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Chinese Physics
2009 Issue 6
Symmetry and general symmetry groups of the coupled Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation
Wang Jia a) and Li Biao a)b) a)Nonlinear Science Center and Department of Mathematics;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China b)MM Key Laboratory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Modelling the spread of sexually transmitted diseases on scale-free networks
Liu Mao-Xing a)b) and Ruan Jionga) a)School of Mathematical Sciences;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China b)Department of Mathematics;North University of China;Taiyuan 030051;China
Effects of dust size distribution on nonlinear waves in a dusty plasma
Chen Jian-Hong Department of Physics;Lanzhou City University;Lanzhou 730070;China
New two-mode intermediate momentum-coordinate representation with quantum entanglement and its application
Xu Shi-Min a)b);Xu Xing-Lei a)b);Li Hong-Qi a)b);and Wang Ji-Suo c) a)Department of Physics;Heze University;Heze 274015;China b)Key Laboratory of Quantum Communication and Calculation;Heze University;Heze 274015;China c)Department of Physics;Liaocheng University;Liaocheng 252059;China
Multiparty quantum secret conference based on quantum encryption with pure entangled states
Gu Bin;Li Chuan-Qi;and Chen Yu-Lin College of Math and Physics;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;Nanjing 210044;China
Quantum key distribution series network protocol with M-classical Bobs
Zhang Xian-Zhou a);Gong Wei-Gui a);Tan Yong-Gang b);Ren Zhen-Zhong a);and Guo Xiao-Tian a) a)Physics and Information Engineering College;Henan Normal University;Xinxiang 453007;China b)Physics and Information Engineering College;Luoyang Normal College;Luoyang 471022;China
Enhancing the security of quantum secret sharing against multiphoton attack
Zhang Bin-Bin a);Wang Da-Qing a);Huang Shan-Shan b);and Liu Yub) a)College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China b)Department of Electronic Science and Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China
A new method of researching fermion tunneling from the Vaidya-Bonner de Sitter black hole
Lin Kai and Yang Shu-Zheng Institute of Theoretical Physics;China West Normal University;Nanchong 637002;China
Thermal equation of state for lattice Boltzmann gases
Ran Zheng Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China
Circuitry implementation of a novel four-dimensional nonautonomous hyperchaotic Liu system and its experimental studies on synchronization control
Luo Xiao-Hua;Zhou Wei a);Li Rui a);Liang Yi-Long b);and Luo Ming-Wei c) a)College of Communication and Information Engineering;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecom;Chongqing 400065;China b)College of Biological Information;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecom;Chongqing 400065;China c)College of Automation;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecom;Chongqing 400065;China
Pinning control of complex Lur’e networks
Zhang Qing-Zhen a) and Li Zhong-Kui b) a)School of Automation Science and Electronic Engineering;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100083;China b)State Key Laboratory for Turbulence and Complex Systems;College of Engineering;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Random shortcuts induce phase synchronization in complex Chua systems
Wei Du-Qu;Luo Xiao-Shu;and Qin Ying-Hua College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Guangxi Normal University;Guilin 541004;China
A novel four-dimensional autonomous hyperchaotic system
Liu Chong-Xin and Liu Ling School of Electrical Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China
Small-time scale network traffic prediction based on a local support vector machine regression model
Meng Qing-Fang a)b);Chen Yue-Hui a);and Peng Yu-Hua b) a)School of Information Science and Engineering;University of Jinan;Jinan 250022;China b)School of Information Science and Engineering;Shandong University;Jinan 250100;China
Simulating train movement in railway traffic using a car-following model
Li Ke-Ping and Guan Li-Jia
