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Journal of Yibin Teachers College
2014 Issue 9
On Tang Junyi’s Way to Explain the Meaning of “Xing and Li”of Chen’s Brothers
DENG Xiumei;Center of General Education;Trans World University;
Tang Junyi’s Discussion on Humanism
YANG Yongming;Sichuan Thinkers Research Center;
Analysis on the Causes of Rising Food Prices in Areas Controlled by KMT during the Anti-Japanese War
CHEN Lei;SHI Shangxiao;Social Development Department;Fuyang Teachers College;
Mao Zedong’s Contributions on Ideological Party Construction before and after Gutian Meeting
CHEN Zaisheng;Marxist College;Minnan Normal University;
The Purchase and Sale Mode of Tobacco in Henan during 1927-1937
YANG Xiangkun;Research Center of the Rear Area;Southwest University;
The Similarities and Differences between Zhu Xi and Lu Xiang-shan:Studied from Xin,Xing and Li
WANG Jie;Department of Philosophy;Nanjing University;
Rumors with Indirect Interest Conflicts: an Unofficial Communication Way
ZHU Zhiling;Jiangsu Police Institute;
Study on the Influence of Stock Index Futures on Stock Market Volatility in China
TONG Yuyuan;LIU Xiaofei;CHENG Bingbing;School of Economics;Anhui University;
Suggested Policies on the Risk Prevention of Local Government Debt in the “Post Land Finance”Era
ZHU Xinxian;School of Economics;Fujian Normal University;
geng zheng
ben kan bian ji bu ;
Research on the Ming Poetry Selection Compiled by Ming Adherents
YIN Lingling;Fuyang Teacher’s College;
On the Absence of Ecological Feminist Thoughts in Kong Shan
XIE Chunli;Chinese Department;Dingxi Normal College;
Implication Excavation of Contemplation from Multiple Perspectives:on Bi Shumin’s Prose
LI Hua;YAO Guojian;Writing Research Institute;Bengbu College;
Nothing is Impossible: on the Basic Characteristics of Online Back-in-time Fictions
QIN Wei;Graduate School;Jiangsu Normal University;
A Feminism Metafiction: on the Narrative Feature of The Handmaid’s Tale
DAI Qian;School of Foreign Languages;Henan Polytechnic University;
The Shifts and Origin of the Concept of Liberty in The Prelude
WANG Xiaoping;HUANG Jing;School of Foreign Languages;Guangxi University;
Adaptation and Selection in C-E Translation of Museum Cultural Relics
WANG Jianrong;School of Language and Communication;Beijing Jiaotong University;
The Cognitive Analysis on the Twelfth National Games Emblem from the Perspective of Multimodal Metaphor
WANG Yalei;Foreign Language School;Guangdong University of Finance & Economics;
A Study on the Word “Qi”in Yibin Dialect
WU Jie;College of Liberal Arts;Beijing Normal University;
A Prevue about the Types of Biased Errors in Uighur Students’ Learning of Chinese Function Words
JIANG Xiaoqian;LI Zhizhong;College of Chinese Literature;Xinjiang Normal University;