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Wuhan Shipbuilding
2011 Issue 3
Influence of Structural Styles of Water-lubricating Rubber Bearing on the Contact Condition
LAN Fang;LIU Zheng-lin;DAI Ming-cheng;LU Sheng
Research on Effects of Damping on Floating Raft Isolation Performance
FU Jian;WANG Yong-sheng;WEI Ying-san
Monitoring System of Marine Diesel Engine Based on LabVIEW
LIU Li-feng1;ZHOU Gen-ming2;LU Kai-sheng1
Numerical Calculation of Wake Waves of High-speed Displacement Ships
ZHOU Li-lan;GAO Gao;CHEN Ke-qiang ;Ministry of Education;Wuhan 430063;China)
On Reducing Vibration and Lowing Noise of 9000 m3 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger
LI Xiao-yan1;LIN Zhi-xin1;CHEN Sen-li2
Experiment on Performance of Chaos VIS Influened By Excitation Frequency
ZHANG Zhen-hai;ZHU Shi-jian;LOU Jin-jun
Force Analysis and Non-linear FEM Calculation for Flexible Mattress
LIU Ying;YANG Ping
Machinery System Design for Large TSHD Changjing 6
LI Jiang1;LI Ri-xin2
Numerical Simulation Research of FDPSO-TLD System′s Heave Control
ZUO Xiang-chang;YUE Qian-jin;ZHAO Yan
Shafting Alignment Analysis and Install Technology of Self-sailing Semi-submerged Ship
ZHANG Jun-wu;ZHOU Jian-ping;LI Zi
On the Safe Supervision of Ningbo VTS during Period of Typhoon
ZHAO Guo-qiang;XUE Zu-jun
Design of Laser Gyroscope Navigation System Hardware Platform
SONG Wen-jie1;2;SUN Jia1;CHENG Wen1;JI Yan1
Shipbuilding Enterprises Space Resources Deployment Based on the Genetic Algorithm
ZHU Jing-yuan;JIANG Zhi-yong;WANG Yue
Application of Reflection Technology in Dynamic ERP System for Shipyard
CHEN Xi;MAO Yun-sheng
Passenger Volumes Forecast in Traffic Demand Unbalanced Route
HUANG Li-hui1;YUAN Yong-dong2;GONG Chang-qi1;JIN Yan1
Research on Ultimate Strength of Ship Girders with Cutout
DING Yan-wei;YANG Ping
Simulation of High Pressure Injector Spray Based on the Flow within Nozzle
ZHANG Xiang;AN Shi-jie
Flame Temperature and Emissivity Detecting of Supercharged Boiler Based on CCD
ZHOU Guo-yi1;2;TANG Ji-cai2;LI Zhong-gen2
Analysis of Keyless Propeller Installation by Hydraulic Method on High Speed Ship
HUANG Guo-liang1;TAN Zu-sheng2;3 ;Ministry of Education;Wuhan 430063;China;3 Wuhan Nanhua High-Speed Ship Engineering Co.;Ltd;Wuhan 430064;China)
Simulation Design for the New Heave Compensation System
WANG Sheng-li;XING Ji-feng;LU Bang-jun;CHEN Jia
Simulation of the Application of Pneumatic Propulsion Method on Minisub
LI Bin-cheng;HAN Bing
Sea-keeping Performance Optimization Research of Ship Form Based on iSIGHT
YANG Ming;MAO Xiao-fei
Calculation of Wave Loads for Pentamaran
XU Min;ZHANG Shi-lian
Dynamics Simulative Study on the Valve Trains of Diesel Engine
LI Peng-fei;HUANG Ying-yun;GAO Hao-peng;KANG Gui-dong
Application of Interpolation Method in the Transient Speed of Calculation
LIU Peng;HUANG Ying-yun;KANG Gui-dong
Research on the Voice Communication System for Naval Vessel Based on the Soft Switching
WANG Wen-jia;YANG Bin;CUI Honglei
Auxiliary Boiler Control System Based on Single-chip Microcomputer
XU Biao;GUO Hao
Modeling and Application of High-Speed Passenger Fleet Planning
WU Kai;WANG Li-zheng;CHEN Shun-huai;JIN Yan
Study on Flare Impact Characteristics of Large Container Ships
CHEN Zhen;FENG Yong-jun;XIAO Xi
Study of Ship Pilothouse Virtual Design Based on Visual Simulation
SUN Jian-hong;CHEN Sen-li
Research of Stability Algorithm Under Large Vertical and Horizontal Angle
CHEN Qi-nan1;WANG Li-zheng1;ZHAO Cheng-bi2
On the Mechanism and Precaution of Fuel Pump Plunger Cavitation
JIANG Geng-hong
Study on Checking of Flexible Securing Plan for Non-Standardized Cargo
YANG Shou-wei;LIU Jia-xin
Regressive Analysis Between Welding Heat Input,Plate Thickness and CTOD for Thick Steel Plate
ZHANG Feng-wu;MIAO Zhang-mu;CHENG Xiao-juan;LEN Xiao-chang
Study on the Algorithm of Fairing Characteristic Curve in Hull
CHEN Lin;CHEN Shun-huai
Theoretical Analysis on Nonlinear Rolling of Vessels
OU Shan;MAO Xiao-fei
Research on Lubrication Performance of Water-lubricated Slop Platform Thrust Bearing for Ship
WANG Ru-yi;LIU Zheng-lin;WANG Xiang;ZHANG Sheng-dong