Spin-filtering junctions with double ferroelectric barriers
Ju Yan and Xing Ding-Yu National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China
Synchronization speed of identical oscillators on community networks
Zhang Zhi;Fu Zhong-Qian and Yan Gang Department of Electronic Science and Technology;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
Experimental sensitivity on searching for CP violation at BES-Ⅲ
Zhao Ming-Gang;Rong Gang;Ma Hai-Long;and Zhang Da-Hua Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Monte Carlo simulation of the exposure factor
Zhang Tao a)b);Liu Yi-Bao a)b)?;Yang Bo b);Wu He-Xi b);and Gu Jin-Hu b) a)Key Laboratory of Nuclear Resources and Environment;Ministry of Education;Nanchang 330013;China b)School of Nuclear Engineering and Technology;East China Institute of Technology;Fuzhou 344000;China
Characteristic analysis of the optical delay in frequency response of resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) photodetectors
Guo Jian-Chuan;Zuo Yu-Hua Zhang Yun;Ding Wu-Chang;Cheng Bu-Wen;Yu Jin-Zhong;and Wang Qi-Ming State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Energy level analyses of even-parity J=1 and 2 Rydberg states of Sn I by multichannel quantum defect theory
You Shuai;Feng Yan-Yan;and Dai Zhen-Wen Department of Physics;Jilin University;Changchun 130021;China Key Lab of Coherent Light;Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy;Ministry of Education;Changchun 130021;China
Ground state energy of He isoelectronic sequence treated variationally via Hylleraas-like wavefunction
Serpil Sakiroglu;Kadir Akgngr;and Ismail Skmen Physics Department;Dokuz Eyll University;Buca-Izmir 35160;Turkey
Oscillator strengths for 2 ~2S-n~2P transitions of the lithium isoelectronic sequence from Z=11 to 20
Hu Mu-Hong and Wang Zhi -Wen School of Physics and Electronic Technology;Liaoning Normal University;Dalian 116029;China
Elastic collisions between Si and D atoms at low temperatures and accurate analytic potential energy function and molecular constants of the SiD(X~2Π) radical
Shi De-Heng a)b);Zhang Jin-Ping b);Sun Jin-Feng a);and Zhu Zun-Lue a) a)College of Physics & Information Engineering;Henan Normal University;Xinxiang 453007;China b)College of Physics & Electronic Engineering;Xinyang Normal University;Xinyang 464000;China
Size dependence of biexciton binding energy in single InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Dou Xiu-Ming a);Sun Bao-Quan a);Huang She-Song a);Ni Hai-Qiao )a);Niu Zhi-Chuan a);Yang Fu-Hua a);and Jia Rui b) a)SKLSM;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China b)Laboratory of Nano-Fabrication and Novel Devices Integrated Technology;Institute of Microelectronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China
Appearance of metallic features in small tungsten clusters
Lei Xue-Ling a);Wang Xian-Ming a);Zhu Heng-Jiang a);and Luo You-Hua b) a)School of Maths-Physics and Information Sciences;Xinjiang Normal University;Urumqi 830054;China b)Department of Physics;East China University of Science and Technology;Shanghai 200237;China
Theoretical studies on the one-and two-photon absorption properties of azulenylporphyrins and azulene-fused porphyrins
Li Wen-Chao a);Feng Ji-Kang a)b);Ren Ai-Min a);Zhang Xiang-Biao a);and Sun Chia-Chung a) a)State Key Laboratory of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry;Institute of Theoretical Chemistry;Jilin University;Changchun 130023;China b)College of Chemistry;Jilin University;Changchun 130023;China
Manipulation of multiple electromagnetically induced two-photon transparency in a six-level atomic system
Jia Wen-Zhi and Wang Shun-Jin Center of Theoretical Physics;School of Physics;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610064;China
Entanglement and coherence of a three-level atom in Λ configuration interacting with two fields
Zhang Jian-Song and Xu Jing-Bo Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics and Department of Physics;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China
Influence of the virtual photon field on the squeezing properties of an atom laser
Zhao Jian-Gang;Sun Chang-Yong;Wen Ling-Hua);and Liang Bao-Long School of Physics Science and Information Technology;Liaocheng University;Liaocheng 252059;China
