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Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji
1999 Issue 3
quan zhui guan nei ying mo wai nong zhong yi li bao gao
guo yi xiong ; chen jin cao
Pulmonary Vascular Constrictive Response to Hypoxia Could Be Depressed by Calcium Supplement
jin xianrong; \ chen caiping; \ yu shangbinet al department of pathophysiology; school of basic medical sciences; \ \ \ tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
An Observation for the Behavior of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Chronic Highlevel Noise Exposure People
cui yonghua; liu aiguo; huang hongyan et al department of otolaryngology; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Construction and Identification of AdenovirusHerpes Simplex VirusThymidine Kinase Genes Therapy Vectors
lu yunping1 ; \ wang shian2 ; \ zhou jianfeng3 et al 1 department of gynecology and obstetrics; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030 2department of cancer; yangtze river shipping general hospital ; wuhan 4300103department of hema
The Prevalence of NIDDM and IGT among Residents in Some Areas of Hubei Province and Related Factors
wang zengzhen1; jin zhixin2; huang xuzhen1et al 1department of preventive medicine; school of public health; tongji medical university; wuhan 4300302department of internal medicine; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Effects of Magnesium Sulfate on Nitric Oxide and Glutamate Contents in Occlusion Cortex after Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats
deng xuejun; sun shenggang; tong etang department of neurology; xiehe hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430022
Videoassisted Thoracoscopic Surgery in the Treatment of Lung Diseases: A Report of 30 Cases
tang yingxiong; \ zhang debo; \ cheng qifu et al department of surgery; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
The Study of Nitric Oxide Synthetase of the Placenta in Patients with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
guo xiaoyan; chen hanping; ma tingyuan department of obstetrics and gynecology; tongji hospital; tongji medical universicty; wuhan 430030
Study on Growth Suppression of Gelatiaadriamycin Antineoplastic Sustained Release Drug System on the Bladder Tumor Cell Line BIU87
chen jie1; ye zhangqun2; zhou xicai2 et al 1department of urology; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 4300302department of urology; xiehe hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430022
Inhibitive Effects of API0134 against Activation of Plateletson GMP140 and Aggregation of Platelets
li shusheng1; zhao huayue2; wang lin2et al 1department of emergency medicine; 2internal medicine; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan\ 430030
Retrospective Study of 10 STR Loci in Forensic Application
yu chunying; \ yang qingen; \ chen huiet al department of forensic biology; faculty of forensic medicine; tongji medical \ \ \ university; wuhan 430030
Mitral Valve Replacement with Subvalvular Preservation
pan youmin; \ zhao jinping; \ pan tiecheng\ et al department of surgery; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Pharmacological Effects of Tetrandrine on the Function of Rat Bladder
hu min; \ yao weixing; \ xia guojin\ et al department of pharmacology; school of basic medical sciences; \=tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Effects of Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor on Calcium Transient in Neuroblastoma Cells
xia ruohan; liu shengyuan; wang jianzhi department of pathophysiology; school of basic medical sciences; \=tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Selection and Comparison of Flow Cytomytry Methods for Cell Apoptosis Quantitative Analysis
wei wei; gong jianping; qiu fazu molecular medicine; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030st
Studies on the DNA Vaccine(pCDSj32) and Its Efficacy of Protective Immunity
shi youen; \ xie laiping; \ li chuanminget al department of parasitology; school of basic medical sciences; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Screening and Diagnosis of Fragile X Syndrome by PCR
chen jingchun; yang aide; fei hongbaoet al department of pediatrics; xiehe hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430022
zhi ru shi jing lu wai er dao gu shi cheng xing shu zhi liao xian tian xing wai er dao bi suo
wang ji bao ; yu qing song ; kong wei jia
Study on the Relationship between Expression of p21ras,Nuclear\=Features and DNA Ploidy in Gastric Carcinoma and Adjacent Dysplasia
wang zhao1; song guangfang1 ; chen chunlian2 1\ depatrtment of pathology; school of basic medical sciences; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030 \=2department of pathology; tongji hospital; tongji medical univesity; wuhan 430030
Internal Fixation with Selfmade Screw \=Needle for Senile Fracture of Femur Neck: A Report of 74 Cases
zhang lei1; cheng zilin2 1department of orthopedics; shenzhen nanlin hospital; shenzhen 5181232department of orthopedics; wuhan railway central hospital; wuhan 430064
Etiologic Analysis of Children's Simple Proteinuria
xu xinmin; kuang yujiu; wang yunqin\ et al department of pediatrics; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Comparison of the Effects of Recombinant Polypeptide CH50 and IFN on the Immunofunction of Mice during Chemotherapy
cao huiqing; \ feng zuohua; \ zhang guimeiet al department of medical molecular biology; research center of experimental medicine; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
The Targeted Killing Effect of Recombination Pseudomonas Exotoxin (IL2PE40') on Activated and IL2R+ Tlymphocytes
yang yuzhen; \ bi meixia; \ shu pinget al department of medical molecular biology; reseach center of experimental medicine; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Studies on Distribution of 125I Bovine Serum Albumin Astragalus Polysaccharide Nanoparticle in vivo
yi yimu1; yang tangyu2; pan weimin3 1department of pharmaceutics; school of pharmacy; tongji medical university; wuhan4300302drug research department; school of pharmacy; tongji medical university; wuhan4300303nuclear medical laboratory; research cente
Study on the Relationship between Tyrosinase in Peripheral Blood andClinical Stage in Patients with Malignant Melanoma
jiang wen; zhou liyi; chen yingling department of dermatology; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Diagnostic Value of HighFrequency Ultrasonography in the Diseases\= of Salivary Glands
huang xiaofen; \ le guirong department of ultrasound imaging; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Inhibitory Effects of Phenoprolamine on Cystometry(in vivo ) and Bladder \=Contractility (in vitro) and on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
zheng heng; shao chunli; qian jiaqin department of pharmacology; school of basic medical sciences; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Effects of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium,Zinc,Selenium and Taurine on Airway Responsiveness in Isolated Guineapig Bronchi
luo zhigang; jin xianrong department of pathophysiology; school of basic medical sciences; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Ecadherin and PCNA Expression on AirwayEpithelium in Smoking Mice
wu renliang; xu sanlin; wang xiet al department of pathology; school of basic medical sciences; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Cell Proliferation Analysis by Cyclins/DNA Multiparameter Flow Cytometry
gong jianping; wei wei; shu danet al molecular medicine center; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
The Features of Evoked Potential of Cortex and Hippocampus during Coriaria Lactoneinduced Epilepsy in Rat
zhang yuqin; \ wang ajing; \ hu mouxian et al department of electrophysiology; research center of experimental medicine; tongji medical university; wuhan 430030
Microfluorometric Determination of Intracellular DNA and Protein Content and Its Application
wang wei; \ liao guoning; \ ji jinlin et al department of biochemistry; school of basic medical sciences; tongji medicaluniversity; wuhan 430030
Clinical Evaluation of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride in Treatment of Acute Bacterial Infection
xia jingsheng1; zhang zhengxiang2; deng anguo3 et al 1institute of clinical pharmacology; school of basic medical sciences; tongji \ medical university; wuhan 4300302department of internal medicine; tongji hospital; tongji medical university; wu