Analysis of Reliability and Usability of DC Power Supply System for Substation
li peng1; wang jing-shun2; liu shu-xiao3; liu cheng-yin4(1.rizhao power supply company; rizhao 276826; china; 2.yantai dongfang yokelin electronics co.; ltd.; yantai 264001; china; 3.yishui power supply company; yishui 276400; china; of information & elec-tronics engineering; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Properties of Fusion Frame Operators
feng xu-xia1; han jin-cang2( of mathematics; physics and software engineering; lanzhou jiaotong university; lanzhou 730070; china; of in-formation engineering; lanzhou university of finance and economics; lanzhou 730020; china),63
Development of an AC-AC Converter Circuit
huang wei-jun1; he ji-zheng2; zheng tian-nan1( of electron and information engineering; usts; suzhou 215011; china; of environmental science and engineering; usts; suzhou 215011; china),10