Research on Modeling Method with the Sequence of Grey Exponent Law
liang bao-song1; chen zhen1; dang yao-guo2( of information and management science; henan agricultural univevisity; zhengzhou 450002; china; of economics and management science; nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics; nanjing 210016; china),124
NMR Spectra Assignments of Amino Sugar Derivatives
liu hong-min1; ji xiao-ming1; 2; sun he-ping1; 2; fu yu-hong1; 2; zhang bo1; 2( drug research & development center; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou 450052; china; 2.department of chemistry; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou 450001; china),106
Application of XML on Data Transformation in Product Model
yang bei1; yang hong-jun2( of information engineering; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou 450001; china; 2.department of industrial design & information engineering; beijing institute of clothing technology; beijing 100029; china),87,70
A Modified Method of Locating the Region of Interest of Palmprint
li zheng-min1; li an-nan2; lu guang-ming2; 3( of information engineering; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou 450001; china; of computer science and technology; harbin institute of technology; harbin 150001; china; 3.graduate school at shenzhen; tsinghua university; shenzhen 518055; china),19,115