467036;China
Surface effect of nanocrystals doped with rare-earth ions enriched on surface and its application in upconversion luminescence
He En-Jie Liu Ning;Zhang Mao-Lian;Qin Yan-Fu;Guan Bang-Gui;Li Yong;and Guo Ming-Lei Department of Physical and Electronics;Anhui Science and Technology University;Bengbu 233100;China
Photodetachment microscopy of a hydrogen negative ion in an electric field near a metal surface
Tang Tian-Tian;Wang De-Hua;and Wang Shan-Shan School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Ludong University;Yantai 264025;China
Suppressing the weakly bound states in the photoassociation dynamics by using a frequency cut-off laser pulse
Lin Feng;Zhang Wei;Zhao Ze-Yu;and Cong Shu-Lin School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Calculations of the vibrational frequency and isotopic shift of UF6 and U2 F6
Zhang Yun-Guang and Zha Xin-Wei School of Science;Xi’an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications;Xi’an 710121;China
Isotope effect on the stereodynamics for the collision reaction H+LiF(v=0, j=0)→ HF+Li
Yue Xian-Fang Department of Physics and Information Engineering;Jining University;Qufu 273155;China
Effect of initial-state target polarization on the single ionization of helium by 1-keV electron impact
Sun Shi-Yan;Ma Xiao-Yan;Li Xia;Miao Xiang-Yang;and Jia Xiang-Fu Center for Molecules Research;School of Physics and Information Engineering;Shanxi Normal University;Linfen 041004;China
Post-collision interactions and the polarization effect in (e, 2e) collisions of helium
Zang Shuang-Shuang and Ge Zi-Ming Department of Physics;East China University of Science and Technology;Shanghai 200237;China
Demonstrating an additional law of relativistic velocities based on squeezed light
Yang Da-Bao a)b);Li Yan a);Zhang Fu-Lin c);and Chen Jing-Ling a)b) a) Theoretical Physics Division;Chern Institute of Mathematics;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071;China b) Centre for Quantum Technologies;National University of Singapore;3 Science Drive 2;Singapore 117543 c) Physics Department;School of Science;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China
Design of a re-entrant double-staggered ladder circuit for V-band coupled-cavity traveling-wave tubes
Liu Yang;Xu Jin;Lai Jian-Qiang;Xu Xiong;Shen Fei;Wei Yan-Yu;Huang Min-Zhi;Tang Tao;and Gong Yu-Bin National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vacuum Electronics;School of Physical Electronics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Modeling and analysis of silicon-on-insulator elliptical microring resonators for future high-density integrated photonic circuits
Xiong Kang;Xiao Xi;Hu Ying-Tao;Li Zhi-Yong;Chu Tao;Yu Yu-De;and Yu Jin-Zhong State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
The high dependence of polarization resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy on experimental conditions
Nakimana Agnes;Hao Zuo-Qiang;Liu Jia;Tao Hai-Yan;Gao Xun;Sun Chang-Kai;and Lin Jing-Quan School of Science;Changchun University of Science and Technology;Changchun 130022;China
A new method for measuring the threshold of stimulated Brillouin scattering
Zhu Xue-Hua a)b);L Zhi-Wei a)b) and Wang Yu-Lei a)b) a) National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Tunable Laser;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150080;China b) Institute of Opto-electronics;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150080;China
Surface defect gap solitons in two-dimensional optical lattices
Meng Yun-Ji;Liu You-Wen;and Tang Yu-Huang Department of Applied Physics;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Nanjing 210016;China
Analytical model of signal amplification in silicon waveguides
Meng Fan;Yu Chong-Xiu;and Yuan Jin-Hui State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China
Sorption and permeation of gaseous molecules in amorphous and crystalline PPX C membranes: molecular dynamics and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation studies
Bian Liang;Shu Yuan-Jie;and Wang Xin-Feng Institute of Chemicals Materials;Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics;Mianyang 621900;China
Ultraviolet and mid-infrared continuum generation by cross-phase modulation between red-shifted solitons and blue-shifted dispersive waves in a photonic crystal fiber