Quasiprobability distributions of new kinds of even and odd nonlinear coherent states
Meng Xiang-Guo;Wang Ji-Suo;and Liang Bao-Long Department of Physics;Liaocheng University;Liaocheng 252059;China
Optimal entropy squeezing sudden generation and its control for an effective two-level moving atom entanglement with the two-mode coherent fields
Liu Xiao-Juan ac);Zhou Yuan-Jun b);and Fang Mao-Fa c) a)Department of Physics;Hunan University of Science and Technology;Xiangtan 411201;China b)Department of Physics;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China c)Department of Physics;Hunan Normal University;Changsha 410081;China
Quantization of the radiation field in an anisotropic dielectric medium
Li Wei;Liu Shi-Bing;and Yang Wei Institute of Laser Engineering;Beijng University of Technology;Beijing 100022;China
Quantum superdense coding via cavity-assisted interactions
Pan Guo-Zhu a)c);Yang Ming a);and Cao Zhuo-Liang a)b) a)Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic Information Acquisition and Manipulation;Ministry of Education;School of Physics and Material Science;Anhui University;Hefei 230039;China b)Department of Physics;Hefei Teachers College;Hefei 230061;China c)Basic Experiment Center;West Anhui University;Lu’an 237012;China
Influence of laser linewidth on external-cavity frequency doubling efficiency of a 1.56 μm master oscillator fiber power amplifier
Tian Xiu-Tao;Li Yong-Min;Liu Qin;and Zhang Kuan-Shou State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices;Institute of Opto-Electronics;Shanxi University;Taiyuan 030006;China
Pulse-train nonuniformity in an all-fiber ring laser passively mode-locked by nonlinear polarization rotation
Luo Zhi-Chao a);Xu Wen-Cheng a);Song Chuang-Xing a);Luo Ai-Ping a);and Chen Wei-Chengb) a)Laboratory of Photonic Information Technology;School of Information & Optoelectronic Science and Engineering;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510006;China b)Department of Physics;Foshan University;Foshan 528000;China
Vibration insensitive optical ring cavity
Miao Jin;Jiang Yan-Yi;Fang Su;Bi Zhi-Yi;and Ma Long-Sheng State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200062;China
Phase dispersion of Raman and Rayleigh-enhanced four-wave mixings in femtosecond polarization beats
Zhao Yan a);Nie Zhi-Qiang a);Li Chang-Biao a);Zhang Yan-Peng a);Gan Chen-Li a);Zheng Huai-Bin a);Li Yuan-Yuan a);and Lu Ke-Qing b) a)Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China b)State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Technology;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xi’an 710068;China
Solutions to the equations describing materials with competing quadratic and cubic nonlinearities
Zhao Li-Na a);Tong Zi-Shuang b);and Lin Jia) a)Institute of Nonlinear Physics;Zhejiang Normal University;Jinhua 321004;China b)Normal School;Jinhua College of Profession and Technology;Jinhua 321017;China
Dark incoherent spatial solitons in logarithmically saturable nonlinear media
Zhang Yi-Qi a)c);Lu Ke-Qing a);Zhang Mei-Zhi a)c);Li Ke-Hao a)c);Liu Shuang b)c);and Zhang Yan-Peng )d) a)State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xi’an 710119;China b)Optoelectronic Technology Department–Optoelectronic Tracking Technology Research Center;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xi’an 710119;China c)Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China d)Department of Electronic Science and Technology;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China
The similarity of interactions between (3+1)D spatiotemporal optical solitons in both the dispersive medium with cubic-quintic nonlinearity and the saturable medium
Peng Jin-Zhang a)b);Yang Hong a);and Tang Yi b) a)College of Physics Science and Information Engineering;Jishou University;Jishou 416000;China b)Department of Physics;Xiangtan University;Xiangtan 411105;China
OH- absorption bands of LiNbO3 with varying composition
Chen Hong-Jian a);Shi Li-Hong b);Yan Wen-Bo a);Chen Gui-Feng a);Shen Jun a);and Li Yang-Xian a) a)School of Materials Science and Engineering;Hebei University of Technology;Tianjin 300130;China b)Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction;Tianjin 300384;China
