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Non-Ferrous Smelting
2009 Issue 2
Summary of JinFeng Copper Co., Ltd both side-blown bath smelting pre-production
huang xian sheng ; wang guo jun
Recent improvement at the Atlantic Copper Refinery
wang yong hui
Current distribution in modern copper refining
li wei min
Forced water cooling to raise crystalline efficiency of zinc sulfate
xu hong jiang ; ding guang yu ; huang yun qing ; feng kai
Installation of matte grinder in XiangGuang copper smelter
yu yan li ; li hui
The practice of recovery value metales from high-cobalt sediment
sun ming sheng
Optimization of Copper Electro-Refining Tank House Based on METRO Concept
jiang chuan zuo ; zhang xi ping
Research progress on electrodeposited Al and its alloys from ionic liquids on room tempreture
zhang xin ; zhang li peng ; yu xian jin
Effects of amount of Sialon on slag corrosion resistance of MgO-C refractory
zhao li juan ; ye zhi ping ; ru hong qiang
The rmodynamic analysis of electrodepositedα-PbO_2 and β-PbO_2 coatings
chen bu ming ; guo zhong cheng ; yang xian wan
guo wai ye jin dong tai
guo nei ye jin dong tai
er yin
kuang shan gong cheng she bei lei
huo fa ye jin she bei lei
shi chang xing qing
zui xin xiao xi
jia gong she bei lei
huan bao ji jie neng she bei lei
shi fa ye jin she bei lei
Study on impact factors of electric current efficiency for electrolysis reduction of TiO_2 to titanium in molten
zou min ; liu guo qin ; ma guang qiang ; wang zuo lin
xin ji shu yu xin cheng guo
New process of handing electrolyte of waste lead-acid batterie
chen liang ; li gui