Shen Xiang-Wei a);Yuan Jin-Hui a);Sang Xin-Zhu a);Yu Chong-Xiu a);Rao Lan b);Xin Xiang-Jun b);Xia Min a);Han Ying c);Xia Chang-Ming c);and Hou Lan-Tian c) a) State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China b) School of Information and Communication Engineering;Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China c) Institute of Infrared Optical Fibers & Sensors;Qinhuangdao 066004;China
Effect of single point defects on the confinement losses of air-guiding photonic bandgap fibers
Shi Wei-Hua;Zhao Yan;Qian Li-Guo;and Chen He-Ming Institute of Optical Communication;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Nanjing 210003;China
Optical planar waveguides in Yb3+-doped phosphate glasses produced by He+ ion implantation
Liu Chun-Xiao a)b);Li Wei-Nan a);Wei Wei a)c);and Peng Bo a)c) a) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xi’an 710119;China b) School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Hefei Normal University;Hefei 230601;China c) Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics & Information Displays and Institute of Advanced Materials;Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications;Nanjing 210046;China
In vivo hyperthermia effect induced by high-intensity pulsed ultrasound
Cui Wei-Cheng a);Tu Juan a);Hwang Joo-Ha b);Li Qian a);Fan Ting-Bo a);Zhang Dong a);Chen Jing-Hai c);and Chen Wei-Zhong a) a) Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics;MOE;and Institute of Acoustics;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China b) Center for Industrial and Medical Ultrasound;Applied Physics Laboratory;University of Washington;Seattle;WA 98105;USA c) Department of Cardiology of Children’s Hospital Boston;Harvard Medical School;Boston;MA 02115;USA
The dynamic characteristics of a valve-less micropump
Jiang Dan a) and Li Song-Jing b) a) School of Mechatronics Engineering;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 611731;China b) Department of Fluid Control and Automation;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Numerical simulation and experimental validation of a direct current air corona discharge under atmospheric pressure
Liu Xing-Hua a);He Wei a);Yang Fan a);Wang Hong-Yu b);Liao Rui-Jin a);and Xiao Han-Guang a) a) State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology;Chongqing University;Chongqing 400044;China b) Department of Physics;Anshan Normal University;Anshan 114005;China
Numerical study on the characteristics of nitrogen discharge at high pressure with induced plasma
Wang Yi-Nan;Liu Yue;Zheng Shu;and Lin Guo-Qiang Key Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser Ion and Electron Beams;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Spatial variation behaviors of argon inductively coupled plasma during discharge mode transition
Gao Fei a);Li Xue-Chun a);Zhao Shu-Xia b);and Wang You-Nian a) a) School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China b) Research Group PLASMANT;Department of Chemistry;University of Antwerp;Universiteitsplein 1;B-2610 Antwerp;Belgium
Simulation of transition from Townsend mode to glow discharge mode in a helium dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure
Li Xue-Chen;Niu Dong-Ying;Xu Long-Fei;Jia Peng-Ying;and Chang Yuan-Yuan College of Physics Science & Technology;Hebei University;Baoding 071002;China
Fabrication processing effects on the microstructure and morphology of erbium film
Shen Hua-Hai a);Peng Shu-Ming b);Long Xing-Gui b);Zhou Xiao-Song b);Yang Li a);Liu Jin-Hua b);Sun Qing-Qiang a);and Zu Xiao-Tao a) a) Department of Applied Physics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China b) Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Mianyang 621900;China
Using a water-confined carbon nanotube to probe the electricity of sequential charged segments of macromolecules
Wang Yu a);Zhao Yan-Jiao b);and Huang Ji-Ping a) a) Department of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China b) Advanced Materials Laboratory;Fudan University;Shanghai 200438;China
The ground-state structure and physical properties of RuC: first-principles calculations
