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Chinese Physics
2012 Issue 3
In-situ multi-information measurement system for preparing gallium nitride photocathode
Fu Xiao-Qian a)b);Chang Ben-Kang a);Qian Yun-Sheng a);and Zhang Jun-Ju a) a) Institute of Electronic Engineering and Optoelectronic Technology;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;Nanjing 210094;China b) School of Information Science and Engineering;University of Jinan;Jinan 250022;China
Asymptotic solving method for sea-air coupled oscillator ENSO model
Zhou Xian-Chun a)b);Yao Jing-Sun c);and Mo Jia-Qi c) a) Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Meteorological Observation and Information Processing;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;Nanjing 210044;China b) College of Electronic and Information Engineering;Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Nanjing 210044;China c) Anhui Normal University;Wuhu 241003;China
Solving coupled nonlinear Schrdinger equations via a direct discontinuous Galerkin method
Zhang Rong-Pei a);Yu Xi-Jun b);and Feng Tao b) a) School of Sciences;Liaoning Shihua University;Fushun 113001;China b) Laboratory of Computational Physics;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Beijing 100088;China
Fractal structures in a generalized square map with exponential terms
Li Xian-Feng a);Chu Yan-Dong a);and Zhang Hui a)b) a) School of Mathematics;Physics and Software Engineering;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;Lanzhou 730070;China b) School of Mechanical Engineering;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;Lanzhou 730070;China
Novel stability and stabilization criteria for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy time-delay systems
Gong Da-Wei;Zhang Hua-Guang;and Wang Zhan-Shan College of Information Science and Engineering;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110819;China
Word diversity can accelerate consensus in naming game
Zhang Xiao-Dan a)b);Wang Zhen a);Zheng Fei-Fei a)c);and Yang Miao a) a) School of Innovation Experiment;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China b) School of Mathematical Science;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China c) School of Chemical Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Dual-band frequency selective surface with quasi-elliptic bandpass response
Zhou Hang a);Qu Shao-Bo a);Peng Wei-Dong b);Wang Jia-Fu a);Ma Hua a);Zhang Jie-Qiu a);Bai Peng b);and Xu Zhuo c) a) College of Science;Air Force Engineering University;Xi’an 710051;China b) Synthetic Electronic Information System Research Department;Air Force Engineering University;Xi’an 710051;China c) Electronic Materials Research Laboratory;Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China
Scattering states of modified Pschl-Teller potential in D-dimension
Chen Chang-Yuan;Lu Fa-Lin;and You Yuan School of Physics and Electronics;Yancheng Teachers University;Yancheng 224002;China
Optomechanical entanglement in a whispering-gallery cavity
Mi Xian-Wu;Bai Jiang-Xiang;and Li De-Jun College of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering;Jishou University;Jishou 416000;China
Generation of a new bipartite coherent-entangled state and its applications
Zhang Bao-Lai a);Meng Xiang-Guo b);and Wang Ji-Suo b)c) a) Dongchang College of Liaocheng University;Liaocheng 252000;China b) Department of Physics;Liaocheng University;Liaocheng 252059;China c) Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Laser Polarization and Information Technology;College of Physics and Engineering;Qufu Normal University;Qufu 273165;China
Controlling quantum discord dynamics in cavity QED systems by applying a classical driving field with phase decoherence
Qian Yi and Xu Jing-Bo Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics and Physics Department;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China
Cryptanalysis of fair quantum blind signatures
He Li-Bao a)b);Huang Liu-Sheng a)b);Yang Wei b);and Xu Rui b) a) National High Performance Computing Center;Department of Computer Science and Technology;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China b) Suzhou Institute for Advanced Study;University of Science and Technology of China;Suzhou 215123;China
Efficient entanglement purification in quantum repeaters
