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Chinese Physics
2011 Issue 7
Universal critical properties of the Eulerian bond-cubic model
Ding Cheng-Xiang a);Yao Gui-Yuan a);Li Song b);Deng You-Jin c);and Guo Wen-An a) a) Physics Department;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China b) Analysis and Testing Center;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China c) Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale;Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230027;China
Amplified spontaneous emission from metal-backed poly[2-methoxy-5-(2’-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] film
Zhang Bo;Hou Yan-Bing;Teng Feng;Lou Zhi-Dong;Liu Xiao-Jun;Hu Bing;and Wu Wen-Bin Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Optical Information of Ministry of Education;Institute of Optoelectronic Technology;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing 100044;China
Binary nonlinearization of the super classical-Boussinesq hierarchy
Tao Si-Xing a);Wang Hui b);and Shi Hui c) a) Department of Mathematics;Shangqiu Normal University;Shangqiu 476000;China b) Department of Mathematics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200444;China c) Department of Physics and Information Engineering;Shangqiu Normal University;Shangqiu 476000;China
Conservation laws for variable coefficient nonlinear wave equations with power nonlinearities
Huang Ding-Jiang a)b)c);Zhou Shui-Geng b)c);and Yang Qin-Min a) a) Department of Mathematics;East China University of Science and Technology;Shanghai 200237;China b) School of Computer Science;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China c) Shanghai Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China
The approximate conserved quantity of the weakly nonholonomic mechanical-electrical system
Liu Xiao-Wei a);Li Yuan-Cheng a);and Xia Li-Li b) a) College of Physics Science and Technology;China University of Petroleum;Qingdao 266555;China b) Department of Physics;Henan Institute of Education;Zhengzhou 450014;China
Lie-Mei symmetry and conserved quantities of the Rosenberg problem
Liu Xiao-Wei and Li Yuan-Cheng College of Physics Science and Technology;China University of Petroleum;Qingdao 266555;China
Asymptotic solution for the El Nio time delay sea-air oscillator model
Mo Jia-Qi a)b);Lin Wan-Tao c);and Lin Yi-Hua c) a) Department of Mathematics;Anhui Normal University;Wuhu 241003;China b) Division of Computational Science;E-Institutes of Shanghai Universities at Shanghai Jiaotong University;Shanghai 200240;China c) Institute of Atmospheric Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China
A meshless method for the compound KdV-Burgers equation
Cheng Rong-Jun a) and Cheng Yu-Min b) a) Ningbo Institute of Technology;Zhejiang University;Ningbo 315100;China b) Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China
A new approach to obtaining positive-definite Wigner operator for two entangled particles with different masses
Fan Hong-Yi a);Xu Xue-Xiang a)b);Yuan Hong-Chun b);Wang Shuai a);Wang Zhen a);Xu Peng c);and Jiang Nian-Quan c) a) Department of Physics;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200030;China b) College of Physics & Communication Electronics;Jiangxi Normal University;Nanchang 330022;China c) College of Physics and Electric Information;Wenzhou University;Wenzhou 325035;China
Spin symmetric solutions of Dirac equation with Pschl-Teller potential
Ferhat Taskin and Gkhan Koak Department of Physics;Erciyes University;Kayseri 38039;Turkey
Entanglement dynamics of a moving multi-photon Jaynes-Cummings model in mixed states
Tan Lei a)b);Zhang Yu-Qing a);and Zhu Zhong-Hua b) a) Institute of Theoretical Physics;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China b) Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of Ministry of Education;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
Avoiding the decay of entanglement for coupling two-qubit system interacting with a non-Markov environment
Ji Ying-Hua a)b);Liu Yong-Mei a)c);and Wang Zi-Sheng a)b) a) College of Physics and Communication Electronics;Jiangxi Normal University;Nanchang 330022;China b) Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic and Telecommunication of Jiangxi;Nanchang 330022;China c) College of Mathematics and Information Science of Jiangxi Normal University;Nanchang 330022;China
