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Acta Phytophysiologica Sinica
2000 Issue 1
Alteration of RNA Secondary Structure of Rice Waxy Intron 1 Caused by Naturally Ocurred Mutations
cai xiu ling wang zong yang xing yan yan zhang jing liu hong meng min( shanghai institute of plant physiology; chinese academy of sciences ; shanghai 200032)
Degradation of Ribulose 1, 5 Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase in Naturally Senescing Rice Leaves
peng xin xiang 1 peng shao bing 2 ( 1 lab of molecular plant physiology; college of biotechnology; south china agricultural university ; guangzhou 510642; 2 international rice research institute ; p.o. box 933; 1099 manila; philippines)
Characterization Analysis of Recombinant Plasmid pZ-55 Containing hup Genes from Rhizobium arachis
wang jian feng zhang feng zhang long min nan wang gang xu liang shu ( department of biology; xiamen university ; xiamen 361005)
Change in the Pattern of Photosynthetic Response to Temperature in Wheat Leaves in Winter
jiang hua 1 shi sheng bo 2 xu da quan 1( 1 shanghai institute of plant physiology; chinese academy of sciences ; shanghai 200032; 2 northwest plateau institute of biology; chinese academy of sciences; xining 810001)
Chromosomal Variation in Long term Cultures of Several Related Plants in Triticinae
song xi quan xia guang min chen hui min ( school of life sciences; shandong university ; jinan 250100)
Rubisco Assembly in Higher Plant and Characterization of Its Intermediates
chen gen yun xiao yuan zhen li li ren( shanghai institute of plant physiology; chinese academy of sciences ; shanghai 200032)
The Relationship Between Methyl Jasmonate Induced Anthracnose Resistance of Tobacco Seedlings and Phenylalanine Ammonia lyase Activity and Cell Wall Substances
bin jin hua jiang sheng huang sheng qin pan rui chi( department of biology; south china normal university ; guangzhou 510631)
Effects of Cholesterol and Triacontanol on Flowering in Duckweed
wang yong ( college of life sciences; nankai university ; tianjin 300071)
The Cause of Deviation Made in Determining the Molecular Weight of His-tag Fusion Proteins by SDS-PAGE
tang wei hua zhang jing liu wang zong yang hong meng min( shanghai institute of plant physiology; chinese academy of sciences ; shanghai 200032)
Effect of Active Oxygen on Activity of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase from Amaranthus tricolor
lin zhi fang peng chang lian lin gui zhu( south china institute of botany; chinese academy of sciences ; guangzhou 510650)
Heat Shock Protein Synthesis in Aged Cabbage Seeds
huang shang zhi ( department of bioscience and biotechnology; zhongshan university; guangzhou 510275) cliff m bray ( school of biological sciences; university of manchester ; 3614 stopford building; oxford road; manchester m13 9pt uk)
In vitro Regulation of the Ethanol Catabolism Ability of Tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L.) Cells
zheng ying dong yang yue sheng chen yu fen yang jun ( college of biotechnology; south china agricultural university ; guangzhou 510642)
ABA induced Hydrogen Peroxide Generation in Guard Cells of Vicia faba
miao yu chen song chun peng dong fa cai( department of biology; henan university ; kaifeng 475001)wang xue chen( college of biology; china agricultural university ; beijing 100094)
Construction of a Genomic DNA Library of Dunaliella salina
yang zhi yong zhang qing qi jiao xin zhi xu zheng kai * ( national laboratory of plant molecular genetics; shanghai institute of plant physiology; chinese academy of sciences ; shanghai 200032)