Sheng Yu-Bo a)b)c);Zhou Lan d);Cheng Wei-Wen a)b)c);Gong Long-Yan a)b)c);Zhao Sheng-Mei a)c);and Zheng Bao-Yu a)c) a) Institute of Signal Processing Transmission;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Nanjing 210003;China b) College of Telecommunications & Information Engineering;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Nanjing 210003;China c) Key Laboratory of Broadband Wireless Communication and Sensor Network Technology of Ministry of Education;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Nanjing 210003;China d) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Quantum communication via controlled holes in the statistical distribution of excitations in a nanoresonator coupled to a Cooper pair box
C.Valverde a)b)c);A.T.Avelar c);and B.Baseia c) a) Universidade Paulista;Rod.BR 153;km 7;74845-090 Goia nia;GO;Brazil b) Universidade Estadual de Goiás;Rod.BR 153;3105;75132-903 Anápolis;GO;Brazil c) Instituto de Física;Universidade Federal de Goiás;74001-970 Goia nia;GO;Brazil
Dispersion relation of excitation mode in spin-polarized Fermi gas
Liu Ke and Chen Ji-Sheng Department of Physics and Institute of Particle Physics;Central China Normal University;Wuhan 430079;China
Energy,momentum and angular momentum in the dyadosphere of a charged spacetime in teleparallel equivalent of general relativity
Gamal G.L.Nashed Department of Mathematics;Faculty of Science;King Faisal University;Al-Ahsa;31982;Saudi Arabia Mathematics Department;Faculty of Science;Ain Shams University;Cairo;Egypt Centre for Theoretical Physics;The British University in Egypt;El-Sherouk City 11837;Egypt
Pitchfork bifurcation and circuit implementation of a novel Chen hyper-chaotic system
Dong En-Zeng a)b);Chen Zeng-Qiang a);Chen Zai-Ping b);and Ni Jian-Yun b) a) Department of Automation;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071;China b) Department of Automation;Tianjin University of Technology;Tianjin 300384;China
Design of an adaptive finite-time controller for synchronization of two identical/different non-autonomous chaotic flywheel governor systems
Mohammad Pourmahmood Aghababa Electrical Engineering Department;Urmia University of Technology;Urmia;Iran
Adaptive projective synchronization of different chaotic systems with nonlinearity inputs
Niu Yu-Jun a);Wang Xing-Yuan b);and Pei Bing-Nan a) a) School of Information Engineering;Dalian University;Dalian 116622;China b) School of Electronic & Information Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Adaptive synchronization of chaos in permanent magnet synchronous motors based on passivity theory
Wei Du-Qu a);Zhang Bo b);and Luo Xiao-Shu a) a) College of Electronic Engineering;Guangxi Normal University;Guilin 541004;China b) College of Electric Power;South China University of Technology;Guangzhou 510640;China
Modified adaptive controller for synchronization of incommensurate fractional-order chaotic systems
Zhang Ruo-Xun a)b) and Yang Shi-Ping a) a) College of Physics Science and Information Engineering;Hebei Normal University;Shijiazhuang 050016;China b) College of Elementary Education;Xingtai University;Xingtai 054001;China
Synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in complex networks via backstepping
Chai Yuan a);Lü Ling b);and Chen Li-Qun a)c) a) Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China b) College of Physics and Electronic Technology;Liaoning Normal University;Dalian 116029;China c) Department of Mechanics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200444;China
Analytical solutions and rogue waves in (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrdinger equation
Ma Zheng-Yi and Ma Song-Hua College of Mathematics and Physics;Zhejiang Lishui University;Lishui 323000;China
Spatiotemporal self-similar solutions for the nonautonomous (3+1)-dimensional cubic-quintic Gross-Pitaevskii equation
Dai Chao-Qing;Chen Rui-Pin;and Wang Yue-Yue School of Sciences;Zhejiang Agricultural and Forestry University;Lin’an 311300;China
Density functional theory study of MgnNi2(n=1-6) clusters
Li Jing a);Liu Xiao-Yong a);Zhu Zheng-He b);and Sheng Yong a) a) College of Material Science and Engineering;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610065;China b) Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610065;China
The effect of polymer type on electric breakdown strength on a nanosecond time scale
Zhao Liang a)b);Su Jian-Cang b);Pan Ya-Feng b);and Zhang Xi-Bo b) a) Key laboratory of Physical Electronics and Devices of Ministry of Education;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China b) Science and Technology on High Power Microwave Laboratory;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;Xi’an 710024;China
