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Grassland of China
2007 Issue 6
Study on Turf Characters of Different Festuca arundinacea Varieties during Summer
he xia1; 2; yang zhi-min1 ; xu ying-chun1 (1. horticulture college of nanjing agricultural university; nanjing 210095; china; 2. assets of chuzhou university; chuzhou 239012; china)
Trends of Nutrient Components and Rumen Degradability of Perfoliate Rosinweed (Silphium perfoliatum ) at Different Growth Stages
dong kuan-hu1; hao chun-yan2; wang kang1 (1.college of animal science and veterinary medicine; shanxi agricultural university; taigu 030801; china; 2.college of arts and science; shanxi agricultural university; taigu 030801; china)
Study on Drought Resistance of Different Lespedeza davurica Materials at Seed Germination Stage Stressed with PEG
hu hui-fang1; wang zhao-lan1; shi wan-guang1; 2; du jian-cai1; yu ying3 (1. grassland research institute of chinese academy of agricultural science; hohhot 010010; china; 2. college of grassland science; gansu agricultural university; lanzhou 730070; china; 3.college of ecology and environmental science; inner mongolia agricultural university; hohhot 010019; china)
Study on the Optimum Condition of Extracting Leaf Protein from Fresh Alfalfa
zhang yao; bai zhi-ming; dong kuan-hu; hou zhi-bing (pratacultural lab. of shanxi agricultural university; taigu 030801; china)
The Feeding Quality Analysis of the Hybrids between Tetraploid Sorghum and Johnsongrass
chang jin-hua; zhao qian; luo yao-wu (agriculture university of hebei; baoding 071001; china)
Evaluation of Nutrition Value of Predominant Pastures from Desert Grassland of Inner Mongolian
xue shu-yuan1; jin hai1; guo xue-feng2; o.enishi3; bayasihuliang4 (1.inner mongolia academy of agriculture and animal husbandry ; hohhot 010030; china; 2.inner mongolia agricultural university; hohhot 010018; china; 3.national institute of livestock and grassland science; tsukuba; japanese national food industry research organization; ibaraki 305-0901; japan; 4.bureau of agriculture and animal science of ertuokeqianqi; erdos 016200; china)
Influence of Rainfall Pattern and Cutting Intensity on Leymus chinensis Steppe
he feng ; li xiang-lin; wan li-qiang; wang guo-liang (institute of animal science; caas; beijing 100094; china)
Expression of Cold Resistance Gene Cas18 of Different Varieties of Alfalfa under Low Temperature
ma chun-ping; cui guo-wen (institute of animal science and technology; northeast agricultural university; haerbin 150030; china)
Study on the Relationship between Transpiration of Carex meyeriana and Environmental Factors in the Changbai Mountain Region
xu hui-feng1; 2; jin yan-ming1; liu xing-tu2 (1. agronomy college of jilin agriculture university; changchun 130118; china; 2. northeast institute of geography and agricultural ecology; chinese academy of sciences; changchun 130012; china)
Species Diversity Changes in Converse Successions of Grassland in Important Eco-function Area in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River
chen wen-ye1; zheng hua-ping2; qi deng-chen1; li guang-yu1; liu zhen-heng3 (1.gansu research academy of forestry science and technology ; lanzhou 730020; china; 2. gansu province department of science and technology ; lanzhou 730030; china; 3.maqu county grassland station of gansu; maqu 747300; china)
Effects of Fertilizer Application on Seed Yield Components and Seed Yield of Astragalus adsurgens Pall.
li lei-lei ; li cong ; wang yong-chen ; miao li-hong (institute of animal sciences ; chinese academy of agricultural sciences; beijing 100094; china)
Study on the Dynamics of Biomass Allocation and Reproductive Yield of Medicago Varia cv. ‘Xinmu No.1 ’
zhang ai-qin1; tan dun-yan2; zhu jin-zhong3 (1.life science college; xinjiang university; xinjiang key laboratory of grassland resource and ecology; urumqi 830046; china; 2. college of forestry science; xinjiang agriculture university; urumqi 830052; china; 3. college of grassland science; xinjiang agriculture university; urumqi 830052; china)
Physiological and Biochemical Changes in Seed Development of Five Elytrigia Species
zhang yan-hong; yi jin (agronomy college; inner mongolia agricultural university ; hohhot 010019; china)
Change of Moisture and Respiration of Leymus chinensis and Phragmites communis after Harvest in Different Cutting Time
zhang hong-xiang; wang li; zhou dao-wei; yan xiu-min (institute of grassland science; northeast normal university; key laboratory of vegetation ecology; ministry of education; changchun 130024; china)
Effects of Cold Pretreatment and Low Temperature Pre-culture on the Callus Inducti on Rate on Anther Culture of Alfalfa
ma ju-lan; zhang bo (key laboratory of grassland resources and ecology of xinjiang; college of grassland science of xinjiang agricultural university; urumqi 830052; china)
Seed Hard-coatedness of Medicago ruthenica Grown in Middle and East Part of Inner Mongolia
eerdungaridi 1 ; noboru nakata 2 (1. college of ecology and environmental science; inner mongolia agricultural university; hohhot 010019; china; 2. faculty of agriculture; tottori university; tottori 680-8553; japan)
Study on the Growth Height of Leymus chinensis in Inner Mongolia Grassland
li xing-hua; zhang cun-hou; han fang; na ri-su (ecology and agrometeorology center of inner mongolia autonomous region; hohhot 010051; china)
Effect of Si on Shoots, Inflorescences and Leaf Area of Alfalfa
tian fu-ping1; zhang zi-he2; chen zi-xuan3; li shang-zhong4; lu yuan1 (1. lanzhou institute of animal and veterinary pharmaceutics science; caas; the lanzhou scientific observation and experiment field station of ministry of agriculture for ecological system in loess plateau areas; lanzhou 730050; china; 2. college of pastoral agriculture science and technology; lanzhou university; lanzhou 730020; china; 3.college of life science and technology; gansu agricultural university; lanzhou 730070; china; 4. gansu academy of agricultural sciences; lanzhou 730070; china)
Effects of Different Storage Conditions on Functional Enzyme of Alfalfa Leaf Protein
shan zhan1; yu zhu1; xue yan-lin2 (1.college of animal science and technology; china agricultural university; beijing 100094; china; 2. institute of grassland sciences; inner mongolia academy of agriculture and animal sciences ; hohhot 010030; china)
Study on Salt Tolerance of 9 Festuca arundinacea
liu zhan-bin; yuan qing-hua; jing qi-mei (institute of animal science; chinse academy of agricaltural sciences; beijing 100094; china)
The Evaluation of Desert-steppe Eco-environment Quality in Inner Mongolia
ma zhi-hua1; 2 ; liu gui-xiang1; li jing-ping1; 2; li jie1; 2 (1.grassland research institute; caas; hohhot 010010; china; 2.graduate school of caas; beijing 100081; china)