Eavesdropping on the quantum dialogue protocol in lossy channel
Liu Heng a);Zhang Xiu-Lan b);and L Hui a) a) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science;Huainan Normal University;Huainan 232038;China b) Department of Physics and Electronic Information;Huainan Normal University;Huainan 232038;China
Entanglement distribution using three-mode separable state with imperfect equipments
Song Ting-Ting a);Zhang Jie b);Gao Fei a);and Wen Qiao-Yan a) a) State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China b) School of Science;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China
Landau damping of collective mode in a quasi-two-dimensional repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate
Ma Xiao-Dong;Yang Zhan-Jin;Lu Jun-Zhe;and Wei Wei College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Xinjiang Normal University;Urumchi 830054;China
A note on teleparallel Killing vector fields in Bianchi type Ⅷ and Ⅸ space-times in teleparallel theory of gravitation
Ghulam Shabbir a);Amjad Ali b);and Suhail Khan a) a) Faculty of Engineering Sciences;GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology;Topi;Swabi;Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa;Pakistan b) Department of Basic Sciences;University of Engineering and Technology;Peshawar;Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa;Pakistan
An efficient chaotic source coding scheme with variable-length blocks
Lin Qiu-Zhen a);Wong Kwok-Wo a);and Chen Jian-Yong b) a) Department of Electronic Engineering;City University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong 999077;China b) Department of Computer Science and Technology;Shenzhen University;Shenzhen 518060;China
The H_∞ synchronization of nonlinear Bloch systems via dynamic feedback control approach
D.H.Ji a);J.H.Koo b);S.C.Won b);and Ju H.Park c)a) Mobile Communication Division;Digital Media and Communications;Samsung Electronics;Co.Ltd.;416-2 Maetan-Dong;Suwon 443-803;Republic of Korea b) Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering;Pohang University of Science and Technology;San 31 Hyoja-Dong;Pohang 790-784;Republic of Korea c) Department of Electrical Engineering;Yeungnam University;214-1 Dae-Dong;Kyongsan 712-749;Republic of Korea
Generalized synchronization of two unidirectionally coupled discrete stochastic dynamical systems
Yuan Zhi-Ling;Xu Zhen-Yuan;and Guo Liu-Xiao School of science;Jiangnan University;wuxi 214122;China
Bias dependence of a deep submicron NMOSFET response to total dose irradiation
Liu Zhang-Li a)b);Hu Zhi-Yuan a)b);Zhang Zheng-Xuan a);Shao Hua a);Chen Ming a)b);Bi Da-Wei a);Ning Bing-Xu a)b);and Zou Shi-Chang a) a) State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics;Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200050;China b) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China
Low frequency asymptotics for the spin-weighted spheroidal equation in the case of s=1/2
Dong Kun;Tian Gui-Hua;and Sun Yue School of Science;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China
The influence of interface modifier on photodetachment of negative ions in an electric field near a metal surface
Huang Kai-Yun and Wang De-Hua School of Physics;Ludong University;Yantai 264039;China
Generation-channel interference of high-order harmonics of an anharmonic oscillator driven by bi-chrime laser fields and its mechanism
Wang Li-Ming;Cai Jun;and Qiao Hao-Xue Department of physics;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;China
Extending a release-and-recapture scheme to single atom optical tweezer for effective temperature evaluation
He Jun;Yang Bao-Dong;Zhang Tian-Cai;and Wang Jun-Min State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices;and Institute of Opto-Electronics;Shanxi University;Taiyuan 030006;China
Effects of self-fields on electron trajectory and gain in two-stream electromagnetically pumped free-electron laser with ion channel guiding
S.Saviz a);Farzin M.Aghamir b);H.Mehdian c);and M.Ghorannevis a) a) Plasma Physics Research Center;Science and Research Branch;Islamic Azad University;Tehran;P.O.Box.14665-678;Iran b) Department of Physics;University of Tehran;N.Kargar Ave;Tehran 14399;Iran c) Department of Physics and Institute for Plasma Research;Tarbiat Moallem University;49;Dr.Mofatteh avenue;Tehran 15614;Iran
