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Yantai Teachers University journal(Natural Science
1999 Issue 2
Study on conditions of producing citric acid rare earth fodder filler
Wang Ling Chen Yonghua
Design and performance analysis of a new robust adapt ive fuzzy controller
Xie Xuejun  Su Baili Kong Xiangxin
Histological and histochemical studies on the mantle of Nuttallia olivacea
Sun Hushan Wang Xiaoan
Inductive effects of DDVP on erythrocyte nucleus of l oach
Xiang Debiao
The induced product of Schubert submodule
Song Guang’ai Abtract The properties of the function D α i a re introduced;and D α i = V r iw is proved.
wen zhai
Experimental model study of ulcerative colitis in spleen deficiency rats
Wang Xiaojie Liang Jianguang Wan Junli
Linear mappings preserving anti zero products
Jing Wu Zhang Wenying
guan yu bu deng shi zhong chang shu de zui jia ke neng xing tan tao
li chun cheng ; liang chun ge
Studies on exploitation of land resources in Linyi area
Cao Guangjie
Additive derivations of reflexive algebras
Zou Huichao
no he no_2 xiang hu zhuan hua guo cheng zhong ti ji bian hua de tao lun
yu qing jiang ; wang xiao ling
Analysis of fuzzy reliability for compound systems (Ⅱ)
Chen Dexin Meng Guangwu
Further researches on generalized positive definite ma trices
Li Yanxi Yan Yongmei