Transmission spectra through a photonic double quantum well system
Fei Hong-Ming a);Jiang Yuan-Kai b);Liang Jiu-Qing a);and Lin Duo-Liang b) a)Institute of Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics;Shanxi University;Taiyuan 030006;China b)Department of Physics;State University of New York at Buffalo;Buffalo;New York 14260-1500;USA
Fabrication of high-quality three-dimensional photonic crystal heterostructures
Liu Zheng-Qi;Feng Tian-Hua;Dai Qiao-Feng;Wu Li-Jun;and Lan Sheng Laboratory of Photonic Information Technology;School for Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510006;China
Applied electric field to fabricate colloidal crystals with the photonic band-gap in communication waveband
Yan Hai-Tao;Wang Ming;Ge Yi-Xian;and Yu Ping Jiangsu Key Lab on Opto-Electronic Technology;School of Physical Science and Technology;Nanjing Normal University;Nanjing 210097;China
High-performance evanescently-coupled uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes
Zhang Yun-Xiao;Liao Zai-Yi;and Wang Wei Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Mode-field half-widths of Gaussian approximation for the fundamental mode of two kinds of optical waveguides
Li Lian-Huang and Guo Fu-Yuan Institute of Laser and Optoelectronics Technology;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Photonics Technology;Key Laboratory of OptoElectronic Science and Technology for Medicine of Ministry of Education;Fujian Normal University;Fuzhou 350007;China
Theoretical and experimental investigations of flexural wave propagation in periodic grid structures designed with the idea of phononic crystals
Wen Ji-Hong;Yu Dian-Long;Liu Jing-Wen;Xiao Yong;and Wen Xi-Sen Institute of Mechatronical Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China Key Lab of Photonic and Phononic Crystals;Changsha 410073;China
Self-consistent three-dimensional modeling and simulation of large-scale rectangular surface-wave plasma source
Lan Chao-Huia);Lan Chao-Zhen b);Hu Xi-Wei a);Chen Zhao-Quan a);and Liu Ming-Hai a) a)College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China b)Institute of Surveying & Mapping;Information Engineering University;Zhengzhou 450052;China
Electric fields inside and outside an anisotropic dielectric sphere
Li Ying-Le and Wang Ming-Jun Institute of Radio Wave Propagation and Scattering;Xianyang Normal University;Xiangyang 712000;China
Dynamics simulation on the interaction of intense laser pulses with atomic clusters
Du Hong-Chuan a);Zhu Peng-Jia a)b);Sun Shao-Hua a);Liu Zuo-Ye a);Li Lu a);Ma Ling-Ling a);and Hu Bi-Tao a) a)School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China b)School of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 200036;China
The stability margin on EAST tokamak
Qian Jin-Ping a);Wan Bao-Nian a);Shen Biao a);M.L. Walkerb);D.A. Humphreysb);and Xiao Bing-Jia a) a)Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China b)General Atomics;San Diego;California;USA
Prediction of the plasma distribution using an artificial neural network
Li Wei a);Chen Jun-Fang a);and Wang Teng b) a)School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510006;China b)School of Computer;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510631;China
7.8 GHz power generation device design using a rectangular dielectric-loaded waveguide
Lu Zhi-Gang;Gong Yu-Bin;Wei Yan-Yu;Xu Jin;Gao Peng;and Wang Wen-Xiang School of Physical Electronics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China
Three-dimensional simulation of a Ka-band relativistic Cherenkov source with metal photonic-band-gap structures
Gao Xi a);Yang Zi-Qiang a);Qi Li-Mei a);Lan Feng a);Shi Zong-Jun a);Li Da-Zhi b);and Liang Zheng a) a)Research Institute of High Energy Electronics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 610054;China b)Institute for Laser Technology;2-6 Yamada-Oka;Suita;Osaka 565-0871;Japan
A revised version of the program VEC (visual computing in electron crystallography)
Li Xue-Ming;Li Fang-Hua;and Fan Hai-Fu Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Experimental verification of Foreman dislocation model