Terahertz coherent transition radiation based on an ultrashort electron bunching beam
Liu Wen-Xin a)b);Huang Wen-Hui a);Du Ying-Chao a);Yan Li-Xin a);Wu Dai a);and Tang Chuan-Xiang a) a) Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China b) Key Laboratory of High Power Microwave Sources and Technologies;Institute of Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Conformal optical system design with a single fixed conic corrector
Song Da-Lin;Chang Jun;Wang Qing-Feng;He Wu-Bin;and Cao Jiao School of Optoelectronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China
Sunlight loss for femtosecond microstructured silicon with two impurity bands
Fang Jian;Chen Chang-Shui;Wang Fang;and Liu Song-Hao Institute of Biophotonics;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510631;China
Far-field divergence of a vectorial plane wave diffracted by a circular aperture from the vectorial structure
Zhou Guo-Quan School of Sciences;Zhejiang A & F University;Lin’an 311300;China
Time evolution of distribution functions in dissipative environments
Hu Li-Yun a);Chen Fei a);Wang Zi-Sheng a);and Fan Hong-Yi b) a) College of Physics and Communication Electronics;Jiangxi Normal University;Nanchang 330022;China b) Department of Physics;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200030;China
Effective Bose-Hubbard interaction with enhanced nonlinearity in an array of coupled cavities
Zhou Ling;Liu Zhong-Ju;Yan Wei-Bin;and Mu Qing-Xia School of Physics and Optoelectronics Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Enhanced or suppressed six-wave mixing in a five-level atomic system
Song Yue;Dai Guo-Xian;Fu Yu-Xin;Zhao Jin-Yan;Wang Zhi-Guo;and Zhang Yan-Peng Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education and Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Information Photonic Technique;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China
An optical rotation sensor based on dispersive slow-light medium
Wang Nan a)b);Zhang Yun-Dong a);and Yuan Ping a) a) Institute of Opto-electronics;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150080;China b) Engineering Research Center of Optoelectronic Materials & Devices;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Dalian Jiaotong University;Dalian 116028;China
A large bandwidth photonic delay line using passive cascaded silicon-on-insulator microring resonators
Hu Ying-Tao a);Xiao Xi a);Li Zhi-Yong a);Li Yun-Tao a);Fan Zhong-Chao b);Han Wei-Hua b);Yu Yu-De a);and Yu Jin-Zhong a) a) State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China b) Engineering Research Center for Semiconductor Integrated Technology;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Numerical simulation of the modulation to incident laser by the repaired damage site in a fused silica subsurface
Li Li a);Xiang Xia a)b);Zu Xiao-Tao a);Wang Hai-Jun b);Yuan Xiao-Dong b);Jiang Xiao-Dong b);Zheng Wan-Guo b);and Dai Wei b) a) Institute of Physics and Electronics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China b) Research Center of Laser Fusion;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Mianyang 621900;China
A compact in-plane photonic crystal channel drop filter
Zhao Yi-Nan;Li Ke-Zheng;Wang Xue-Hua;and Jin Chong-Jun State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies;School of Physics and Engineering;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510275;China
The disorder effect on the performance of novel waveguides constructed in two-dimensional amorphous photonic materials
Chen Xiao and Wang Yi-Quan College of Science;Minzu University of China;Beijing 100081;China
CMOS compatible highly efficient grating couplers with a stair-step blaze profile
Zhou Liang a);Li Zhi-Yong a);Hu Ying-Tao a);Xiong Kang a);Fan Zhong-Chao b);Han Wei-Hua b);Yu Yu-De a);and Yu Jin-Zhong a) a) State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China b) Engineering Research Center for Semiconductor Integrated Technology;Institute of semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
The diffracted sound field from the transition region of an axisymmetric body in water
