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Wuhan Shipbuilding
2006 Issue 4
On the shape stealthy design methods of naval vessels
yang de-qing chang shao-you school of naval architecture & ocean and civil engineering shanghai jiao tong university shanghai 200030
Research of navigating capacity in the area nearby Sutong bridge
liu ming-jun ai wan-zheng cheng zhi-younavigation college wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063
Design and research on a digitalization survey vessel of inland waterway
cai yuan liu ru-guangwaterway management bureau transportation department of jiangsu province nanjing 210004
Analysis on adhere abrasion of bush of diesel engine
fang fengqingdao ocean shipping mariners college qingdao 266071
Development of regulation online system for digital speed governor of diesel engine
hu da-bin wu feng hu jin-huischool of naval architecture and power naval university of engineering wuhan 430033
Application of multidisciplinary design optimization in ship design
chen lu-yun~1 guo wei~2 wang de-yu~11.state key laboratory of ocean engineering shanghai jiao tong university shanghai 2000302.military commissary office of 719 institute wuhan 430064
Optimized design of structure of 20 ft hydrofluoric acid pot-style container
zeng fan-qi~1 qian wei~21.hainan sanya no.4802 factory sanya 5720182.wuhan research institute chian classification of society wuhan 430022
A new method to reduce influence of tensile and compressive deformation upon shape forming accuracy in frame bending
xu zhao-kangschool of transportation wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063
Design of accommodation surroundings for the export ships
li qing-ningdept.shipbuilding engineering wuhan institute of shipbuilding technology wuhan 430050
The LCD design of ship′s gyro-compass based on SID13700
ma nan-qi lu hua-feng liu junschool of energy and power engineering wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063
The conception of RFID and its application in ship management
lei jiang-longdept.of electronics wuhan institute of shipbuilding technology wuhan 430050
Optimizing service and strengthening management to improve continuous development of the collective shipbuilding industry in Taizhou
lin xiao-dongdept.of ship inspection zhejiang taizhou harbor and waterway management bureau taizhou 318000
Simulation and analysis of damaged submarine emergency surfacing maneuver
hao ying-ze hu jian-jun he binnavy submarine academy college qingdao 266071
The application of weighted support vector machine in the machine status identification
du xiang-hua mao rong-fu zhu hai-chaoresearch institute of vibration and noise naval university of engineering wuhan 430033
Calculation method of the internal forces of the quadrilateral mast
chen bing~1 yuan wan-hong~21.dept.shipbuilding engineering wuhan institute of shipbuilding technology wuhan 4300502.yichang shipyard china changjiang national shipping group yichang 443002
A new method for automatic detection of ship targets with complex background in SAR images
gao lan pan feng zhang hui liao yun-liangschool of energy and power engineering wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063
Marine Ad hoc Telecommunication Network
huang yu-wuchangjiang transportation technology co.; ltd wuhan 430021
Stability calculation of separated C-type tank for LEG carrier
zhao zai-lischool of energy and power engineering wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063
Research and analysis on the connecting rod bush fault
yang kun ouyang guang-yaoschool of naval architecture and power naval university of engineering wuhan 430033
The risks of purchasing vessels and facilities with foreign capital and the prevention provisions
wang you-shunschool of economics wuhan university of technology wuhan 430070
About compiling the lash-up draft of the accidents of keel-boats with dangerous goods
shen lelocal maritime office of shangyu shangyu 312300
Fault of primary coolant circuit equipment in nuclear power plant and the comprehensive intelligent diagnosis system
miao zhong-hui jiao zeng-gengschool of naval architecture and power naval university of engineering wuhan 430033
POD propulsor and prediction of propeller open water characteristics
zhang qing-wen wang yan-yingschool of naval architecture and marine engineering dalian university of technology dalian 116024
Technology of installation and location for stern shaft pipe wholly body weld device
zeng qi-chengharbin engineering university harbin 150001
The discuss of calculation methods of UKC for VLCC sailing in Nantong waterway
guo guo-ping chen hou-zhongnavigation college wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063
Research on the 3D-modelling of hull based on Pro/E
huang yong-sheng liu jun-meiengineering college zhejiang ocean college zhoushan 316004
Numerical calculation of the wave pattern resistance for displacement vessels
gao gao xia qiongschool of transportation wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063
Research on the marine ships information management system
yao yu-nanschool of energy and power engineering wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063
Structural design optimization of a river product-oil tanker
xing jin-you zhang bao-jidept.of naval architecture dalian university of technology dalian 116024
The key technical points in the design of 400 t inland river bulk cement carrier
shen sheng-quan zhu yuan-shenghuzhou harbor and waterway management bureau huzhou 313000
Application of the instantaneous speed in fault diagnosis of the multi-cylinder diesel engine
wang zhi-hua~1 zhang ying-hai~21.school of energy and power engineering wuhan university of technology wuhan 4300632.wuhu xinlian communication design company wuhu 241001
Conversion design of the sewage ship
xiao xin-bing~(1; 2) zhong chen-hua~21.unit 91959 naval force sanya 5720002.school of naval architecture and power naval university of engineering wuhan 430033
The rigid sound insulation characteristics study on obstructs
liu ying-yandept.shipbuilding engineering wuhan institute of shipbuilding technology wuhan 430050
On the effects of ship′s routeing system on navigation efficiency
yan jiang-fengjiangyin maritime safety administration bureau jiangyin 214431
Study on wear-resisting coating technique of argon arc surface overlaying
wang xuan-guoschool of material science and engineering wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063
Study on the general model and system matrix method for torsion vibration calculation of complex shafting
ji chen zeng fan-mingschool of naval architecture and power naval university of engineering wuhan 430033
The system of shafting monitoring on the spot of configuration technology
zhong jun-jie ding jun fan shi-dongschool of energy and power engineering wuhan university of technology wuhan 430063