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Grassland of China
2002 Issue 5
Breeding of New Lines of Turf-type Tall Fescue.
he ya li; hu xue hua; chen wei; xu hong (shanghai agricultural college; shanghai jiao tong university; shanghai 201101; china)
The effect of Three Types of Overgrazing,Deep Harrowing,Close Nursery on the Degraded Leymus chinense Grassland.
jiang shi cheng; zhou dao wei; (key laboratory for vegetation ecology of ministry of education; p.r.chia; national laboratory of grassland ecological engineering; northeast normal university; changchun 130024; china)
The Present Status and Prospect of Tropical Forages Breeding in China.
zou dong mei 1; jiang chang shun 1; 2 ; (1.tropical field crops and animal husbandry research institute; catas; hainan 571737; china; 2.life science college; sichuan university; chengdu 610064; china)
Introduction of Male Sterile Line Tift85DA_4 and Hybrid Seed Production of Pennisetum Americanum×Pennisetum Purpureum.
ding ceng long; gu hong ru; xu neng xiang; zhong xiao xian; xin hong xia; (institute of animal husbandry; jiangsu academy of agricultural sciences; nanjing 210014; china)
Influence of Grazing Disturbance on Alpine Grassland.
zhou hua kun 1; zhou li 1; zhao xin quan 1; yan zuo liang 1; liu wei 1; shi yan 2 (1.northwest plateau institute of biology; chinese academy of sciences; xining; 810001; 2.bureau of land plan and management; xining city; qinghai province; xining 810001; c
Dynamic Characteristics of Forage Digested and Absorbed by Sheep.
wang qin 1; xiao jing yu 1; wang tian lin 3; li jun cheng 1 (1.college of agricultural science and technology of lanzhou university; gansu grassland ecological research institute; lanzhou730030; 2.dorcter school of dinxi gansu 734000; china)
Morphological Study on Elymus dahuricus, Hordeum brevisubulatum and Their F_1Hybrid and BC_1.
li zao zhe; yun jin feng; yu zhuo; yan jie (college of ecology and environmental science; inner mongolia agricultural university; hohhot 010019; china)
Study on the Isozymes of Different Types of Bromus ciliatus.
yang jing; shi feng ling; zhang xiao li (college of ecology and environmental science; inner mongolia agricultural university; hohhot 010019; china)
Effects of Irrigation on Seed Yield and Quality of Tall Fescue.
xu rong; han jian guo (institute of grassland science; china agricultural university; beijing 100094; china)
The Effect of Grazing Systems on the Sexual Multiplication of the Plants in Stipa breviflora Community.
zhu gui lin\+1; wei zhi jun\+2; han guo dong\+2; yang jing\+2 (1.institute of soil and water conservation; chinese academy of science and ministry of water resource; yangling; shanxi712100; 2.college of ecology and environmental science; inner mongolia ag
A Study on the Fate of ~(15)N Labled Fertilizer and Their Balance in Leymus chinensis Grassland.
li yu zhong 1; zhu ting cheng 2; li jian dong 2 (1.agrometeorology institute; chinese academy of agricultural sciences; beijing 100081; 2.grassland institute; northeast normal university; changchun 130024 china)
Conceiving of Forage Germplasm Resources Database and Information Network Development in China.
xu zhu; shi wen gui; yuan qing; tian qing song; ma yu bao; li lin hang (grassland research institute; chinese academy of agricultural science; inner mongolia; hohhot 010010; china)
Reccent Advances in Drought-resistance Mechanism Research of Cool-season Turf-grass.
ran xiu zhi; yang cheng jun; wu wen bin; (department of agronomy; southwest agricultural university; chongqing 400716; china)
Evaluation Standard of Greening Lawn Quality in Subtropical Cities and Its Application.
zhu ming; li jian long; song zi jian; zhang qiang; zhao de hua; (college of biological science; nanjing university; nanjing; 210093; china)
The Natural and Economic Characteristics of Achnatherum Splendens and Its Utilization and Improvement.
an mao_zhu 1; gao wa 1; wang chun_lan 1; liu defu 2; liu gui_xiang 2; liu ai 2 (1.institute of grassland surveying; inner mongolia academy of animal science; hohhot 010018; china; 2.inner mongolia agricultural university; hohhot 010018; china)
Natural Grassland Reclamation and Its Ecological Impaction in Recent 50 years.
fan jiang wen 1; zhong hua ping 1; yun xu jiang 2; (1.institute of geographic sciences and natural resources research; chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100101; 2.prataculture and forage division; national animal husbandry and veterinary service centr
Dynamics of Combustible Matterials on Grassland.
seying batu; (grassland institute; chinese academy of agricultural sciences; hohhot 010010; china)