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Journal of West China Forestry Science
2014 Issue 1
Effect of Water Stress on Physiological Characters and Root Morphology of Aquilaria sinensis Seedlings
YANG Zhen-de;XU Li;YU Shu-zhong;ZHAO Yan-yan;LIU Zhen;College of Forestry;Guangxi University;
Effects of Soil Salinity Degree on Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Afforestation in Mu Us Sandy Land
LI Gen-qian;WANG Jun-bo;QI Xi-lin;GAO Hai-yin;CHEN Wen-hong;LIU Chun-hong;LI Xiao-ting;CAO Zi-lin;Southwest Forestry University;Shelter Forest Construction Workstation;Forestry Station of Dingbian County;
Phyllosphere Fungi Diversity of a Native Species Desmodium spicatum and an Invasive Species Tithonia rotundifolia
LI Wei;HE Shu-qiang;Yunnan Academy of Biodiversity;Southwest Forestry University;
Study on the Leaf Water Potential of Artemisia ordosica in Different Fixation Stage of Sand Dunes and Its Influence Factors
ZHANG Jun-hong;Chongqing Water Resources and Electric Engineering College;Chinese Academy of Forestry;
Effects of Four Growth Regulators on Cutting Rooting of Bougainvillea glabra
XU Yong-yan;Shan Li-li;WANG Qiong;AI Xing-mei;College of Landscape Architecture;Southwest Forestry University;
Variation of Physiological Indexes of Melaleuca bracteata Seedlings under Acid,Alkali and Salt Stress
AI Xing-mei;YANG Peng;LI Yu;FAN Guo-sheng;College of Landscape Architecture;Southwest Forestry University;
Comparative Evaluation on Four Pixel-level Fusion Methods of Pleiades-1 High Resolution Image
REN De-zhi;ZHOU Yao-zhi;LI Jiang-rong;QIAN Deng-feng;Institute of Tibet Plateau Ecology;Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College;Tibet University;Department of Resources and Environment;Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College;Tibet University;
Rapid Nitrogen Diagnosis for Rhododendron‘Furnivall’s Daughter’ Using SPAD-502
CAI Yan-fei;LI Shi-feng;LI Shu-fa;XIE Wei-jia;SONG Jie;National Engineering Research Center for Ornamental Horticulture;Flower Research Institute;Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Key Lab of Yunnan Flower Breeding;Yunnan Flower Research and Development Center;
Flowering Characteristics and Breeding System of Rhododendron siderophyllum
BAI Tian;GUAN Wen-ling;SONG Jie;XIE Wei-jia;LI Shi-feng;College of Horticulture and Landscape;Yunnan Agricultural University;National Engineering Research Center for Ornamental Horticulture;Flower Research Institute;Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Yunnan Flower Breeding Key Lab;
Study on the Characteristics of Alien Invasive Plants of Wetland in Yunnan
YANG Zhong-xing;TAO Jing;ZHENG Jin-xuan;Forest Inventory and Planning Institute of Yunnan Province;
Characteristics of Forest Resources in Zhenkang County of Yunnan Province
YANG Wen-xian;ZHANG Wen-jie;YANG Jian-zhong;LI Zheng-fei;XIONG Xing-wu;Forest Management Branch of Yunnan Institute of Forest Inventory and Planning;Forestry Bureau of Yongren County;
Effect of Moisture on the Structural Diversity of Hippophae rhamnoides L. subsp. sinensis Plantations
YUAN Si-an;LIU Dan-yi;GAO Hui;LI Xiao-ting;CAO Zi-lin;GUO Feng;TANG Cui-ping;LI Gen-qian;Southwest Forestry University;
Study on Characteristics and Application of Vertical Greening Plants in Lushan Mountain
LI Xiao-hua;LIANG Tong-jun;WEI Zong-xian;LU-Jie;ZHANG-Li;ZHANG Xiao-bo;Lushan Botanical Garden;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Biochemical department;Jingdezhen college;
Effect of Domestic Wastewater Irrigation on Undergrowth Plant Diversity and Biomass of Poplar Plantation
SHEN Zhi-guo;BAI Bao-xun;Urban Forestry Research Institute;Henan Academy of Forestry;Centre for Urban Agriculture Research;Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute;
Variation of Endogenous Hormone Contents of Tobacco Plant Response to Black Shank Bio-control Bacteria Inoculation
LI Zu-hong;ZHAO Yin-duo;ZENG Rong;ZHAO Ming-fu;ZHANG Fen-fen;CHEN Long;ZHANG Zheng-yan;LI Yong-zhong;WEN Guo-song;Qujing Branch Company of Yunnan Tobacco Company;Yunnan Agricultural University;
Study on Ecological Adaptability of Trema tomentosa in Different Revegetation Models of Copper-zinc Mine Wasteland in Maguan
LIU Yong-gang;CHANG En-fu;NONG Shi-zeng;LIU Yong-guo;LI Ya;QIAN Xing-ting;AN Kang-fa;Yunnan Academy of Forestry;Wenshan Forestry Institute;Yunnan Hualian Zn - In Shares Co.;Ltd;
Notes on Manglietia aromatica var. calcarea( Magnoliaceae),a Variety Endemic to South-Western China
SIMA Yong-kang;LU Shu-gang;HAO Jia-bo;XU Tao;HAN Ming-yue;XU Liang;LI Dan;MA Hui-fen;CHEN Shao-yu;Yunnan Laboratory for Conservation of Rare;Endangered & Endemic Forest Plants;Public Key Laboratory of the State Forestry Administration;Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Exploitation of Forest Plants;Yunnan Academy of Forestry;School of Life Science;Yunnan University;
In Vivo Anti-ROS Activities of the Fragmentive Products of Several Proanthocyanidins
LI Mei-juan;LAO Qiao-cong;JIANG Yong-xin;YU Hang-ping;JIANG Li;LI Chun-qi;ZHANG Jia-yan;ZHAO ping;Yunnan Key Laboratory of Wood Adhesives and Glue Products;Southwest Forestry University;Hangzhou Hunter Biotechnology Inc.;Key Laboratory for Forest Resources Conservation and Use in the Southwest Mountains of China;Ministry of Education;Southwest Forestry University;
Dielectric Moisture Meter Calibration for Heat Treated Fagus sylvatica
LI Tao;WANG Pei;CAI Jia-bin;ZHOU Ding-guo;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Nanjing Forestry University;
Chinese Biologists Find Canto’s Ratsnake in Motuo,Tibet
LUO Wei-xiong;SUN Guo-zheng;RAO Ding-qi;LIU Wu-lin;LI Bing-zhang;China Forest Exploration & Design Institute on Kunming;Kunming Institute of Zoology;the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Tibet Forest Institute of Survey and Planing;
Spectrophotometric Method Determination of Reserpine in Rauvolfia yunnanensis Using Diazo Coupling Reaction
LONG Jiang-xue;JIANG Tai-yu;XU Wen-xuan;ZHONG Fu-yong;Environmental Science and Engineering College;Xiamen University of Technology;