Zhao Chun-Wanga);Xing Yong-Ming a);and Bai Pu-Cun b) a)College of Science;Inner Mongolia University of Technology;Hohhot 010051;China b)College of Materials Science and Engineering;Inner Mongolia University of Technology;Hohhot 010051;China
Periodic,quasiperiodic and chaotic discrete breathers in a parametrical driven two-dimensional discrete diatomic Klein-Gordon lattice
Xu Quan a)b) and Tian Qiang b) a)Department of Physics;Daqing Normal University;Daqing 163712;China b)Department of Physics;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Single-particle spectral function of the Hubbard chain:frustration induced
Wang Jing a)b) and Enrico Arrigonib) a) Department of Physics;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China b) Institute of Theoretical Physics and Computational Physics;Graz University of Technology;A-8010 Graz;Austria
Ab initio prediction on ferrotoroidic and electronic properties of olivine Li4MnFeCoNiP4O16
Feng Hong-Jian and Liu Fa-Min School of Science;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100191;China
Ab initio study on magnetoelectric and electronic properties in Pb2TiVO6
Feng Hong-Jian and Liu Fa-Min School of Science;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100191;China
Ab initio studies on n-type and p-type Li4Ti5O12
Zhong Zhi-Yong a);Nie Zheng-Xin a);Du Yan-Lan a);Ouyang Chu-Ying a);Shi Si-Qi b);and Lei Min-Sheng a) a)Department of Physics;Jiangxi Normal University;Nanchang 330027;China b)Department of Physics;Center for Optoelectronics Materials and Devices;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;Hangzhou 310018;China
Transport properties of a random binary side-coupled chain
Hu Dong-Sheng a);Lu Xiu-Juan b);Zhang Yong-Mei a);and Zhu Chen-Ping a) a)Department of Applied Physics;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Nanjing 211100;China b)College of International Education;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Nanjing 210016;China
Transport properties of boron nanotubes investigated by ab initio calculation
Guo Wei;Hu Yi-Bin;Zhang Yu-Yang;Du Shi-Xuan;and Gao Hong-Jun Nanoscale Physics and Devices Laboratory;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
First-principles study of the electronic and optical properties of ZnO nanowires
Zhang Fu-Chun a)b)c);Zhang Zhi-Yong d);Zhang Wei-Hu a)b)c) Yan Jun-Feng d);and Yong Jiang-Ni d) a)Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xi’an 710068;China b)Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China c)College of Physics & Electronic Information;Yan’an University;Shaanxi Yan’an 716000;China d)Information Science and Technology Institution;Northwest University;Xi’an 710127;China
Current-voltage characteristics of individual conducting polymer nanotubes and nanowires
Long Yun-Ze a);Yin Zhi-Hua a);Li Meng-Meng a);Gu Chang-Zhi b);Duvail Jean-Lucc);Jin Ai-Zi b);and Wan Mei-Xiang d) a)College of Physics Science;Qingdao University;Qingdao 266071;China b)Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China c)Institut des Mat′eriaux Jean Rouxel;Universit′e de Nantes;44322 Nantes;CNRS;France d)Institute of Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Dynamics of electron in a surface quantum well
Wang Li-Fei and Yang Guang-Can School of Physics and Electronic Information;Wenzhou University;Wenzhou 325035;China
Propagation properties of a modified surface plasmonic waveguide with an arc slot
Xue Wen-Rui;Guo Ya-Nan;and Zhang Wen-Mei College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Shanxi University;Taiyuan 030006;China
The topological structure of the integral quantum Hall effect in magnetic semiconductor-superconductor hybrids
Ren Ji-Rong and Zhu Hui Institute of Theoretical Physics;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
Zero biased Ge-on-Si photodetector with a bandwidth of 4.72 GHz at 1550 nm
Xue Hai-Yun;Xue Chun-Lai;Cheng Bu-Wen;Yu Yu-De;and Wang Qi-Ming State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
Competitions of magnetism and superconductivity in FeAs-based materials