Zhang Mei-Guang a);Yan Hai-Yan b);Zhang Gang-Tai a);and Wang Hui c) a) Department of Physics and Information Technology;Baoji University of Arts and Sciences;Baoji 721016;China b) Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Phytochemistry;Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Baoji University of Arts and Sciences;Baoji 721013;China c) National Laboratory of Superhard Materials;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China
A nano-metallic-particles-based CMOS image sensor for DNA detection
He Jin a);Su Yan-Mei b);Ma Yu-Tao b);Chen Qin b);Wang Ruo-Nan b);Ye Yun b);Ma Yong b);and Liang Hai-Lang b) a) Micro & Nano Electronic Device and Integrated Technology Center;School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China b) Peking University Shenzhen SOC Key Laboratory;PKU-HKUST Shenzhen-Honggang Institution;W303;West Tower;IER Bldg.;Hi-Tech Industrial Park South;Shenzhen 518057;China
Temperature dependence of Cu2O orientations in the oxidation of Cu(111)/ZnO(0001) by oxygen plasma
Li Jun-Qiang a);Mei Zeng-Xia a);Ye Da-Qian a);Hou Yao-Nan a);Liu Yao-Ping a);A. Yu. Kuznetsov b);and Du Xiao-Long a) a) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China b) Department of Physics;University of Oslo;P.O. Box 1048 Blindern;NO-0316 Oslo;Norway
Thermal properties of high-k Hf1-xSixO2
Si Feng-Juan a);Lu Wen-Jiang a);and Tang Fu-Ling a)b) a) State Key Laboratory of Gansu Advanced Non-ferrous Metal Materials;Department of Materials Science and Engineering;Lanzhou University of Technology;Lanzhou 730050;China b) Key Laboratory of Non-ferrous Metal Alloys and Processing of Ministry of Education;Lanzhou University of Technology;Lanzhou 730050;China
A theoretical study of the oxygen K-edge near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure of N2O/Ir(110)
Wu Tai-Quan a);Zhu Ping b);Wang Xin-Yan a);and Luo Hong-Lei a) a) Department of Physics;China Jiliang University;Hangzhou 310018;China b) Department of Physics;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China
Novel high-voltage power lateral MOSFET with adaptive buried electrodes
Zhang Wen-Tong;Wu Li-Juan;Qiao Ming;Luo Xiao-Rong;Zhang Bo;and Li Zhao-Ji State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Structural, elastic, phonon and electronic properties of a MnPd alloy
Wang Jun-Fei;Chen Wen-Zhou;Jiang Zhen-Yi;Zhang Xiao-Dong;and Si Liang Institute of Modern Physics;Northwest University;Xi’an 710069;China
Effect of Si doping in wells of AlGaN/GaN superlattice on the characteristics of epitaxial layer
Zhang Wei;Xue Jun-Shuai;Zhou Xiao-Wei;Zhang Yue;Liu Zi-Yang;Zhang Jin-Cheng;and Hao Yue Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China
A spin switch device based on a triple quantum dots superlattice using the Dicke effect
An Xing-Tao a)b);Mu Hui-Ying c);Xian Li-Fen a);and Liu Jian-Jun d) a) School of Sciences;Hebei University of Science and Technology;Shijiazhuang 050018;China b) SKLSM;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China c) Department of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering;Hebei Chemical and Pharmaceutical Vocational Technology College;Shijiazhuang 050026;China d) Physics Department;Shijiazhuang University;Shijiazhuang 050035;China
Generating and reversing spin accumulation by temperature gradient in a quantum dot attached to ferromagnetic leads
Bai Xu-Fang a);Chi Feng b);Zheng Jun c);and Li Yi-Nan b) a) College of Physics and Electronic Information;Inner Mongolia National University;Tongliao 028043;China b) College of Engineering;Bohai University;Jinzhou 121013;China c) SKLSM;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Nonadiabatic dynamics of electron injection into organic molecules
Zhu Li-Ping;Qiu Yu;and Tong Guo-Ping Department of Physics;Zhejiang Normal University;Jinhua 321004;China
Quantum spin Hall effect in a square-lattice model under a uniform magnetic field
Guo Huai-Ming a) and Feng Shi-Ping b) a) Department of Physics;Beihang University;Beijing 100191;China b) Department of Physics;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Channel temperature determination of a multifinger AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor using a micro-Raman technique
