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Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji
1957 Issue 2
7817 ren xue ya zhi jian yin
zhu wen si ; niu ru zuo ; zhou you shang ;
ti tie mo ( fu yi li bao gao )
chen yuan zuo ; hu sheng hao ;
bei yao bu zhi qie kou zai mo ji zuo niao guan shang duan shou shu zhi ying yong
chen yuan zuo ; xia sui sheng ; li jin qu ;
ma feng de yu duan ji fen xing zhi yan jiu
lesions can be classified by clinical and bacteriological examinations without difficulties so that during a general survey biopsies may be exempted in such cases. Notwithstanding;pathological examinations should not be omitted in reactional cases;astlansformation into iepromatous type waspossible.b. In cases with lesions formerly classified as macule-anaesthetic;special references on histological and immunological examinations was deemed necessary. Histologically;those with tuberculoid infiltrations were classified as macular tuberculoid;while those showing mononuclear infiltrations only were classified as indeterminate. Immunologically;cases showing a negative lepromin reaction were considered lepromatous;whereas those with a positive reaction were considered either as tubcrculoid or indeterminate type.c. Boderline cases have not been observed in our series. As this group is rather uncommon the authors are of the opinion that for simplicity’s sake it may be included in thereactive phases of tuberculoid or lepromatous leprosy..In China;as suggested in this paper;to classify leprosy into 3 types’ Lepromatous;Taberculoid and Indeterminate is practicable and satisfactory.The results of classication in this series of 71 caes were lepromatous 17;tuberculoid 39 and indeterminate 15 .9 .The following cases with special clinical interest were reported and discassed:a. A pecular phenomenon;Iiquefacative necrosis in nodular lesions developed in 3 cases of advanced Iepromatous leprosy. The clinical and histological picture was quite different from Lucio’s erythema and other forms of leprous reaction.b. A rare complication;diabetic coma was seen in one case of advanced leproma tous leprosy during DDS treatment. The coma was soon relieved after insulin therapy;and tater on kept in check by dietetic control alone;no recurrence of symptoms of diabetes mellitus took place after follow-up for 1 year.c. Lesion simulating rhinoscleroma
zhong er dan zhi liu ( fu 62 bing li fen xi )
pan zu zhang ;
ren zuo gu ding zhi chu bu jian yin
zhang ping ben ;
ri ben xue xi chong wei zuo biao ben de ran zhi fa
wen yuan ;
pi ji neng kang jin de lin chuang yan jiu ( er )
chao qian ;
jia zhu tao de zuo jing zuo yong
zhang shi fang ; hu sui jia ; lv fu hua ;
dian guang xing yan yan fang hu zuo de yan jiu
hu chun zhi ;
mo shang xian su dui yu zuo zuo li ti xin zang de cha wei zuo yong
lv fu qu ; wu xi rui ; shi fang ;
wu ji ning chuang bing li fen xi bao gao
lu lian zuo ;
ren ti zhi fang han liang de ding
zhao zuo qian ; meng tian zhen ;
gan zang ji bing shi bai duo xi zuo he shi zuo de jian zuo
liang kuo zuo ;