CRC algorithm with C#
zhou xiang; zhou li-ling (dept. of compute science&information engineering; hunan institute of science&technology; yueyang 414000; china)
New linear models on RDB
yang ke-chang (computer department; hunan institute of science & technology; yueyang 414000; china)
Image-based rendering and the broad application prospect
shi yan-sheng1; wu hua-yi2 (1 department of computer science and technology; hunan institute of science and technology; yueyang 414000; china; 2 state key laboratory of information engineering in surveying; mapping and remote sensing wuhan university ; wuhan 430079; china)
Technology and application of MEMS
zhao yun-cai; li ke-an (department of mechanical and electrical engineering ; hunan institute of science and technology; yueyang 414000; china)