Measurement of the blood biochemical parameters in GFP transgenic nude mice
YOU Jin-wei;ZHANG Li-bo;FANG Tian;TIAN Xiao-yun;LIU Biao;ZHOU Sen-mei;LIANG Lei;DONG Min;HU Wen-juan;ZHAO Zhi-gang;YUN Shi-feng;Department of Comparative Medicine;Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command;Army Education Base of Science and Ethics of Experimental Animal;National Science Education Base;
Establishment and identification of MTA1 transgenic mouse model
XUE Hong-sheng;WANG Hai-juan;LIU Jian;ZHANG Li;LIN Chen;ZHAN Qi-min;ZHAO Zhi-long;QIAN Hai-li;State Key Laboratory of Molecular Oncology;Cancer Institute/Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences;Department of Thoracic Surgery;Zhongshan Hospital;Dalian University;Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Comparative Medicine;Ministry of Health;Institute of Laboratory Animal Science;Chinese Academy of Medical Science;