Yang Shuo a)b);You Wen-Long ai-Qing a) a)Department of Physics and ITP;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong;China b)Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
First-principles investigation of the electronic structure and magnetism of eskolaite
Shen Jing-Qin a)c);Shi Si-Qi a)b);Ouyang Chu-Yin c);Lei Min-Sheng c);and Tang Wei-Hua a) a)Department of Physics;Centre for Optoelectronics Materials and Devices;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;Xiasha College Park;Hangzhou 310018;China b)State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure;Shanghai Institute of Ceramics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200050;China c)Department of Physics;Jiangxi Normal University;Nanchang 330022;China
Ferroelectricity in a diatomic Ising chain as investigated by the elastic Ising model
Guo Yun-Jun;Wang Ke-Feng;and Liu Jun-Ming Laboratory of Solid State Microstructure;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China International Center for Materials Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Influence of an Fe cap layer on the structural and magnetic properties of Fe49Pt51/Fe bi-layers
Duan Chao-Yang a);Ma Bin a);Wei Fu-Lin b);Zhang Zong-Zhi a);and Jin Qing-Yuan a) a)State Key Laboratory for Advanced Photonic Materials and Devices;and Department of Optical Science and Engineering;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China b)Research Institute of Magnetic Materials;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
Microstructural and electromagnetic properties of MnO2 coated nickel particles with submicron size
Tang Bao-Lin a);He Jun a);Ji Tian-Hao b);and Wang Xin-Lin a) a)Division of Functional Material Research;Central Iron & Steel Research Institute;Beijing 100081;China b)College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering;Beijing Technology and Business University;Beijing 100048;China
The electrical transport behavior of Zn-treated Zn1-xMnxO bulks
Peng Xian-De;Zhu Tao;Wang Fang-Wei;Huang Wan-Guo;and Cheng Zhao-Hua Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Simulation of magnetization behaviours of Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)z magnet with low Cu content
Chen Ren-Jie a)c);Zhang Hong-Wei b);Shen Bao-Gen b);Yan A-Ru a);and Chen Li-Dong c) a)Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Ningbo 315201;China b)State Key Laboratory of Magnetism;Institute of Physics and Center for Condensed Matter Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China c)Shanghai Institute of Ceramics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200050;China
The magnetoresistive effect induced by stress in spin-valve structures
Qian Li-Jie;Xu Xiao-Yong;and Hu Jing-Guo College of Physics Science and Technology;Yangzhou University;Yangzhou 225002;China
Structural and electrical properties of Nd ion modified lead zirconate titanate nanopowders and ceramics
Wang Da-Wei a);Zhang De-Qing a)b);Yuan Jie c);Zhao Quan-Liang a);Liu Hong-Mei a);Wang Zhi-Ying a);and Cao Mao-Sheng a) a)School of Material Science and Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China b)College of Chemical Engineering;Qiqihar University;Qiqihar 161006;China c)School of Information Engineering;Central University for Nationality;Beijing 100081;China
Strain effects on the polarized optical properties of InGaN with different In compositions
Tao Ren-Chun;Yu Tong-Jun;Jia Chuan-Yu;Chen Zhi-Zhong;Qin Zhi-Xin);and Zhang Guo-Yi State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics;School of Physics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
The effect of annealing on structural,optical and electrical properties of ZnS/porous silicon composites
Wang Cai-Feng a);Li Qing-Shan b);Hu Bo c);and Li Wei-Bing a) a)Department of Physics and Electronic Science;Binzhou University;Binzhou 256603;China b)Physics Department;Ludong University;Yantai 264025;China c)Flying College;Binzhou University;Binzhou 256603;China
Structure optimization by heuristic algorithm in a coarse-grained off-lattice model
Liu Jing-Fa Computer and Software Institute;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;Nanjing 210044;China
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