Yang Li-Yuan a);Xue Xiao-Yong a);Zhang Kai a);Zheng Xue-Feng a);Ma Xiao-Hua a)b);and Hao Yue a) a) Key Laboratory for Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;School of Microelectronics;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China b) School of Technical Physics;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China
Abnormal magnetoresistance behavior in Nb thin films with rectangular arrays of antidots
Zhang Wei-Jun;He Shi-Kun;Li Bo-Hong;Cheng Fei;Xu Bing;Wen Zhen-Chao;Cao Wen-Hui;Xiao Hong;Han Xiu-Feng;Zhao Shi-Ping;and Qiu Xiang-Gang Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Substrate-induced stress in silicon nanocrystal/SiO2 multilayer structures
Tao Ye-Liao a);Zuo Yu-Hua a);Zheng Jun a);Xue Chun-Lai a);Cheng Bu-Wen a);Wang Qi-Ming a);and Xu Jun b) a) State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China b) School of Electrical Science and Technology;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China
Lattice distortion in disordered antiferromagnetic XY models
Li Peng-Fei and Cao Hai-Jing Department of Mathematics and Physics;Shanghai University of Electric Power;Shanghai 200090;China
Exchange coupling and helical spin order in the triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuCrO2 using first principles
Jiang Xue-Fan a);Liu Xian-Feng b);Wu Yin-Zhong a);and Han Jiu-Rong b) a) Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials;Changshu Institute of Technology;Changshu 215500;China b) College of Physics Science and Technology;Yangzhou University;Yangzhou 225002;China
Permittivity and its temperature dependence in hexagonal structure BN dominated by the local electric field
Zhang Ting a);Wu Meng-Qiang a);Zhang Shu-Ren a);Xiong Jie a);Wang Jin-Ming b);Zhang Da-Hai b);He Feng-Mei b);and Li Zhong-Ping b) a) State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China b) Aerospace Research Institutes of Materials and Processing Technology;Beijing 100076;China
The properties of GaMnN films grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition using Raman spectroscopy
Xing Hai-Ying a)b);Niu Ping-Juan b)c);and Xie Yu-Xin a) a) School of Electronics and Information Engineering Tianjin Polytechnic University;Tianjin 300387;China b) Engineering Research Center of High Power Solid State Lighting Application System;Tianjin 300387;China c) School of Electrical Engineering & Automation Tianjin Polytechnic University;Tianjin 300387;China
The crystal structure and luminescent properties of nitrogen-rich Ca-α-sialon:Eu with saturated calcium solubility fabricated by the alloy-nitridation method
Yang Jian-Jun;Chen Guo-Dong;Du Fei-Fei;and Liu Quan-Lin School of Materials Science & Engineering and State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China
Influence of polarization direction, incidence angle, and geometry on near-field enhancement in two-layered gold nanowires
Wu Da-Jian a)b);Jiang Shu-Min b);and Liu Xiao-Jun a) a) School of Physics;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China b) Faculty of Science;Jiangsu University;Zhenjiang 212013;China
The effect of laser beam size on laser-induced damage performance
Han Wei;Wang Fang;Zhou Li-Dan;Feng Bin;Jia Huai-Ting;Li Ke-Yu;Xiang Yong;and Zheng Wan-Guo Research Center of Laser Fusion;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Mianyang 621900;China
The synthesis and exchange bias effect of monodisperse NiO nanocrystals
Duan Han-Ning;Yuan Song-Liu;Zheng Xian-Feng;and Tian Zhao-Ming School of Physics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China
The effects of a static magnetic field on the microwave absorption of hydrogen plasma in carbon nanotubes: a numerical study
Peng Zhi-Hua;Gong Xue-Yu;Peng Yan-Feng;Guo Yan-Chun;and Ning Yan-Tao School of Mathematics and Physics;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China
A colloidal crystal double-heterostructure fabricated with the angle controlled inclined deposition method
Chen Ze-Feng;Xiong Yu-Ying;Han Peng;Chen Yi-Hang;and Xiao Hua Laboratory of Quantum Information Technology;School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510006;China
Effect of post-thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared from a polymer precursor
Jijoy. P. Mathew a);George Varghese b);and Jacob Mathew a) a) Thin Film Research Laboratory;Department of Physics;St. Berchmans College;Changanassery;Kerala 686101;India b) Department of Physics;Calicut University;Thenjippalam;Kerala;India
