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Journal of Yunnan Tropical Crops Science & Technol
2007 Issue 2
Blossom Number and Fruit Growth of Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener
ji fang1; gao shi-de2; duan an-an1 1.southwest forestry college; kunming 650224; china; 2.yunnan institute of tropical crops; jinghong 666100; china
Effect of Phytohormone on Tissue Culture of Dioscorea composita
huang feng-xiang; guan yan; liang guo-ping; xiao san-yuan yunnan institute of tropical crops; jinghong 666100; china
An Approach to Industry Promotion of Natural Rubber in Lincang
zhou hong-wei the guiding station of tropical crops economic committee; lincang 677000; china
Planting Practice of Lemon for High Yield and Quality in Longchuan
gao he-ping1; wang yong-he2; lei yong-jun1 1.agricultural technology extension station of jinghan; longchuan 678702; china; 2.agriculture bureau of longchuan county; longchuan 678700; china
Comparative Trail of New Oriental Tobacco Varieties, Basma
zhang hong-mei; xu xing-cai; tropical and subtropical economic crops institute; baoshan 678025; china
re dai nong ye guang jiao
The Progress of Research on Lycopene
xiong wei-quan1; wan qun2 1.no.1 institute of agriculture research; chengdu 610072; china; 2.college of horticulture and landscape; southwest university; chongqing 400716; china
The Effect of Different Pollens on Fruit-set and Quality of Hylocereus undatus
zhao zhi-ping; liu dai-xing yunnan institute of tropical crops; jinghong 666100; china
Hoya kerrii in Vitro and Its Rapid Propagation
hoya kerrii in vitro and its rapid propagation guang yan; xiao shan-yuan; liang guo-ping yunnan institute of tropical crops; jinghong 666100; china
Study on Interspecific Protoplast Fusion and Its Factors of Tabacco
chen ming-hong1; chen yi-jian1; chen xue-jun2; wu yu-sheng 3 1.the school of chemistry and biotechnology of yunnan; kunming 650031; china; 2.yunnan academy of tabacco science; kunming 650106; china; 3.the school of agronomy and biotechnology of yau; kunming 650201; china
Study on Akall Extraction of Norbixin from Bixa orellana L. Seed in Yunnan
chen jian-bai; he mei-ying; li guo-hua; li hai-quan yunnan institute of tropical crops; jinghong 666100; china
Study on Molecular Characteristic and Properties of Rubber New Varieties Yunyan77-2 and 77-4
chen xu-guo1; zhang hua-ping2; zhang yun-hua3; shi wen-zhong4; hu jia-ping5 1.yunnan natural rubber co.; ltd.; kunming 650041; china; 2.chinese academy of tropical agricultural science; south-asian institute of tropical crops; zhangjiang 5240912; china; 3.the branch of jinghong; yunnan natural rubber co.; ltd.; jinghong 666100; china
Report on the Production of Kangbinzengjiaolin in Rubber Tree
ye dei-lin; chao ke yunnan natural rubber industry co.; ltd.; the branch of mengla; mengla 666300; china
Preliminary Summary of Field Trial on New Variety of Sugarcane in Lujiang Flatland
huang jian tropical economic crops institute; agriculture academy of yunnan; baoshan 678025; china
The Common Build and Enjoy of Environment with Resources from Frontiers Area of China and Burma
zhao guang-cai southwest forestry college; kunming 650224; china
The Effect of Iron Content and Applied Methods on Leaves with Iron-Deficiency of Mango
huang tai-ming1; xue jin-jun2; fang zhong-bin2 1.guangxi baise modern agriculture technology research & promotion centre; tianyang 533612; china; 2.college of agriculture; guangxi university; nanning 530005; china
Simple Introduction to the Importance of Public Brand of Pu'er Tea and Its Protection
bai yun; lang zeng-quan 1.beijing institute of forest; the economic management dep.; beijing 100083; china; 2.south-west institute of forest; kunming 650224; china
Development of Sugarcane Industry in Longchuan, Yunnan
wang yong-he1; gao he-ping2; yang ming-chuan 1.longchang agricultural office; longchan 678700; china; 2.guiding station of agricultural techniques of jinghan; longchan 678707; china