First-principles study of the electronic and optical properties of the (Y,N)-codoped anatase TiO2 photocatalyst
Lin Yan-Ming a);Jiang Zhen-Yi a);Hu Xiao-Yun b);Zhang Xiao-Dong a);Fan Jun c);Miao Hui b);and Shang Yi-Bo b) a) Institute of Modern Physics;Northwest University;Xi’an 710069;China b) Department of Physics;Northwest University;Xi’an 710069;China c) School of Chemical Engineering;Northwest University;Xi’an 710069;China
The near-infrared spectra and distribution of excited states of electrodeless discharge rubidium vapour lamps
Sun Qin-Qing a)b);Miao Xin-Yu a);Sheng Rong-Wu c);and Chen Jing-Biao a)b) a) Institute of Quantum Electronics;School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science;Beijing 100871;China b) School of Software and Microelectronics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China c) Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Wuhan 430071;China
High-order harmonic generation with a two-color laser pulse
Luo Lao-Yong;Du Hong-Chuan;and Hu Bi-Tao School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
The influence of divergence angle on the deposition of neutral chromium atoms using a laser standing wave
Zhang Wen-Tao a);Zhu Bao-Hua a);Huang Jing b);Xiong Xian-Ming a);and Jiang Qu-Bo a) a) Guilin University of Electronic Technology;Guilin 541004;China b) Guizhou University for Nationalities;Guiyang 550000;China
Laser guiding of cold molecules in a hollow optical fiber and continuous-wave cold molecular beam generation
Liu Run-Qin a)b);Yin Ya-Ling a)c);and Yin Jian-Ping a) a) State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy;Department of Physics;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200062;China b) Department of Physics;Kashgar Teachers College;Kashgar 844008;China c) Department of Physics;National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China
Sequential over-barrier ionization of multi-electron atoms in the tens-to-hundreds keV/u energy range
Zou Xian-Rong;Liu Lan-Diao;Ji Ming-Chao;Feng Dong;Chen Xi-Meng;and Shao Jian-Xiong School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
A molecular dynamics study of the structural change differences between Au225 and Au369 clusters on MgO surfaces at low temperature
Zhang Lin a);Wang Shao-Qing b);and Chen Nan-Xian c) a) Institute of Materials Physics and Chemistry;College of Science;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110004;China b) Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China c) Physics of Department;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
Efficiency enhancement of a two-beam free-electron laser using a nonlinearly tapered wiggler
Maryam Zahedian;B.Maraghechi;and M.H.Rouhani Department of Physics;Amirkabir University of Technology;P.O.Box 15875-4413;Tehran;Iran
The Wigner distribution functions of coherent and partially coherent Bessel-Gaussian beams
Zhu Kai-Cheng a);Li Shao-Xin b);Tang Ying a);Yu Yan a);and Tang Hui-Qin a) a) School of Physical Science and Technology;Central South University;Changsha 410083;China b) Physical Staff Room;Guangdong Medical College;Dongguan 523808;China
Fano resonance and wave transmission through a chain structure with an isolated ring composed of defects
Zhang Cun-Xi a);Ding Xiu-Huan b)c);Wang Rui a);Zhou Yun-Qing a);and Kong Ling-Min a) a) Department of Physics;Zhejiang Ocean University;Zhoushan 316000;China b) Department of Mathematics;Zhejiang Ocean University;Zhoushan 316000;China c) Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China
The Fourier slice transformation of the Wigner operator and the quantum tomogram of the density operator
Wang Tong-Tong a) and Fan Hong-Yi b) a) School of Mathematics and Physics;Huangshi Institute of Technology;Huangshi 435003;China b) Department of Material Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
The difference in noise property between the Autler-Townes splitting medium and the electromagnetically induced transparent medium
Li Zhong-Hua;Li Yuan;Dou Ya-Fang;and Zhang Jun-Xiang State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices;Institute of Opto-Electronics;Shanxi University;Taiyuan 030006;China
Highly efficient four-wave mixing induced by quantum constructive interference in rubidium vapour
Wang Gang a);Xue Yan a);Cui Cui-Li a);Qu Yi b);and Gao Jin-Yue a) a) College of Physics;Jilin University;Changchun 130023;China b) Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changchun 130033;China