Li Xue-Gang;Yang Kun-De;and Wang Yong College of Marine;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi’an 710072;China
A unique circular path of moving single bubble sonoluminescence in water
Rasoul Sadighi-Bonabi a);Mona Mirheydari a)b);Homa Ebrahimi a);Nastaran Rezaee a)b);and Lida Nikzad c) a) Department of Physics;Sharif University of Technology;Tehran 11365-91;Iran b) Department of Physics;Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch;Tehran 14676-86831;Iran c) Laser and Optics Research School;Tehran 14676-86831;Iran
Designing power heterojunction bipolar transistors with non-uniform emitter finger lengths to achieve high thermal stability
Jin Dong-Yue;Zhang Wan-Rong;Fu Qiang;Chen Liang;Xiao Ying;Wang Ren-Qing;and Zhao Xin College of Electronic Information and Control Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;Beijing 100124;China
The effect of rotation on plane waves in generalized thermo-microstretch elastic solid with one relaxation time for a mode-I crack problem
Kh.Lotfy a)b) and Mohamed I.A.Othman a) a) Department of Mathematics;Faculty of Science;Zagazig University;P.O.Box 44519;Zagazig;Egypt b) Department of Mathematics;Faculty of Science;almithnab;Qassim University;P.O.Box 6666;Almithnab;Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Analytical investigation on mean and turbulent velocity fields of a plane jet
Mi Jian-Chun and Feng Bao-Ping Department of Energy & Resources Engineering;College of Engineering;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Turing pattern selection in a reaction-diffusion epidemic model
Wang Wei-Ming a);Liu Hou-Ye a);Cai Yong-Li a);and Li Zhen-Qing b) a) College of Mathematics and Information Science;Wenzhou University;Wenzhou 325035;China b) State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093;China
Luminescence properties of InxGa1-xN(x~0.04) films grown by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy
Zhao Wei;Wang Lai;Wang Jia-Xing;and Luo Yi State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;and Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology;Department of Electronic Engineering;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
Interface of quasicrystal and crystal
Fan Tian-You a);Xie Ling-Yun a);Fan Lei b);and Wang Qing-Zhao c) a) School of Science;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China b) School of Life Science;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China c) Department of Mathematics and Statistics;University of Minnesota Duluth;Duluth;MN 55812;USA
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering properties of highly ordered self-assemblies of gold nanorods with different aspect ratios
Shi Xue-Zhao a)b);Shen Cheng-Min b);Wang Deng-Ke b)c);Li Chen b);Tian Yuan b);Xu Zhi-Chuan b);Wang Chun-Ming a);and Gao Hong-Jun b) a) College of Chemistry and Engineering;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China b) Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China c) School of Physical Science and Technology;Yunnan University;Kunming 650091;China
Atomistic simulation of site preference,Curie temperature,and lattice vibration of Nd2Co7-xFex
Qian Ping a);Liu Jiu-Li a);Hu Yao-Wen b);Bai Li-Jun a);and Shen Jiang a) a) Institute of Applied Physics;Beijing University of Science and Technology;Beijing 100083;China b) Beijing Zhongguancun School;Beijing 100190;China
Structural modification of C60 films induced by 300-keV Xe-ion irradiation
Yao Cun-Feng a)b);Jin Yun-Fan a);Wang Zhi-Guang a);Pang Li-Long a)b);Shen Tie-Long a)b);and Zhu Ya-Bin a)b) a) Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Lanzhou 730000;China b) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Electrostatic interaction between a rod-like macromolecule and a circular orifice/disk in an electrolyte solution
Lian Zeng-Ju Department of Physics;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China
Phase relations in the ZnO-V2O5-K2O system
Chen Ye-Qing a);Li Lei b);Ren Qi b);Zhu Hang-Tian a)b);Liang Jing-Kui a)c);Luo Jun a);Li Jing-Bo a);and Rao Guang-Hui a) a) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China b) Department of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China c) International Center for Materials Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Quantum diffusion in bilateral doped chains