Characteristics and properties of metal aluminum thin films prepared by electron cyclotron resonance plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition technology
Xiong Yu-Qing a);Li Xing-Cun b);Chen Qiang b);Lei Wen-Wen b);Zhao Qiao b);Sang Li-Jun b);Liu Zhong-Wei b);Wang Zheng-Duo b);and Yang Li-Zhen b) a) Science and Technology on Surface Engineering Laboratory;Lanzhou Institute of Physics;Lanzhou 730000;China b) Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Materials;Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication;Beijing 102600;China
Simulation of ball motion and energy transfer in a planetary ball mill
Lu Sheng-Yong a);Mao Qiong-Jing a);Peng Zheng b);Li Xiao-Dong a);and Yan Jian-Hua a) a) State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization;Institute for Thermal Power Engineering of Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China b) Foreign Economic Cooperation Office;Ministry of Environmental Protection of People’s Republic of China;Beijing 100035;China
Theoretical study of the structure and analytic potential energy function for the ground state of the PO2 molecule
Zeng Hui and Zhao Jun School of Physical Science and Technology;Yangtze University;Jingzhou 434023;China
Improving the performance of polymer solar cells by adjusting the crystallinity and nanoscale phase separation
Chen Wei-Bing a)b);Xu Zong-Xiang c);Li Kai b);Chui Stephen Sin-Yin b);Roy V. A. L. c);Lai Pui-To d);and Che Chi-Ming b) a) School of Computer and Communication;Hunan University of Technology;Zhuzhou 412007;China b) Department of Chemistry;Institute of Molecular Functional Materials and HKU-CAS Joint Laboratory on New Materials;The University of Hong Kong;Pokfulam Road;Hongkong SAR;China c) Department of Physics and Materials Science;City University of Hong Kong;Tat Chee Avenue;Kowloon;Hong Kong SAR;China d) Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering;The University of Hong Kong;Pokfulam Road;Hongkong SAR;China
The influence of thermally assisted tunneling on the performance of charge trapping memory
Peng Ya-Hua;Liu Xiao-Yan;Du Gang;Liu Fei;Jin Rui;and Kang Jin-Feng Institute of Microelectronics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
A new analytical model for the surface electric field distribution and breakdown voltage of the SOI trench LDMOS
Hu Xia-Rong;Zhang Bo;Luo Xiao-Rong;Wang Yuan-Gang;Lei Tian-Fei;and Li Zhao-Ji State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
The effects of 60Co γ-ray irradiation on the DC characteristics of enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors
Chen Chao;Tian Ben-Lang;Liu Xing-Zhao;Dai Li-Ping;Deng Xin-Wu;and Chen Yuan-Fu State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
A feedback-controlled Brownian ratchet operated by a temperature switch
Zhang Hong-Wei a)b);Wen Shu-Tang c);Zhang Hai-Tao a);Li Yu-Xiao a);and Chen Gai-Rong c) a) School of Physics and Engineering;Zhengzhou University;Zhengzhou 450052;China b) Department of Physics;Zhengzhou Normal University;Zhengzhou 450044;China c) School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Xinxiang University;Xinxiang 453003;China
Self-sustained firing activities of the cortical network with plastic rules in weak AC electrical fields
Qin Ying-Mei;Wang Jiang;Men Cong;Zhao Jia;Wei Xi-Le;and Deng Bin School of Electrical Engineering and Automation;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300222;China
Variations in epidemic distribution with some characteristic parameters
Liu Zhen-Zhen a);Wang Xing-Yuan a);and Wang Mao-Ji a)b) a) School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China b) School of Electronic and Information;Ningbo Dahongying University;Ningbo 315175;China
Spontaneous symmetry breaking vacuum energy in cosmology
Zhou Kang a);Yue Rui-Hong b);Yang Zhan-Ying a);and Zou De-Cheng a) a) Department of Physics;Northwest University;Xi’an 710069;China b) Faculty of Science;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China
Erratum to “Spinel lithium titanate (Li4Ti5O12) as novel anode material for room-temperature sodium-ion battery”
Zhao Liang;Pan Hui-Lin;Hu Yong-Sheng;Li Hong;and Chen Li-Quan Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China