Single-mode low threshold current multi-hole vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
Zhao Zhen-Bo;Xu Chen;Xie Yi-Yang;Zhou Kang;Liu Fa;and Shen Guang-Di Key Laboratory of Opto-electronics Technology of Ministry of Education;Beijing University of Technology;Beijing 100124;China
A 168-W high-power single-frequency amplifier in an all-fiber configuration
Xiao Hu;Dong Xiao-Lin;Zhou Pu;Xu Xiao-Jun;and Zhao Guo-Min College of Opticelectric Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China
The effects of heat treatment on microfluidic devices fabricated in silica glass by femtosecond lasers
Li Yan and Qu Shi-Liang Department of Optoelectronics Science;Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai;Weihai 264209;China
A new method for measuring the pulse-front distortion of arbitrary shapes in high-power ultrashort laser systems
Zuo Yan-Lei;Jiang Dong-Bin;Zhu Qi-Hua;Dong Jun;Zen Xiao-Ming;Huang Xiao-Jun;and Huang Zheng Research Center of Laser Fusion;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Mianyang 621900;China
Coherent coupling between vibrational modes of C-H bonds at different positions studied by femtosecond time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
Du Xin a)b);He Xing a);Liu Yu-Qiang a);Wang Ying-Hui a);and Yang Yan-Qiang a) a) Center for Condensed Matter Science and Technology;Department of Physics;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150080;China b) College of Foundation Science;Harbin University of Commerce;Harbin 150028;China
The stimulated Raman scattering competition between solute and solvent in Rhodamine B solution
Fang Wen-Hui a)b);Li Zuo-Wei b);Sun Cheng-Lin a);Li Zhan-Long b);Song Wei c);Men Zhi-Wei a);and He Li-Qiao b) a) State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials;College of Physics;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China b) College of Physics;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China c) Department of physics;Changchun University of Science and Technology;Changchun 130022;China
Stimulated Brillouin scattering-induced phase noise in an interferometric fiber sensing system
Chen Wei;Meng Zhou;Zhou Hui-Juan;and Luo Hong Department of Optic Information Science and Technology;College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China
Comparative investigation of long-wave infrared generation based on ZnGeP2 and CdSe optical parametric oscillators
Yao Bao-Quan;Li Gang;Zhu Guo-Li;Meng Pei-Bei;Ju You-Lun;and Wang Yue-Zhu National Key Laboratory of Tunable Laser Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Comparative research on the transmission-mode GaAs photocathodes of exponential-doping structures
Chen Liang a)b);Qian Yun-Sheng b);Zhang Yi-Jun b);and Chang Ben-Kang b) a) Institute of Optoelectronics Technology;China Jiliang University;Hangzhou 310018;China b) Institute of Electronic Engineering & Optoelectronics Technology;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;Nanjing 210094;China
A photonic crystal side-coupled waveguide based on a high-quality-factor resonator array
Cui Nai-Di a)b);Liang Jing-Qiu a);Liang Zhong-Zhu a);and Wang Wei-Biao a) a) State Key Laboratory of Applied Optics;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changchun 130033;China b) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Thermal modeling and the optimized design of metal plate cooling systems for single concentrator solar cells
Cui Min a);Chen Nuo-Fu b);and Deng Jin-Xiang a) a) College of Applied Sciences;Beijing University of Technology;Beijing 100124;China b) New and Renewable Energy of Beijing Key Laboratory;North China Electric Power University;Beijing 102206;China
Coupling characteristics of high birefringence dual-core As2S3 rectangular lattice photonic crystal fiber
Liu Shuo;Li Shu-Guang;Yin Guo-Bing;and Wang Xiao-Yan Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology;College of Science;Yanshan University;Qinhuangdao 066004;China
Biomechanical behaviors of dragonfly wing:relationship between configuration and deformation
Ren Huai-Hui;Wang Xi-Shu;Chen Ying-Long;and Li Xu-Dong Department of Engineering Mechanics;AML;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
Controlling the transition between Turing and antispiral patterns by using time-delayed-feedback