Jin Fu-Bao;Zhang Kai-Wang;and Zhong Jian-Xin Department of Physics;Xiangtan University;Xiangtan 411105;China
Magnetic properties of several potential rocksalt half-metallic ferromagnets based on the first-principles calculations
Liu Jun a);Zhan Rui b);Li Li a);and Dong Hui-Ning a) a) College of Mathematics and Physics;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Chongqing 400065;China b) College of Communications and Information Engineering;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Chongqing 400065;China
Structural,electronic,and magnetic properties of CrN under high pressure
Lin He a)b)c) and Zeng Zhi a) a) Key Laboratory of Materials Physics;Institute of Solid State Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China b) Institute of Applied Chemistry;Xinjiang University;Urumqi 830046;China c) Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100094;China
MgO-decorated carbon nanotubes for CO2 adsorption:first principles calculations
Zhu Feng;Dong Shan;and Cheng Gang State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Radiative life time of an exciton confined in a strained GaN/Ga1-xAlxN cylindrical dot:built-in electric field effects
Chang Woo Lee a) and A.John Peter b) a) Department of Chemical Engineering and Green Energy Center;College of Engineering;Kyung Hee University;1 Seochun;Gihung;Yongin;Gyeonggi 446-701;Republic of Korea b) Department of Physics;Government Arts and Science College;Melur-625106;India
Dynamic electron transport theory for multiprobe mesoscopic structures
Quan Jun a);Tian Ying b);Zhang Jun a)c);and Shao Le-Xi a) a) School of Physics Science and Technology;Zhanjiang Normal University;Zhanjiang 524048;China b) Center of Liberal Education;Zhanjiang Normal University;Zhanjiang 524048;China c) Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Integration Technology;Shenzhen 518055;China
Numerical study of strained InGaAs quantum well lasers emitting at 2.33 μm using the eight-band model
Wang Ming;Gu Yong-Xian;Ji Hai-Ming;Yang Tao;and Wang Zhan-Guo Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Spin current and its heat effect in a multichannel quantum wire with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
Song Zhan-Feng;Wang Ya-Dong;Shao Hui-Bin;and Sun Zhi-Gang Zhangjiakou Vocational and Technical College;Zhangjiakou 075000;China
Identification and elimination of inductively coupled plasma-induced defects in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures
Lin Fang a);Shen Bo a);Lu Li-Wu a);Liu Xin-Yu b);Wei Ke b);Xu Fu-Jun a);Wang Yan a);Ma Nan a);and Huang Jun b) a) State Key Laboratory of Artificial Microstructures and Mesoscopic Physics;School of Physics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China b) Institute of Microelectronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China
Compound buried layer SOI high voltage device with a step buried oxide
Wang Yuan-Gang;Luo Xiao-Rong;Ge Rui;Wu Li-Juan;Chen Xi;Yao Guo-Liang;Lei Tian-Fei;Wang Qi;Fan Jie;and Hu Xia-Rong State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Transport properties through double-magnetic-barrier structures in graphene
Wang Su-Xin a)b);Li Zhi-Wen a)b);Liu Jian-Jun c);and Li Yu-Xian c) a) Department of Physics;Hebei Normal College for Nationalities;Chengde 067000;China b) Hebei Advanced Film Laboratory;Shijiazhuang 050016;China c) College of Physics;Hebei Normal University;Shijiazhuang 050016;China
Effect of proportion on rectification in organic co-oligomer spin rectifiers
Hu Gui-Chao;Wang Hui;and Ren Jun-Feng College of Physics and Electronics;Shandong Normal University;Jinan 250014;China
Formation energies and electronic structures of native point defects in potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Wang Kun-Peng and Huang Ye National Center for Materials Service Safety;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China
A method based on magnetic moment measurement to identify the structural transition of quenched Fe1-xGax(x=0.15-0.30) alloys
Zhu Xiao-Xi;Liu Jing-Hua;Xu Xiang;and Jiang Cheng-Bao School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beihang University;Beijing 100191;China
Multiferroic properties of sol-gel derived Bi5Fe1-xCoxTi3O15 thin films
