The layout of IP address in WAN
yang yong-bin (college of computer science and information engineering; chongqing technology and business university; chongqing 400067)
Some results on the vertex colourings
wei yi-ping~1; fang kun-fu~2 (1.computer centre; chongqing technology and business university; chongqing 400020; 2.dept. of math.; huzhou teachers college; huzhou; 313000)
Critical radius of superconducting nano-paticles
liu xue-xing~1; chen zhi-qian~2 (1. school of science; chongqing technology and business university; chongqing 400067; china; 2. department of physics; southwest china normal university; chongqing 400715; china)
Study on three-meter auto-transcription system
zhang zhan-long~1; wang jin-gang~2; yang yong-ming~2 (1.computer and information engineering school of chongqing technology and business university; chongqing 400033; 2.electrical engineering college of chongqing university; chongqing 400044; china)