He Ya-Feng;Liu Fu-Cheng;Fan Wei-Li;and Dong Li-Fang Hebei Key Laboratory of Optic-electronic Information Materials;College of Physical Science and Technology;Hebei University;Baoding 071002;China
Approximate solution of the magneto-hydrodynamic flow over a nonlinear stretching sheet
Eerdunbuhe a)b) and Temuerchaolu a)c) a) College of Sciences;Inner Mongolia University of Technology;Hohhot 010051;China b) Department of Mathematics;Hohhot University for Nationalities;Hohhot 010051;China c) College of Art and Sciences;Shanghai Maritime University;Shanghai 200135;China
Molecular dynamics simulations of displacement cascades in Fe-10%Cr systems
Yu Gang;Ma Yan;Cai Jun;and Lu Dao-Gang School of Nuclear Science and Engineering;North China Electric Power University;Beijing 102206;China
Theoretical prediction of structural,electronic and optical properties of quaternary alloy Zn1-xBexSySe1-y
Hacini K a);Meradji H a);Ghemid S a);and El Haj Hassan F b) a) Laboratoire LPR;D’epartement de Physique;Faculté des Sciences;Université de Annaba;Algeria b) Laboratoire de physique des Matériaux;Faculté des Sciences;Université Libanaise;Elhadath;Beirut;Lebanon
First-principles calculation of the lattice compressibility,elastic anisotropy and thermodynamic stability of V2GeC
Yang Ze-Jin a);Guo Yun-Dong b);Linghu Rong-Feng c);and Yang Xiang-Dong d) a) School of Science;Zhejiang University of Technology;Hangzhou 310023;China b) School of Physics;Neijiang Normal University;Neijiang 641112;China c) School of Physics;Guizhou Normal University;Guiyang 550001;China d) Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610065;China
Electronic structures and vibrational properties of coronene on Ru(0001):first-principles study
Zhang Yu-Yang;Du Shi-Xuan;and Gao Hong-Jun Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
First-principles study of the structural,elastic,electronic,optical,and vibrational properties of intermetallic Pd2Ga
Yildirim A a);Koc H a);and Deligoz E b) a) Department of Physics;Siirt University;Siirt 56100;Turkey b) Department of Physics;Aksaray University;Aksaray 68100;Turkey
First-principles study of the local structure and crystal field of Yb2+ in sodium and potassium halides
Wen Jun a);Duan Chang-Kui a);Yin Min a);Yu.V.Orlovskii b)c);Xia Shang-Da a);and Zhang Yong-Fan d) a) Department of Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China b) Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS;38 Vavilov st.;Moscow 119991;Russia c) Institute of Physics;University of Tartu;Riia 142;Tartu 51014;Estonia d) Department of Chemistry;Fuzhou University;Fuzhou 350002;China
Isothermal bulk modulus and its first pressure derivative of NaCl at high pressure and high temperature
Song Ting a);Sun Xiao-Wei a);Liu Zi-Jiang b);Li Jian-Feng a);and Tian Jun-Hong a) a) School of Mathematics and Physics;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;Lanzhou 730070;China b) Department of Physics;Lanzhou City University;Lanzhou 730070;China
Neutron irradiation effects on AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
L Ling;Zhang Jin-Cheng;Xue Jun-Shuai;Ma Xiao-Hua;Zhang Wei;Bi Zhi-Wei;Zhang Yue;and Hao Yue School of Microelectronics;Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China
Improving InGaN-LED performance by optimizing the patterned sapphire substrate shape
Huang Xiao-Hui;Liu Jian-Ping;Fan Ya-Ming;Kong Jun-Jie;Yang Hui;and Wang Huai-Bing Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Suzhou 215125;China
Thermospin effects in parallel coupled double quantum dots in the presence of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction and Zeeman splitting
Xue Hui-Jie a)b);L Tian-Quan a);Zhang Hong-Chen c);Yin Hai-Tao b);Cui Lian a);and He Ze-Long a) a) Department of physics;Center for Condensed Matter Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China b) Heilongjiang Key Laboratory for Low Dimensional and Mesoscopic Physics;School of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Harbin Normal University;Harbin 150025;China c) Space Materials and Environment Engineering Laboratory;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Adsorption behavior of iron phthalocyanine on a Ag(110) surface
Wu Ke;Huang Qi-Huan;Zhang Han-Jie;Liao Qing;and He Pi-Mo Physics Department;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China
Topological structure effect on far-infrared spectra in a GaAs/InAs nanoring
Gu Li-Ying a);Li Yan-Fang a)b);Chu Wei-Dong b);and Wei Ying-Hui a) a) College of Materials Science and Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;Taiyuan 030024;China b) Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Beijing 100088;China