Wang Wei;Wu Xin-Hua;Mao Xiang-Yu;and Chen Xiao-Bing College of Physical Science and Technology;Yangzhou University;Yangzhou 225002;China
Raman and mid-infrared spectroscopic study of geometrically frustrated hydroxyl cobalt halides at room temperature
Liu Xiao-Dong a);Meng Dong-Dong a);Hagihala Masato a);Zheng Xu-Guang a)b);and Guo Qi-Xin c) a) Department of Physics;Graduate School of Science and Engineering;Saga University;Saga 840-8502;Japan b) Department of Physics;Faculty of Science and Engineering;Saga University;Saga 840-8502;Japan c) Synchrotron Light Application Center & Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Saga University;Saga 840-8502;Japan
Evolution of infrared spectra and optical emission spectra in hydrogenated silicon thin films prepared by VHF-PECVD
Hou Guo-Fu;Geng Xin-Hua;Zhang Xiao-Dan;Sun Jian;Zhang Jian-Jun;and Zhao Ying Institute of Photo-electronics;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071;China
Simulation of the light extraction efficiency of nanostructure light-emitting diodes
Zhu Ji-Hong a);Wang Liang-Ji a);Zhang Shu-Ming a);Wang Hui a);Zhao De-Gang a);Zhu Jian-Jun a);Liu Zong-Shun a);Jiang De-Sheng a);and Yang Hui a)b) a) State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductor;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China b) Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Suzhou 215123;China
Novel photoluminescence properties of InAlO3(ZnO)m superlattice nanowires
Liu Xin;Huang Dong-Liang;Wu Li-Li;Zhang Xi-Tian;and Zhang Wei-Guang Heilongjiang Province Key Laboratory for Low-Dimensional System and Mesoscopic Physics and School of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Harbin Normal University;Harbin 150025;China
Real-time observation of template-assisted colloidal aggregation and colloidal dispersion under an alternating electric field
Li Chao-Rong;Li Shu-Wen;Mei Jie;Xu Qing;Zheng Ying-Ying;and Dong Wen-Jun Department of Physics;Center for Optoelectronics Materials and Devices;and Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Materials & Manufacturing Technology of Ministry of Education;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;Hangzhou 310018;China
Growth of gem-grade nitrogen-doped diamond crystals heavily doped with the addition of Ba(N32
Huang Guo-Feng;Jia Xiao-Peng;Li Yong;Hu Mei-Hua;Li Zhan-Chang;Yan Bing-Min;and Ma Hong-An National Laboratory of Superhard Materials;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China
Ionic conductivity study on electron beam irradiated polyacrylonitrile-polyethylene oxide gel
Ma Yi-Zhun a)b);Pang Li-Long a)b);Zhu Ya-Bin a)b);Wang Zhi-Guang a);and Shen Tie-Long a)b) a) Institute of Modern Physics;Lanzhou 730000;China b) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100490;China
Enhancement of photoluminescence in Sr2CeO4 phosphors by doping with non-rare earth impurities
Xue Shu-Wen;Wang En-Guo;and Zhang Jun School of Physics Science and Technology;Zhanjiang Normal University;Guangdong 524048;China
Stereodynamics of the O(3P) with H2(D2) (ν=0,j=0) reaction
Liu Yu-Fang;He Xiao-Hu;Shi De-Heng;and Sun Jin-Feng Department of Physics;Henan Normal University;Xinxiang 453007;China
Nonlinear time-dependent simulation of helix traveling wave tubes
Peng Wei-Feng;Yang Zhong-Hai;Hu Yu-Lu;Li Jian-Qing;Lu Qi-Ru;and Li Bin Vacuum Electronics National Laboratory;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
The p recombination layer in tunnel junctions for micromorph tandem solar cells
Yao Wen-Jie;Zeng Xiang-Bo;Peng Wen-Bo;Liu Shi-Yong;Xie Xiao-Bing;Wang Chao;and Liao Xian-Bo Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Circulation system complex networks and teleconnections
Gong Zhi-Qiang a);Wang Xiao-Juan b);Zhi Rong a);and Feng Ai-Xia c) a) Laboratory for Climate Monitoring and Diagnosing;National Climate Center;China Meteorological Administration;Beijing 100081;China b) College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Changshu Institute of Technology;Changshu 215500;China c) Department of Physics;Yangzhou University;Yangzhou 225009;China
Constraints on the unified model of dark matter and dark energy
L Jian-Bo a);Wu Ya-Bo a);Xu Li-Xin b);and Wang Yu-Ting b) a) Department of Physics;Liaoning Normal University;Dalian 116029;China b) School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China