Triassic Depositional History of the Yangtze Platform and Great Bank of Guizhou in the Nanpanjiang Basin of South China
daniel j lehrmann1; marcello minzoni2; paul enos3; yu you-yi4; wei jia-yong5; li rong-xi6(1.department of geology; university of wisconsin oshkosh; oshkosh 54901; wisconsin; usa; 2.shell international exploration and production inc; houston 77025; texas; usa; 3. department of geology; university of kansas; lawrence 66045; kansas; usa; 4. school of resources and environmental engineering; guizhou university; guiyang 550025; guizhou; china; 5. bureau of geology and mineral exploration and development of guizhou province; guiyang 550005; guizhou; china; 6. school of earth sciences and resources; chang an university; xi an 710054; shaanxi; china)
Aquifer Parameter Recognition Based on Numerical Simulation
zhao bao-feng1; kang wei-dong2; zhutian duo-wa1; ma lian-jing1(1.school of environmental sciences and engineering; chang an university; xi an 710054; shaanxi; china; 2.department of geology; northwest university; xi an 710069; shaanxi; china)
Basement Faults and Their Recent Activity in Ordos Basin
ma run-yong1; 2; zhu hao-ping3; zhang dao-fa3; pan ai-fang1; 2(1.school of geological engineering and surveying; chang an university; xi an 710054; shaanxi; china; 2.key laboratory of western mineral resources and geological engineering of ministry of education; chang an university; xi an 710054; shaanxi; china; 3.the fifth oil production factory; changqing oilfield company; china national petroleum corporation; xi an 710021; shaanxi; china)