Field-assisted spin-polarized electron transport through a single quantum well with spin-orbit coupling
Ding Xiu-Huan a)b);Zhang Cun-Xi c);Wang Rui c);Zhou Yun-Qing c);and Kong Ling-Min c) a) Department of Mathematics;Zhejiang Ocean University;Zhoushan 316000;China b) Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China c) Department of Physics;Zhejiang Ocean University;Zhoushan 316000;China
Modeling of the drain-induced barrier lowering effect and optimization for a dual-channel 4H silicon carbide metal semiconductor field effect transistor
Zhang Xian-Jun;Yang Yin-Tang;Duan Bao-Xing;Chai Chang-Chun;Song Kun;and Chen Bin Key Laboratory of Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices of the Ministry of Education;School of Microelectronics;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China
Temperature-dependent characteristics of 4H-SiC junction barrier Schottky diodes
Chen Feng-Ping a);Zhang Yu-Ming a);Zhang Yi-Men a);Tang Xiao-Yan a);Wang Yue-Hu a);and Chen Wen-Hao b) a) School of Microelectronics;Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China b) School of Technical Physics;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China
Analysis of the breakdown mechanism for an ultra high voltage high-side thin layer silicon-on-insulator p-channel low-density metal-oxide semiconductor
Zhuang Xiang;Qiao Ming;Zhang Bo;and Li Zhao-Ji State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Nonlinear dynamics in wurtzite InN diodes under terahertz radiation
Feng Wei Department of Physics;Jiangsu University;Zhenjiang 212013;China
Single-particle distribution function of a quantum dot system at finite temperature
Wen Rui;Zhang De-Ping;and Tian Guang-Shan School of Physics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Highly sensitive giant magnetoimpedance in a solenoid containing FeCo-based ribbon
Fang Yun-Zhang a)b);Xu Qi-Ming a);Zheng Jin-Ju b);Wu Feng-Min b);Ye Hui-Qun b);Si Jian-Xiao b);Zheng Jian-Long b);Fan Xiao-Zhen b);and Yang Xiao-Hong c) a) School of Material Science and Engineering;Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology;Xi’an 710055;China b) Research Center for Light Emitting Diodes;Zhejiang Normal University;Jinhua 321004;China c) Jinhua Polytechnic;Jinhua 321007;China
Excellent soft magnetic properties realized in FeCoN thin films
Zhang Lu-Ran;L Hua;Liu Xi;Bai Jian-Min;and Wei Fu-Lin Key Laboratory of Education Ministry on Magnetism and Magnetic Material;Research Institute of Magnetic Materials;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
Magnetocaloric and barocaloric effects in a Gd5Si2Ge2 compound
Zou Jun-Ding School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beihang University;Beijing 100191;China
Magnetocaloric effects in Mn1.35Fe0.65P1-xSix compounds
Geng Yao-Xiang;Tegus O;and Bi Li-Ge Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory for Physics and Chemistry of Functional Materials;Inner Mongolia Normal University;Hohhot 010022;China
Microwave reflection properties of planar anisotropy Fe50Ni50 powder/paraffin composites
Wei Jian-Qiang;Zhang Zhao-Qi;Han Rui;Wang Tao;and Li Fa-Shen Institute of Applied Magnetics;Key Laboratory of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of Ministry of Education;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
Effects of(LiCe) co-substitution on the structural and electrical properties of CaBi2Nb2O9 ceramics
Tian Xiao-Xia a);Qu Shao-Bo a)b);Du Hong-Liang a);Li Ye a);and Xu Zhuo b) a) College of Science;Air Force Engineering University;Xi’an 710051;China b) Electronic Materials Research Laboratory;Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China
Guided-mode resonant Brewster filter consisting of two homogenous layers and a single grating with an equal refractive index
Ma Jian-Yong and Fan Yong-Tao Shanghai Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201800;China
An effective reflectance method for designing broadband antireflection films coupled with solar cells
Zhan Feng a)b);He Ji-Fang b);Shang Xiang-Jun b);Li Mi-Feng b);Ni Hai-Qiao b);Xu Ying-Qiang b);and Niu Zhi-Chuan b) a) The Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Metal Materials and New Processing Technology of Ministry of Education;Guangxi University;Nanning 530004;China b) State Key Laboratory of Superlattices and Microstructures;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Nanoscaled ZnO films used as enhanced substrates for fluorescence detection of dyes
