On the Equivalence of Constacyclic Codes over the Ring Fpm+ uFpm+ … + uk-1Fpm
CHANG Xiao-peng;KONG Bo;ZHENG Xi-ying;Department of Information Technology;Henan Institute of Education;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Henan Institute of Education;Institute of Information Engineering;Huanghe Science and Technology College;
The Constructing of Symmetric Graphs of Order 3m~2
GAO Rui-min;YUAN Ze-ming;LI Wan-jun;Department of Basic Course;Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy;College of Computer and Information Engineering;Henan University of Economics and Law;
Analysis of Preseismic Anomalies of the Total Electron Content Based on NOAA Data
QI Shu-guang;GAO Yan-qing;ZHU Zhao-xia;GUO Guang-meng;Laboratory of Natural Disaster Remote-sensing Monitoring;Nanyang Normal University;Enrollment and Employment Office;Nanyang Institute of Science and Technology;College of Foreign Languages;Nanyang Normal University;