polar motion excited by atmosphere and ocean in multi-frequency bands
CHEN Wei 1;2;SHEN Wenbin 1;2;3 1.Department of Geophysics;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;129 Luoyu Road;Wuhan 430079;China 2.State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;129 Luoyu Road;Wuhan 430079;China 3.Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy;Ministry of Education;129 Luoyu Road;Wuhan 430079;China
multisource marine environmental information grid platform and its prototype system research
XIAO Rulin 1;2;SU Fenzhen 1;DU Yunyan 1;YANG Feng 1;3;HE Yawen 1;4 1.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;11A Datun Road;Chaoyang District;Beijing 100001;China 2.Satellite Environment Centre;Ministry of Environmental Protection;East Fengde Road;Haidian District;Beijing 100094;China 3.Surveying and Mapping Engineering Department of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute;Dongjing Street West;Kaifeng 475003;China 4.Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research for Sustainable Development;Chinese Academy of Science;26 Yinhai Road;Laishan District;Yantai 264003;China
accuracy improvement of aster stereo satellite generated dem using texture filter
Mandla V.Ravibabu 1;2;Kamal Jain 3;Surendra Pal Singh 3;Naga Jyothi Meeniga 4 1.Center for GIS;School of Geography and Environmental Science;Monash University;Clayton Campus;VIC;Australia 2.Environmental;Water Resource and Transportation Engineering Division;School of Mechanical & Building Science;Vellore Institute of Technology-University Vellore-632 014;Tamil Nadu;India 3.Geomatics Engineering Section;Department of Civil Engineering;Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee;Roorkee-247667;U.A.;India 4.Post Graduate Student;Institute of Science and Technology;JNTU;Hyderabad;India