Liu Yan-Song a);Yi Fu b);Ramachandram Badugu b);Joseph R.Lakowicz b);and Xu Xiao-Liang a) a) Department of Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China b) Center for Fluorescence Spectroscopy;University of Maryland School of Medicine;725 West Lombard Street;Baltimore;Maryland 21021;USA
Terahertz wave generation in coupled quantum dots
Ma Yu-Rong a);Guo Shi-Fang b);and Duan Su-Qing b) a) Beijing Vocational College of Electronic Science;Beijing 100176;China b) Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Beijing 100088;China
Zn/O ratio and oxygen chemical state of nanocrystalline ZnO films grown at different temperatures
Fan Hai-Bo;Zheng Xin-Liang;Wu Si-Cheng;Liu Zhi-Gang;and Yao He-Bao Department of Physics;National Key Laboratory of Photoelectric Technology and Functional Materials;National Photoelectric Technology and Functional Materials & Application of Science and Technology International Cooperation Base;Northwest University;Xi’an 710069;China
Comparison of the formation process and properties of epitaxial graphenes on Si-and C-face 6H-SiC substrates
Wang Dang-Chao a)b);Zhang Yu-Ming a);Zhang Yi-Men a);Lei Tian-Mina);Guo Hui a);Wang Yue-Hu a);Tang Xiao-Yan a);and Wang Hang a) a) School of Microelectronics;Xidian University;Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China b) School of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Xianyang Normal College;Xianyang 712000;China
Synthesis and characterization of a single diamond crystal with a high nitrogen concentration
Zhang Zhuang-Fei;Jia Xiao-Peng;Liu Xiao-Bing;Hu Mei-Hua;Li Yong;Yan Bing-Min;and Ma Hong-An National Laboratory of Superhard Materials;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China
Slow-rise and fast-drop current feature of ultraviolet response spectra for ZnO-nanowire film modulated by water molecules
Ren Shou-Tian;Wang Qiang;Zhao Feng;and Qu Shi-Liang Department of Optoelectronic Science;Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai;Weihai 264209;China
Doctor-bladed Cu2ZnSnS4 light absorption layer for low-cost solar cell application
Chen Qin-Miao a)b);Li Zhen-Qing a)b);Ni Yi b);Cheng Shu-Yi b);and Dou Xiao-Ming a)b)c) a) Department of Physics;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China b) School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;Shanghai 200093;China c) Consolidated Research Institute for Advanced Science and Medical Care;Waseda University;513 Wasedatsurumaki-cho;Shinjuku-ku;Tokyo 162-0041;Japan
Tunable broadband metamaterial absorber consisting of ferrite slabs and a copper wire
Yang Yong-Jun;Huang Yong-Jun;Wen Guang-Jun;Zhong Jing-Ping;Sun Hai-Bin;and Oghenemuero Gordon Key Laboratory of Broadband Optical Fiber Transmission & Communication Networks;School of Communication and Information Engineering;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 611731;China
Two-dimensional model of elastically coupled molecular motors
Zhang Hong-Wei a)b);Wen Shu-Tang a)c);Chen Gai-Rong c);Li Yu-Xiao a);Cao Zhong-Xing c);and Li Wei c) a) School of Physics and Engineering;Zhengzhou University;Zhengzhou 450052;China b) Department of Physics;Zhengzhou Normal University;Zhengzhou 450044;China c) School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Xinxiang University;Xinxiang 453003;China
Effect of channel-protein interaction on translocation of a protein-like chain through a finite channel
Sun Ting-Ting a);Ma Hai-Zhu a);and Jiang Zhou-Ting b) a) School of Information and Electronic Engineering;Zhejiang Gongshang University;Hangzhou 310018;China b) Department of Physics;China Jiliang University;Hangzhou 310018;China
Chaotic diagonal recurrent neural network
Wang Xing-Yuan and Zhang Yi School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Exact scaling for the mean first-passage time of random walks on a generalized Koch network with a trap
Zhang Jing-Yuan a);Sun Wei-Gang a);and Chen Guan-Rong b) a) School of Science;Hangzhou Dianzi University;Hangzhou 310018;China b) Department of Electronic Engineering;City University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong SAR;China
First-principles study of atomic and electronic structures of kaolinite in soft rock
He Man-Chao;Zhao Jian;and Fang Zhi-Jie State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Beijing 100083;China
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