Preparation of gastro-resistant pellets containing chitosan microspheres for improvement of oral didanosine bioavailability
Patrícia Severinoa;George G.G.de Oliveirab;Humberto G.Ferrazb;Eliana B.Soutoc;d;Maria H.A.Santanaa;aDepartment of Biotechnological Processes;School of Engineering Chemical;University of Campinas;Campinas 13083-970;Brazil bDepartment of Pharmacy;Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences;University of So Paulo;So Paulo 05508-900;Brazil cFaculty of Health Sciences;Fernando Pessoa University;Rua Carlos da Maia;296;4200-150 Porto;Portugal dInstitute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering;Centre of Genomics and Biotechnology;University of Traás-os-Montes e Alto Douro;5001-801 Vila Real;Portugal